friday, January 30, 1976 daily nebraskan pageS bill proposes local mental health boar as LB806, to be heard Monday by the Nebraska Legisla ture's Public Health and Welfare Committee, would estab lish local mental health boards appointed by the presiding judge of each judicial district. Each judge would appoint one physician, one lawyer and one of the following: a psychologist, psychiatric social worker or nurse or lay person with demonstrated in terest in mental health issues. Each board would have the power, upon information by the county attorney and other law enforcement of ficers, to conduct hearings on commitment of "mentally ill dangerous persons." The bill generally allows more protection for a person who may be committed to a state institution. It also de fines mentally ill dangerous persons as those who present "a substantial risk of serious physical harm to another per son or persons within the near future ... or harm to him self by evidence of attempts or threats of suicide ... or in ability to provide for his basic human needs." Legislative Hearings Committees, statehouse hearing room assignments, bills to be heard Monday and their sponsors are as follows. Hearings start at 2 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Education, East Chamber LB755 (Ed. Comm.) Relating to schools; to restrict (tats liability for tuition payments. LB757 (Ed. Comm.) Relating to schools; to make the fiscal year of all school districts uniform. Judiciary, Room 2102 LB71S (Exec. Bd.) Relating to Legislature; eliminates require ment that cleric of the Legislature bind the loose leaf Journal copies. LB723 (Fowler)) Relating to statutory exemptions; provide ex emptions to persons who are not heads of families. LB739 (Bereu tor) To rename the Office of Revisor of Statutes as the Division of Statute Revision and Legal Services. Public Health and Welfare, Supreme Court Hearing Room, 1:30 p. m. LB6S0 (Clark) Provides that there be a standard of gross negli gence for a suit of medical malpractice. LB30S (Pub. Health) Relating to mental health. LB917 (Murphy) Adopt the Professional Liability Insurance Avail ability Act; provide for severability. Revenue, Room 1019, 1:30 p.m. LB804 (F. Lewis) Provides single persons 65 and older a $2,500 state income tax exemption, married couples a $3,750 exemp tion. LB900 (Cope, Duis) Repeals statute requiring uniform Tax Com- upon Year fnmf campus Etpor store. Mickey's Malt Liquor 5.59 a case Special Export 2.69 a 12-pack Bourbon 3.79 a Quart Vodka 3.49 a Quart Drury's Scotch 4.59 a Quart Assortment of Dinner Wines ON Special Easy to gat to on tha corner of 22nd and 0 New Year Celebration course Jan. 29-30-31 13 & M (all you can eat) 475-1213 Reservations m its! oner's property tax forms for counties. LB 321 (Hatehroock) Exempts from sales and use taxes meals and food products provided to elderly, infirm, or handicapped parsons by nonprofit organizations. Banking. Commerea and Insurance, Room 2230. 1:30 p.m. LB93S (George) Requires motor vehicle owners to furnish a cer tificate of liability insurance before registering the motor vehicle; to authorize the posting of an indemnity bond in lieu of insurance. LB886 (Skarda) Mandates motor vehicle liability insurance. LB899 (Duis) Relates to State Real Estate Commission, changes .. due date for annual renewal fee, provide criteria for cancellation. Appropriations. Room 1003. 1:30 p.m. LB847 (Goodrich) Changes control of Civil Air Patrol from Nebraska National Guard to Dept. of Aeronautics. LB869 (Comm.) Creates Dept. of Correctional Services Cash Fund; provides for investment thereof. LB903 (Clark, Marvel) Provides dates for disbursement of state aid to political subdivisions. LB944 (Comm.) Provides state funds for wastewater treatment at the rate of 12 and one half per cent of federal funds. LBS 24 (Warner) Provides for biennial state budgeting. LB871 (Comm.) Requires half of state funds for law enforcement and rehabilitation on American Indian lands to be provided for alcoholism and criminal rehabilitation programs. 0mmMMmmawmanmBmmMBmgmammtnmmuaammBW., HORSEFEATHERS 122S "P" F.A.C. 25 Draws $1.25 Pitchers 50 High Balls 2:30-5:30 Tonight Fri. Jan. 30 fd .iifto Jul & .:.. a m m a r m c a t mm mm w m m 1 rx I VY0MLJAJ I NJU1WJSJ T ? AO KLMS 148 and Chi Phi Fraternity Invito You to 30 Spectacular Hours of Marathon Dancing Fun on Harch 5 & 6 at 6 p.m. Union Ballroom All Net Proceeds to Muscular Dystrophy Association Trophies Awarded! If you and your favorite dance partner wish to participate, clip and mail the coupon bolow or telephone for details. Ghi Phi Fraternity 1245 N. 16 475-6131 JLJ.UUj& mltmmw 95 of Oiuo Joan Sfodc at $4.99; $0.99 ; $12.99 Over 2500 pair of Men's & Women's Shoes on Sol from $5.99 to ?17.S5 oro Sfodc Added To Solo For Guy 500 Sweaters at $7.S9 600 Sweaters at $12.09 400 Dress & Casual Pants at $9.99 40 Ski & Leather Coats at price 50 Suits at price 600 Shirts at $5.99 fie $8.99 90 Hiking Boots Yes I wish to participate in the KLMS 148 Dance Marathon to fight Muscular Dystrophy. Enclosed is $5 per couple entry fee which entitles me to two Dance Marathon T-Shirts. My name and address are: . " For Gal 200 Pants at $9.99 130 Dresses at $16.99 100 Dresses at Vz price 60 Denim Skirts at $3.60 69 Midcalf Skirts at $3.50 190 Denim Tops & Jackets at $16.99 100 Blouses, Reg. $35,00 Now $17.99 Assorted Blouses at $9.50 40 Pant Suits, $80-$S0 Value, Now $29.50 45 Ski & Leather Coats at price