The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1976, Page page 8, Image 8
page 8 . -.. s 01 1Q76 daily nebraskan hospitals... third Jii m w&& abortion Continued from p.6 The second type of abortion performed at the medical center, between a woman's seventh and twelfth weeks of pregnancy, is a suction abortion-performed only in a hos pital. Suction abortions at the medical center cost $270. The medical center also performs a saline abortion. The procedure, performed between a woman's fifteenth and twentieth weeks of pregnancy, involves instilling salt water into the patient's uterus. Saline abortions at the medical center cost $440. Before performing any type of abortion, the medical center tries to get spousal consent or parental consent if the patient is a minor. Consent law unclear "The law dealing with minors and parental consent is not real clear," Adam said, "so we get parental permission just to protect ourselves and to make sure nothing we do is illegal. Weston does not seek spousal consent before perform ing an abortion. "If it seemed important to the patient for me to talk to her spouse, I certainly would" he said. "But I don't think I would seek him out otherwise." However, parental con , sent is needed before performing abortions on minors, Weston said. Of three hospitals in out-state Nebraska, Chadron Com munity Hospital, St. Francis Hospital in Grand Island and West Nebraska General Hospital in Scottsbluff, two main tain no-abortion policies. No specific policy According to Peg Lewis, director of nursing at Chadron Community Hospital, the hospital has no specific abortion policy and only one abortion has been performed at Chad ron Community Hospital in the past six months. Sister Francis Ann, administrator at St. Francis Hos pital in Grand Island, said abortions are not performed in the hospital. "I think we have the right to refuse abortions on reli gious grounds," she said. Refusing elective abortions is the policy of the West Nebraska General Hospital's board of trustees, Duane Kroeger, hospital vice president, said. "People express opinions on both sides of the issue," Kroeger said. "This is mainly a moral issue of the board of trustees." Referrals of all types from West Nebraska General Hospital go to Cheyenne, Denver or Omaha, he added. " fTr WlSr j V" Strikes a blow fof eompteta j O VJTi vnym sar Ends Thurs. Saxual Fraadom" - NY Port I '"""V ft -s mtmmtnmmammnmmmmmmmmmmtmmmutmmmummmmmmmmmLi I "V : " i IF5'' Imtmm nightmare . LJSz THURS. Unknown" and jiFf I ipnd small VjFG)THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE! jsSLJj At L(neoln., V Suparnatural Doubfr Faature Journay 'jf dining placa. Town & ". "" 'IS Country Rastaurant. " r " """ "" T',," 1 11 33rd & Cornhtisker 6:00 am - 2:00 am ff 1 464-7421 fwir1'VK lTl 54th & 0 Street MlX 7 j !w 1 2.4:25. i Matinees 11 -fi23" tmi.ik& t'.tis& j Daily! "OUE OF THE . ,. ri5TV YEAR'S f4o 3 M j 10 BEST!':L.J jf&i I ; - ,f ft : : V :-r 1 EMUtlUpaRll ?- Hill Hllinj .trJ,..-.'L ' lmu j j - ntftlififij Patssa It 0 J LLi! J E 10l 1. W lslEiiiftiflb!l& t -www .... '-! , j f nmmlimi0 1 j , (I Css D.2 cell CrL i D.2 cca 1: II I .jn OCT f. ' : '':A X I i I ' iilii'iZZiiwwi Argentina 1963 250 minutss Directed by Fernando Sofanas & Octavio Gotino Tuesday, Wednesday & Thur. SheMon Art Gaiary 12th fi R Sts. W2 limn im iaiw AMEKK.A MOmiSSIOn I.OU . the most spectacular axamplt of agit-prop moviemaking so emotional assault....highly sophisticated (and) conceived on an epic $ca!a A movie like this is a gun in a struggle, and a far mora effective gun than Godard's revolutionary movies, because though it may aim at both the heart and the mind, it strikes the heart." - Pauline Kael. THE NEW YORKER m wwsm "Tfes Esby Sitter" itn X-Batsd Cartoon! AN INTERESTING PLACE TO SHOP JEWELRY SALE ALL JEWELRY IS 10 - 50 OFF THIS WEEK 235 No. 11th 474-1615 235 NO. 11 TH .474-1615 In front of the Palms Cafe J Sir I W "1 ff r """s UOLUPJTEEiS TO HELP OUT : AT THE UNION'S WINTER WALPURGISNA CHT Jan. 30, 107G REQUIREMENTS: Attsnd a ona-hmir tr;; . f week prior to the event Work ?S?itSmS!?l2? Sutm9 ur n8 8-hour event (a variety of jobs &af. 2 hour dunn9 a ) 22 afllirtt f J?JSS-nlt Xou free to all admission titftud. of the OniPrSaT; sir on the back for being a fine person. u,ww ra Pa Vr- ( If intsrested, please sign up by Fridav Jam,., 91 , I information in Union 1l5. asv' JanuarV 23, and gat further aS-iW-SjSS-- I