friday, february 13 1973 page 2 daily nebraskan W COLL Announcing: FALL SEE.1ESTEH 197 Full-time 3-year day program Part-time day and evening programs The school is FULLY ACCREDITED by the Committee of Bor Examiners, State Bar of California. Tel: (213) 894-5711 H3 TO By Betsie Ammons ; . j The UNL Residence Hall Association (RHA) votea Itaday to raise the cost of refrigeratontalsto dom tory residents from the current rate of $40.82 per year to $42.82. A doikr of the increase will go to RHA to finance con struction of summer storage was for v&Tfre dence hails, said Judi Siminoe, RHA Food and Housing Committee chairwoman. United Student American Industries (USAI), which furnishes the refrigerators, have increased rental prices one dollar, Siminoe said. Siminoe said RHA acts as the middleman between USAI and the resident. RHA receives a profit of $4 per rented refrigerator, according to Sue Ihne, RHA president. A $7 deposit returned at the end of the leasing period is included in the $42.82, Siminoe said. Siminoe said her committee investigated three other leasing companies in an attempt to save dormitory resi dents money. She said they decided to continue business win USAI because a onerea uie iowi hkj. efrotair Ereirali USAI employs students from residence halls to div tribute the refrigerators, rather than using outside help, Siminoe said. ; , In other business, Ihne told the group she will present a statement concerning a proposal to allow alcohol and 24-hour visitation in residence halls at the Feb. 14 meeting of the NU Board of Regents. The regents are scheduled to vote on the proposal at that mee ting. Ihne also said RHA week is planned for March 7 through 13. She said the purpose of RHA week is "t0 promote RHA as an organization and promote individual dormitories. . " A newsletter will be published at the beginning of the week describing the accomplishments of RHA in the past year, Ihne said. Residence halls should plan individual events in observation of the week, she said. Ihne said RHA representatives should ask their hall governments to appoint one person to serve on the elec tion commission for RHA elections, to be held in late February or early March. Ihne said the commission will be formed by February 19. if1 OEBF & BOOZE HALF PRICE DRINKS Pretzels and Chips MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 3:30-5:30 301 No. Cotner 3 Blocks North of "O" 466-2339 FAB: Do we assess student fees, or should we just allocate them? . - a 1 . 1 A. KAAM AAttTfc If Aft TVio f Allrtfatinn Board (TAB) Thursday night dis cussed whether its role is to allocate student fees or to both allocate and assess them. The board expressed disappointment to Ely Meyerson, dean of student development, that FAB was not told about a change in recreation facilities fees. The NU Board of Regents Saturday will be asked to re designate the. fees as "repair and improvement fees to allow recreational equipment repairs. When Don Wesely, FAB chairman, asked Meyerson why FAB was not told about the change, Meyerson said it was an oversight. ."We didn't see the use of fees as deviating from the original intention," Meyerson said. Jack Guthrie, coordinator of business management and programming for the center for students and organiza tions, told the board that FAB's working papers state that its purpose is to allocate and review expenditures of student fees. "Your expression of dissatisfaction is getting into an ' entirely different domain, Guthrie said. w ' : Meyerson said FAB was conceived to allocate student fees but that two years ago Ken Bader, vice chancellor for student affairs, sougnt r ah s aavice on ree assessment "The board has a dual role, Meyerson said. "Its pri mary function is to allocate fees but also, at the request of Vice-Chancellor Bader, to assess fees. Wesely said he plans to discuss FAB's role with Bader this week. ' FAB also discussed its "spring allocations process" and Wesely suggested that the subcommittees hearing budget requests use a uniform procedure. Wesely added that hearings begin next week and organ izations that have submitted a budget request also must make an appointment for a hearing. Correction Mark Ebel, UNL coordinator of recreation, will present a color slide show Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. at the Recreation Office at 1740 Vine St. on the interim backpacking trip to Barranca De Cobre Canyon in Mexico." M" It was incorrectly reported in the Daily NebraskanFeb. 12 that Ebel's talk would be Feb. 14. 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