page 10 daily nebraskan, nebraskan UNI faces fro of Cager games By Susie Reitz "It's going to be the most competitive game of the season," UNL women's basketball coach George Nicodemus said about the UNL-Midland College game Friday. UNL hosts Midland, which defeated UNL 56-54 in December after the Huskers led by three points late in the second half. Friday's game will start at 7:30 pjn. in Women's Physical Education Bidg. 313. The Midland game is the second in a trio of games for UNL this week. The first is tonight against UNO in Omaha. Two weeks ago, UNL beat UNO 52-46 in a home contest. The third game will be 2:30 p.m. Saturday. against the University of Colorado (CU) at Cozad High School, a site located between the two schools eliminating an over night trip for either team, Nicodemus said. Zone offenses To prepare for UNO and Midland, Nicodemus said the Huskers have been working against a zone defense and developing new zone offenses. "1 know Midland will play zone and UNO used it some on us too," he said. In a game la t Friday against Wayne State College, the UNL varsity lost, 68-53. The Huskers now are 8-5. "Everyone phyed equally as bad," Nicodemus said. "The whole game was rough and I'm not just saying that because we lost. Tne Wayne State coach thought so, too." UNL had problems on defense, Nicodemus said, because Wayne State had' two girls who are more than 6 ft. tall. After UNL's tallest starter Jan Crouch, at 5 ft. U in., got into foul trouble, there was no one to rebound he said. Shot 29 per cent UNL shot 29 per cent from the field while Wayne State hit 42 per cent. The Huskers had 22 fouls, compared to 12 for Wayne State. Crouch picked up three fouls in the first five minutes and sat out the rest of the first half, Nicodemus said. At one point in the first half, Nicodemus said, no UNL starters were playing because "they weren't hitting their shots. 1 v s . www s I Photo by Sttra Bovnsr Sophomore Dean Herzog displays the form that enabled him to set the Husker indoor record of 6 ft. 11 in. in the high jump Saturday against Iowa State University. Herzog holds the national high school record of 7 ft. 134 in. - husker Oil II I 'Fosbury flopper' Herzog clearing adjustment hurdles one at By Pete Wegman UNL sophomore Dean Herzog is a master at converting maximum controllable horizontal speed into vertical distance. Herzog isn't a physics whiz; he's one of the best high jumpers ever on UNL's track team. Herzog's 6 ft. 11 in. jump against Iowa State Univer sity (ISU) last Saturday (which set a Husker indoor and Memorial Stadium track record) earned him the honor of Husker athlete of the week. Herzog, a business major from Lansing, Kan., holds the national high school record with a 7 . ft. 1 34 in. jump. University of Kansas, Kansas State University and UNL expressed interest in recruiting him, Herzog said. But .after a 6 ft. 9 in. jump in the Kansas Relays during his senior year, Herzog signed with UNL. A month later at the Kansas high school champion ships he set his national record. "I'm glad I came up here," Herzog said. "Kansas and Kansas State both had good high jumpers and couldn't offer me what Nebraska could." Fosbury flop Herzog jumps using the Fosbury flop, which differs from traditional style because the jumper's back is to the bar during the jump. "I started jumping in seventh grade during lunch just messing around, Herzog said. "I scissored (another jumping style) in the 8th grade and then made up my own style. A lot of it just comes naturally." Last year Herzog cleared 6 ft. 8 in. consistently, but his highest jump of the season was 6 ft. 9 in., outdoors. Women's athletics capture another doubter's support By Jim Zalewski s The past weekend's marathon run by the "Forgotten Few," an effort to raise money for the financially dis tressed Women's Athletic Dept., only partially illustrates the plight facing UNL female athletes. Many of the near-, fanatical Big Red boosters would be shocked if their gridiron gladiators participated under such adverse conditions. Don't get me wrong. The football program here, built on hard work and sound organization, deserves everything it has. But it is the time, as women's sports information director Jay Davis puts it, "for somebody to pick up the ball and run with it for us." ' The marathon run was part of an effort to raise $50,000 for the Women's Athletic Dept. The current SI 32,000 budget comes from three sources: Athletic Dept. ($80,000), Chancellor's Office ($35,000) and the 71 1 line within the university budget ($17,000). The $132,000 is hard!y a plethora of wealth when one considers this covers the operating costs, equipment and supplies for nine sports and the salaries for 10 persons. 'The lack of funds has created some adverse conditions," Davis said. 'The basketball team is using old John F. Kennedy College uniforms. The gymnastics, track, tennis and golf teams have no uniforms. "Each team gets $1,500 for its year's traveling expenses. As you can see, we're not staying at any Holiday inns." Gloria Sleinem plot Admittedly I was not a staunch believer In college women's athletics. An obvious plot by Gloria Steinem. A pmsutg erase, I thought. Edsels would have been a better investment. The seemingly overnight progress achieved by Athletic Director Aleen Swofford and Davis has ch snood my thinking. UNL already has sent two teams to national competition and efforts are being made to secure the most competitive team schedules possible. In fact, their organ ization and drive reminds one of that Irish gentleman who came here from Wyoming and did wonders with a flound ering football program. . Citizens recently raised more than $50,000 to send the band to Arizona. While I know Jack Snider knows more field maneuvers than Erwin Rommel and the band was tortured in that warm sun (heaven forbid), it still was a nice vacation for band members. It would be great to see the Omaha World-Herald or some other newspaper initiate such a fund to help women's athletics. liberation question immaterial The question of sport shaping or reflecting the current women's liberation movement is immaterial for the moment. The fact remains that many women competing in the name of this university are doing so under some pretty poor conditions. " Or don't they count? They're not really university teams, are they? Try telling that to a woman who practices two to three hours a day, six days a week, and often uses her own money to help meet traveling expenses. Though the marathon is over, contributions still would be welcome. Students can participate in or attend the "Winter Olympics" at Uncle Sam's. Money is tight every where, but Nchraskans have had a tradition of lending a helping hand when times were bad. I hope that tradition continues. h Herzog cited his weight as contributing to his success this year. In high school, Herzog's jumping weight was 140 lbs. Last year he jumped at 150 lbs., but has dieted since and now weighs 144 lbs. John Korky,- assistant UNL track coach who works with Herzog, said weight makes a difference in high jump ing' - "It used to high jumpers were big guys, like basket ball players," Korky said. "Since the flop was introduced, the smaller athlete has done better. The competition in high jumping has skyrocketed," Herzog is only 5 ft. 11 in. tall. Herzog said the adjustment from high school to college high jumping also affected him last season. ' V Starting at 68" - "In high school we used to start jumping in meets at 6 ft. Here in college it's about 6 ft. 8 in. ," he said, "but I think I've adjusted now, and it should be a good year." Freshman Doug Phelps, who jumped 7 ft. as a Hastings High School senior, has battled Herzog all season. In Saturday's dual, Phelps jumped 6 ft. 10 in. for second place. - ""All through high school I was the only one jumping. Having someone to jump with has helped both of us, he said. Herzog, though concentrating now on UNL's indoor season, said his one long-range goal is to qualify for the Olympics. Herzog must jump 7 ft. 2 in. to qualify for this summer's Olympic Trials. - "I know. I'll go over 6 ft. 11 in. again. I'm feeling good," he said. "Seven ft. 2 in. is not really out of the question. I'm looking forward to a real good season." ' Other athleteof-the-week nominees were basketball player Liz Lee, sophomore from Lincoln; gymnast Karla Gerbig, junior from Lincoln; freshman trackster Peggy Liddick of Lincoln; swimmer Ruth Spencer, senior from Omaha; gymnast Duane West, junior from Lincoln; swimmer Paul Duxbury, junior from Minneapolis; basket ball player Steve Willis, senior from Indianapolis, and wrestler JTony Jennings, senior from Corning, Iowa. U&di dlcso lielpo The first stage of discotheque Uncle Sam's "Forgotten few rufid-raising drive, for women's athletics was com pleted Monday with the end of the marathon run from Unoohi through Grand Island, Columbus, Fremont, Omaha and back to Lincoln; . ,m9 ptodgea in the 350mile marathon still are being xtfnV? h? Montgemery, drive chairman More than 51, 0CU has been donated toward the $50,000 , goal.-fcs said. ;A t'ch lighting ceremony Monday afternoon marked mlta,l0f.ih,e intCr O'yroP" t the discotheque! T Olympic games," six-member teams will compete every night this week for prizes in relays and next ffimhir? ? the N'-Hawaii football game Krlffl?Tnr ff? Vycle will be the too prizes Feb 1 5 .nd ie lff M licketl UI bc until aJ k-S . mJable from women athletes. athletes and l w!n d TV be,wwn women .....'WBTCT-H lir-TTrTMiMiii.iiiiii -