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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1976)
moriday, february 9, 1975 page 2 r By Liz Crumley jj A proposal recommending that alcohol be allowed in certain university student living units probably will be' presented to the NU Board of Regents at its Feb. 14 meeting, according to Interim Chancellor Adam Breckenridge. This provision is part of a five-page proposal sponsored by Ken Bader, vice-chancellor for student affairs, and approved by Breckenridge. - The recommendations are trie result of a study started in fall 1975 by a differentiated housing task force, comprised of students, faculty members and staff. The task . force was commissioned by the Housing Policy Committee, a subcommittee of the Council on Student life (CSL). Existing differentiated housing programs in residence halls, Greek houses and cooperatives were evaluated by the task force. , The task force recommendations then were forwarded to CSL, which also made recommendations. Both group's recommendations were presented to Bader. Bader also made recommendations which, according to Breckendridge, will be presented to the regents. Bader's recommendations support existing housing policies of 24-hour visitation for graduate students and three guest hour options for undergraduate students. These include no visitation hours, zero to eight hours and zero to fourteen hours. However, Bader said he thinks the zero to 14-hour option should be substituted by a zero" to 16-hour option. Floors having the 14-hour option now have to find two hours between 10 ajn., the earliest hour for visitation, and 2 ajn.,"the latest hour, when visitation is not permitted. Bader also recommended that the zero- to eight-hour option be extended to a zero- to 16-hour option on Fridays, as it currently is on Saturdays and Sundays. Ptsoto try Ted Kirk Interim Chancellor Adam Breckenridge has approved a recommendation allowing akohol in certain student living units, part of a five-page proposal sponsored by Ken Bader, vice-chancellor for student affairs. The proposal will be presented tp the NU Board 01 Kegenis reD. 1. A 24-hour visitation option available to under graduates as a one-year experimental program also will be presented to the regents. This option would be limited to five floors; one associative living floor in Abel Hall, one floor for females in Schramm and Selleck Quadrangle Halls and one floor for males in Schramm, Cather and Burr halls. Rate study results in housing hike By Betsie Ammons A $35 rate increase for single rooms in UNL residence halls resulted from a study of current and future opera tion costs, said Richard Armstrong, UNL housing director. Single room rates will increase from $1,190 in 1975-76 to $1 ,225 beginning fall semester 1976-77, if approved by the NU Board of Regents at its Feb. 14 meeting. Armstrong said he hopes the regents decide on the in-, crease at the meeting, so housing contracts can be pre pared be Core Spring break. '. t . ' Each year the Housing office prepares a rate study to determine need for raising or lowering housing fees, Arm- -strong said. He said the office studies current operation costs and project those levels to the future, adding or sub tracting according to the current inflation rate. We take most of our cues from the U.S. Dept. of Agri culture for food costs, the U.S. Labor Dept. for wage averages and an economic forecast published in U.S. News Deadline is today Today is the deadline for applying for degrees or certificates to be received at the end of second semester.. Application can be made at the Office of Registration and Records, Information Window, Administration Bldg., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and World Report magazine," Armstrong said. Armstrong said the study, prepared by the Housing Business Office, is "never perfect" and called it their "best guess." If the study is over-projected, surplus money is trans ferred to a bond account to be used by agencies within the university who participate in the -bond program, he said. He said these agencies are the Housing office, Uni versity Health Center and Nebraska Union. Under-projection of the study and lack of operation funds has never been a problem, according to Armstrong. He said if this should ever happen, the housing office would "exhaust every possibility of reducing operation costs, then go to the regents if no other solution could be found." ' Although the cost is increasing, Armstrong said he pre dicts that fall residence hall occupancy will increase. He attributed this to projected UNL enrollment for first semester, 1976-77, which is "up slightly" over the level for the current semester. Armstrong added that off-campus living costs are "racing ahead" faster than on-campu's because of higher rental rates and utility costs. . Armstrong said he did not know whether on-campus living costs would continue to rise. "I wish I knew," he said. "It appears inflation will de cline, but there will always be some inflation. The 1976 rate study is based on the leveling of Inflation." 1 UULIUUWA I sound center"6SS55-- w f 1 1 j IanglPnpMnHKMMWRi' - -avflJUMM WW-"f'ffSSM B Ll m-amtm t II fi ft (i " I ft EG. PRICE OUR PHICE $299.95 $215.00 ueiucr 22208 AMFM STEREO RECEIVER 20 Watts RMS per channel, at 8 Ohmt, from 20 Mi to 20 kH, with no more than 0 6 Total Harmonic . Distortion Phase Lock Loop M MuHl plex Demodulator Batt, Mid and Treble Tone Control! Two Tape Recorder Output! Low and HI Filter! 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Parties would not be permitted in rooms where alcohol is consumed and keggers also would not be allowed. No university funds (including residence hall social fees) could be used to purchase alcoholic beverages. Bader also recommended that a complete evaluation of the option should be conducted after one semester. The only major difference between proposals sub mitted by the task force, CSL and Bader, is that Bader does not recommend coeducational living as a full univer sity living option. Weather Monday: Clear to partly cloudy today with continuing mild temperatures. High in the 50s. Tuesday: Partly cloudy and warm with a high of about 55. . e a Monday 8 a.m. .Japanese agricul tural Training Program Nebraska Center for Continu ing Education, (NCCE) 33rd and Holdrege streets. 8:30 a.m. -Cosmetology instructors courte-NCCE. 1:30 pn .-Marketing Club Nebraska Union small auditorium. 3:30 pjrt.-School of Lift Sciences special seminar; Dr. Donald L, Schnelder-Bestey Hall Auditorium. 4:30 p.m.-Alpha Epsilon Rho-KRNU radio station, Avery Hall. daJsiidar 7:30 pjn.-Prospective law students Union. 8 pjm.-Hess Dya organiza tional meeting-Union Centennial Room. Tuesday 7:30 a.m.-Cosmetology , Instructors course NCCE. 8 ajn. Japanese agricultural Training program -NCCE. 6:30 pjm. Tassels meetlng Barrymore's Party Room. 7 pn.-ASUN Government Liaison Committee-Union. 7 pjn. NU Med's meeting- Union Auditorium. 7 pn. Intercooperative Council Love Hall. 7 p.m.-Llf planning con ference NCCE. 7:30 pjri.-Ag Economics Agribusiness Club-Keim Hall 244. 8 pjn.-Symphonlc wind ensemble concert Kimball Recital Hall, 11th and R streets. It is exasperating to be called so persistently when the last thing we wart to do is to get up and go but God elects to keep on haunting tike some holy ghost. "The Greet intruder" From YOUI JONAH! by Thomas John Cartel wm. 6. Eerdmans Pub. Co. iixiii&m IVHSSfOMHURST . . . A corrimuriKy of CathoSc priests and brothers rrMstering to God s people Asia. Africa and Latin America. Are YOU willing lo hetp us share the Good He ol wlvasion with thee people? Send tor free brochure: I . J I Dlrartw of Vseatxws PrtsstNsoo" I IWCafWT a ft)lMrhcc I 85l 1 nth frft Artnrwt. VS. 2KS0 Jiri J4kj)i