thurtciay, January 22, 1976 daily nebraskan page 5 f 9 s s Deadline extended one or two weeks for Lewis petition Efforts to call a grand jury investigation of the Sept. 24 shooting death of Arvid Sherdell Lewis will continue for one or two more weeks, according to Jesse Payne, chair man of the Justice for Lewis Committee. The committee is circulating petitions requesting a grand jury to investigate the deaths of two black Lincoln men, Elijah Ch II tiers and Lewis. Both men were shot last year, Childers by a Lincoln Police Dept. officer and Lewis by a Lancaster County deputy sheriff. Signatures of 4,828 registered Lancaster County voters must be collected within 90 days after the drive started, and filed with the clerk of the district court to call a grand jury. ' .- Cynthia Grandberry, committee member, said the group originally thought the signatures had to be obtained and filed by Jan. 13. She said the group discovered just before deadline that it could extend the drive. She said the 90-day period is counted from the date of the first signature filed in the district court. Under state law, she said, the 90-day period can be extended by dis carding signatures obtained at the beginning of the drive. The date of the first signature then would be later. Payne estimated that if the drive is extended for one week, 1,100 signatures will be discarded. The petition drive, about 800 signatures short of its goal on Jan. 13, was extended because committee members thought the effort was gaining momentum, Payne said, and the goal could be reached if circulators had more time. Circulators also plan to ask persons whose signatures were discarded to sign again, he said. Payne said he still thinks the petition drive can be successful. He said if petition circulators continue to get an average of 500 signatures a week and can get 60 to 65 per cent of the discarded signatures, the goal can be met However, he added that the drive has lacked reliable petition circulators. He said he thinks the petition's pur pose should be of interest to all Lincoln citizens, but few persons have offered their time and support. Cafe Come and enjoy homecooked meals at down home prices at tht Big G Cafe. Wo sarvs brtakfast, lunch and dinner to welcome students. Good food and a good atmosphere. Open; 10:00 pm-3:30 pm Dally 10:00 pm-noon Sun. 840 Wert "0" ! m distil i! Scsrieaa Inilia Stiisat; Giops m pnatiig mm mmmm a native Ensrien siagir, FEIDfi? Wf JSIiOBB? 11 at 8:11 p. Tickets uni ts' nil at lbs Herth Liiij, SISO in tlmti M 13X3 st lis fc:r. Art Lending Library Art Print Check-out Sat Jan. 24 in the Union Main Lounge opens at 9:30 a.m. check-ou t starts at 1 0: 30 1 print per UNL student with ID Any prints not checkad out Sat. may ba chacktd out Mon. 12 to 1 p.m. Cost: 25 cents to $1.50 umofi lifQ-.bsflins C0llC8BlB;i0n Sill Sinuous, ioothi Journal. California State Medical Assn. tapv 1970 EAST UNION MTERVIE COMMITTEE CH AIRPERSONS Sunday, January 25, 1976 Beginning at 2:00 P.M. Sign Up at East Union Office Activities Bldg. PHONE 472-29556 You could be in charge of: Cornstoek, Western Days,; , Sadie Hawkins, Dances, . Movies, -'Tournaments to name a few! Charter programming in new Union! I I 1U II II is i , iULJUOi M ' ' ' ' ' ""! ' i. 1 II jfrM 9 ' ' Thrco years aco todoy, January 22, 1073, tho Supremo Court ruled that state laws against abortion wcro unconstitutional. On that dato, our nation took a stop backwards Concerned Pro-Lifo Students Jason's is having a o WtimaaM fflfelQ-fl U iue Jeans 2$ Hi Sportshirts 3$ 12.00 Vinyl Jackets $15S9 Sweaters 12 off . Turtle Necks S5.S9 Casual Slaclcs 2$15.00 DOWNTOWN ONLY wieymsimmLfam