The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1976, Image 1

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    UNL, VJesIeycan.:
foitm ft 'sponsor
Eighty student delegations, each representing a single
country, will participate in the Nebraska Model United
Nations (MUN) at the Nebraska Union today through
Saturday, according to Doug Podoll, UNL secretary
general and a senior psychology and English major from
Norfolk. . . 4
A delegation can have between two and 12 people, ,
but most will have four to six members. Podoll said. There
-will be 45 delegations from UNL, 10 from Nebraska
Wesley an Univesristy (NWU), 15 from Lincoln high
schools and 10 from other Nebraska public schools, he
said. The total is expected to be 450 to 550 students.
' MUN committees from UNL and NWU are co-sponsor-
ing the conference this year for the first time, said Pam
Davis, NWU secretary-general. Since UNL and NWU
conferences usually Coincide each year, she said, the MUN
committees decided to combine efforts and money in v
hopes of eventually expanding the conference,
UNL's MUN committee is a Union Program Council
sub-committee, but NWU's committee is autonomous,
said Davis, a NWU senior Biology major from Dannebrog,
JJ .-.Li J -I A! .11 I - J
fTcuucaudy iiigiu, uciegaiiuns aucnueu sessions on
charter review, world economics and bloc meetings with
UNL and NWU faculty members and United Nations
John G. Stoessinger, political science professor at the
City University of New York at Hunter College, will give
the keynote address today at 10:30 ajn. in the Union -Centennial
Room. Stoessinger wrote the Bancroft Prize
book, The Might of Nations.
Friday, Nicholas Goncharoff, director of international
education and cultural affairs for the National Board of
YMCAs, will speak at 10 a.m. at NWU's Olin Hall and at
1 pjn. at the Economics and Social Council (ECOSOC)
meeting in the Union Ballroom.
' The General Assembly convenes Friday and the con
ference will adjourn Saturday at 5 pjn. with presentation
of awards to outstanding delegations, Podoll said.
Nebraska Modal Unit Nations Schedule
10:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies and Keynote Add res. (Stoes
singer, Centennial Room.)
1? pjn.-Security Council convenes Room 202.
Committees convene:
' Political and Sacurlty Centennial Room.
Special Political-Ballroom.
4 Ad Hoe Committee on Disputed Territories North and South
Conference Rooms.
Ad Hoc Committee on Chatter Review-Room 232. "
10:30 pin. Meetings recess. Caucuses.
8:30 e.m. -Security Council reconvenes
Comri'rtees reconvene.
The General Assembly and ECOSOC will convene following
the adjournment of two or mors" Committees. Centennial
10:30 pn.-Meetlngs recess. Caucuses.
9 a.m. Security Council reconvenes
ECOSOC reconvenes - ''
The General Assembly reconvenes. , .
6 pn. Security Council adjourns
ECOSOC adjourns
The Generel Assembly adjourns.
Presentation of Awards-Centennial Room.
thursday, february 12, 197S vol. 99 no. 79
inside tods
ConPro: The heart and the sole
of the controversy surrounding ,
earth shoes ...................
Law screening: Some Nebraskans
consider screening potential
lawyers before they enter law
school p. 11
. p.4
s bargaining inpu
A resolution committing the ASUN Senate to seek
ways insuring direct student input in collective bargaining
. negotiations was passed Wednesday night by the Senate.
The resolution, introduced by the Senate's Ad-Hoc
Committee on Collective Bargaining, said the Senate
would seek through 'legislative, executive and judicial
branches of all levels of government, to participate in and
vote on any proposals discussed at such negotiations."
UNL faculty members will vote Feb. 16, on whether
collective bargaining should be established at UNL.
The resolution said the Senate would not tolerate any
attempt, should bargaining be established, to "limit stu
dent input in a strictly consultative role."
Tempers of senators flared over an amendment intro-'
duced by Sen. John Welsh that would have provided $93
for a half-page ad in the Daily Nebraskan to explain the
Senate's position on collective bargaining.
Welsh said the ad would take what he called an unbias
ed stance on collective bargaining and only would alert
students to possible dangers involved in collective bargain
ing. Advertisement biased
But Sen. Bob Simonsen said the resolution arid pro
posed wording of the ad were biased against collective
bargaining and did not tell the possible advantages to stu- .
dents. ' ,' '.
"If the Senate passes this, well be the biggest bunch of
monkeys on campus," Simonsen said. "Welsh has no grasp
about what it (collective bargaining) is all about."
Simonsen said that until the ad-hoc committee re
searched collective bargaining and wrote an unbiased re
solution, the Senate should not pass it.
Welsh said research done on collective bargaining was
"by no means complete," and that no student input into
collective bargaining would be "absurd and will hurt us in
The names of two Republicans mi eleven Democrats
will appear on the Nebraska All Star Presidential Prefer
ence Primary ballot May 11, Nebraska Secretary of State
Alien Beermann announced Wednesday.
President Gerald Ford and former California Gov.
Ronald Reagan will be on.the Republican ballot.
Candidates appearing on the Democratic ballot are:
Indiana Sen. Birch Bayh, former Georgia Gov. Jimmy
Carter, Idaho Sen. Frank Church, former Oklahoma Sen.
Fred Harris, Minnesota Sen. Hubert Humphrey, Washing
ton Sen. Henry Jackson, Massachusetts Sen. Edward
Kennedy, New York anti-abortion candidate Ellen Mc
Cormack, former Peace Corps Director and 1972 Demo
cratic vice-presidential candidate Sargent Shriver, Arizona.
the long-run." ' ' . -
Sen. John Wefso proposed an amendment that would
remove from the resolution all references to the ad but it
fwilcjl - .
Simonsen said he was in favor of student input into
collective bargaining but felt that "issuing ultimatums and
false statements will get us going nowhere fast."
Welsh then withdrew his amendment to appropriate
money for the ad.
... Sen. Steve Goldberg sid faculty members vote Mon
day on whether they want to enter into collective bargain
ing with the administration. He. said that this was the
Senate's last chance to do anything before .the vote.
The vote on the resolution was 16 in favor, six opposed
and two abstaining.
Procedures rejected
In other action, the Senate voted down electoral pro
cedures for this spring's ASUN elections as proposed by
ASUN's electoral commission.
The vote came when senators disagreed with a stipula
tion in the rules that would have omitted party affiliation
of candidates to be printed on the ballot' next to their
names. x
- Rich Moderow of the electoral commission said party
affiliation was left off the ballot because it was felt that
parties haven't meant much after the elections have been
held. Therefore, he said the voters shouldn't be made to
think that party affiliation would really affect how a
candidate voted once in office. '
"Individuals shouldn't rely on parties," Moderow said.
Senators could not vote on specific aspects of the
electoral guidelines. t
Their rejection means that candidates wanting to file
for office will have to wait at least another week until the
Senate votes on amended proposals.
will list 1 3
Rep,-; Morris' Udafl and Alabama Gov. George Wallace.
By Nebraska law, Beermann chooses candidates to ap
pear on the primary ballot based upon several criteria
including whether the candidate has received federal
matching campaign funds under the new federal election
laws, Secret Service protection, national news media ex
posure and primary ballot positions in other states. Dele
gate caucus results in other states, Harris and Gallup Poll
results and registration with the Federal Election Commis
sion, also are considered, he said. '
Candidates listed not wanting their name on the ballot
must file an affidavit with the Secretary of State by March
12 disavowing intentions of running for the presidency in
any other state.
NU Afcletk Director Bob Devraey b
flanked by NU lobbyist William Swansoa
(back) and manager of Lincoln's KOLN
TV, Paul Jensen.
Devaney favors
'break even' bil
r v -J
I ftJn- ...
1 mJL
.-1 il:
t. - . . rJ" V" " " ' "
fhem by Ted Kkk
The Nebraska Leiatttre'a Labor Committee during hearings Wednesday on LDS23, which would allow closed
circuit telecasts In the new sports complex of Nebraska footb&U gomes. ( V
NU Athletic Director Bob Devaney testified Wed
nesday in favor of 1X823 before tho Nebraska Legis
ktura's Labor Committee. .
If passed, the bill, sponsored by Miliigan Sen.
Richard Maresh, would allow closed-circuit telecasts
In the new sports complex of home and away
Nebraska football games by the Nebrsaka EducatiOTal
Television Commission. ,v
Devaney told , the committee that if it would
"guarantee that we would break even, the Atldetic
Department would not be against telecasting one
game on en experimental basis next year."
Paul Jensen, manager of KOLN:TV in Lincoln,
also testified in fayor of the bill.
According to Jensen, KOLN-TV should telecast
next, year's experimental game because he said it
would cost the station less than it would other
networks. .
NU lobbyist William Swanson, also testifying be
fore the committee, said that the university would
cooperate in any way to allow as many people as pos
sible to see the games.
However, because of what he called money con
cerns, Swanson, suggested a specific appropriation to
ensure that no loss would be suffered from telecasting
the games, . ' ,
No ofe at the heating testified against the bill.