Wednesday, february 4, 197g page 6 daily nebrasnan tayjf TOIL According to athletic dept. records, the gymnastics team has an overall record of 4-3 and a Big 8 Conference record of 33, and finished second in the conference meet. Two women's sports teams qualified for national competition last year, said Jay Davis, women sports infor mation director. This is quite an achievement, she said, be cause, to qualify, a team must place first or second in regional competition. This region is the largest in the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women, she said. The varsity volleyball team ended the season with a 67-16 record, and the cross country team had three runners qualify for national competition. V Marlboro regulars are the best selling item at the Nebraska- Union north desk, according to Debbie Vail, cash ier. "Students usually buy two packs of cigarettes at one time, but they usually come back, like three times a day." Snickers is the best selling candy bar and Doublemint is the best selling chewing gum at the desk, she said. Penthouse, Playboy and'Cosmopolitan magazines are .the best selling items at the south desk, according to Kathy Brooks, cashier. "Students wanting to read news buy the Omaha World-Herald, while those wishing to read the want ads buy the Lincoln papers," she said. 20 Happy Birthday Wanda June, written by Kurt Vonnegut was the best-attended and most money-making production ever performed at Howell Theatre last year, according to theatre records. The production ran for eight days last year. 21 Engineering and accounting majors are getting the most offers for jobs according to Don Sutton, Assistant Placement Director. Sutton said that nationally the number of job offers for students with bachelor degrees has declined 37 per cent. He added that many students with liberal arts degrees who are going to graduate school are taking business courses. "Have patience and persist- ELECTRIC SHAVER Hair Dryers Shavers All Makes Repaired SERVICE L 1140 "N" Street 1358 S. 33rd St. 432-1785 432-3772 After Feb. 29 wa will be at 317 S. 1 1th m:i ... " ' -mp f ' -i v. IVM s Jj;. ' ence and you're going to find it," Sutton recommends stu dents looking for good jobs. Students who get the job they want in their field of study are those who are willing to start out low and work their way up, he added. 22 The classes with the highest enrollment in the English Dept. are Modern Novel and Shakespeare classes, according to English Dept. Chairman John Robinson. Al though enrollment is limited to 25 students in each class, Robinson said, each semester the department has to add sections for these classes. Robinson added that each of the 80 other English classes offered every semester fill up. Student consumers seem to have a keen taste for Snicker candy bars and Doublement chewing gum, a sharp eye for Cosmopolitan 1 Penthouse and Playboy magazines Others have a strong urge for Marlboro cigarettes to the tune of two packs at a time three times a day. 23 Art History classes claim the largest enrollment in the Art Dept., chairman Dan Howard said. He said that these are not necessarily the most popular classes, how ever, since the courses are required for many students. 24 The History and Philosophy of Education, an educa tion major's requirement for certification, has the highest Have your next affair with us for complete. If you are planning a Formal Wedding, or Party... We have the Tuxedos shirts -ties and accessories to rent. Every garment is altered to fit. Free boutonnier included. the QTO!OPiail FORMERLY CLARK'S FORMAL RENTAL FOR MEN Ph. 475-7792 13th &F St. ' Lincoln third trivia enrollment of all Teachers College classes, said Teachers College Associate Dean Ron Joekel. Joekel said this class usually has more than 500 students enrolled in it each semester. The foundations of education and organization of schools are the main topics covered in the course, he , said. Probably the most popular course, Joekel said, is Human Relations History and Philosophy, in which each of the four sections is limited to 50 people. In this course students learn to develop "people skills," such as com' municating and working with people, she said. 25 Almost 1,200 students are enrolled in Elementary Psychology 170 last semester, according to Richard Dienstbier, Psychology Dept. chairman. Although this class has the highest enrollment in the department, Dienstbier said he thinks Elementary Psychology 171 is the most popular and best course offered. Psychology 171, through the use of hand-outs, optional lectures and tests graded by students, is an introduction to area soci ology and developmental human psychology, Dienstbier said. 26 General Biology 101, which had 1,878 students en rolled in it last year, has the highest enrollment among life sciences department courses, dept. chairman Russel Meints said. Meints said he would not comment on which course is most in demand though. "Life sciences as a whole is a popular department," he said. 27 Introduction to Family Living 160 has the highest enrollment in the Home Economics College, according to Home Economics Associate Dean John Woodward. Wood ward said this course, which had 328 students in it last semester, is an overview of human development and covers the stages of the life cycle. However, the course that attracts students from several colleges and is probably most popular is Marriage and Family Living 380. The Last 'ssL Butterfly Feb. 5, 6 and 7 8:00 p.m. Henzlik Auditorium Free Admission Presented by: University Studies Historical Theatre Thursday alfour JEWELRY'S FINEST CRAFTSMEN u 1 rv ' Distinaiifchpri Tohmn la J Wanted Deadline Is, Feb. 16 wards Student nominations for Distinguished Teachinq h wards are row fedita taken.. Teachers receiving this award get a medallion, $1,000, and recognition for excellence in teaching. Ml full time faculty membersWe eilgilile to receive the award StKdmts wishing to noinhate a prf3S0r wai sssa msr comsaatlans to th ,Proiessors dean. Please - i 1 VV reasons ' lude IstoDiKaroieJ: I 7 . . why he should bt considered. s . ": vrA