The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1976, Page page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, january 21, 1976
daily nebraskan
short I
Sllf I sf I
Applications are being
accepted for an ASUN Sen
ate Electoral Commission
position. Apply in the
ASUN office, Nebraska
Union 334. Interviews are
tomorrow at 7 pjn.
Financial aid applications
for the 1976-77 school year
should be sent to the ad
dress indicated on the Par
ents Confidential Statement
(PCS) or Student Financial
Statement by Feb. 1. For
further information or an
application form, contact
the Office of Scholarships
and Financial Aids.
Community Involvement
Services will sponsor a
"Volunteer Affair" today at
4 pjn. in the Nebraska
Union. For more informa
tion call 472-2486.
daily fiGbfaskafi
Editor-in-chief: Vine Boucher. Newt Editor: Lor! Demo,
Managing Editor: Randy Gordon, Associate News Editors:
Gina Hills and Rex Seline. Layout Editor: Michele Schmal,
Night News Editor: Randy Blauvelt, Arts and Entertainment
Editor: Diane Wanek, Sports Editors: Dennis Onnen and Pete
Wegman, Third Dimension Editor: Theresa Forsman, Photo
Chief: Ted Kirk.
Copy Editors: Stephanie Noonan, Mary Kay Roth, Nancy
Stohs and Matt Truell. News Assistant: Jim Kay. Editorial
Assistant: Sue Kafina.
Business Manager: JerrJ Haussler, Advertising Manager: -Mary
Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68588.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan. Nebraska Union 34,
14th and R Streets. Lincoln, Neb.. 68588. Phone: (402)
Copyright 1976, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be
reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily
Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright.
Introducing Vision Centers
IS sswpi
TOWftffw 'aM ikVw
a refund of
upon return
Uauad to
Uaua Date-
Stor No
If takes the indecision
out of the decision to buy contacts,
jj y0a waxur ytgIctMs. you've prob- lease. Thia plan doe not cover soft
ably thought about getting contact or bifocal lenses,
lenses. You're probably also had Ycu owe it to yourself to e how you
second thoughts about whether j-, contacts. And now Vision Center
you'll like them or not. has a way for you to do that Without
That's why Pearl Vision
sitrs our ---Kctu
Try contacts. Wear them. Liv
with them. And then, within 33 days
oi purchase, if you dacido they're not
lor vou. well refund th cost of th
Lincoln, 1132 "O" Street-Tel. 432-7583
Gateway SVIall Tel. 484-7416
Builders is taking appli
cations for committee chair
persons and assistants. Ap
plications, available in
Union 345 or from any. ex
ecutive member, must be
turned in by Friday, by 4
pjn. Interviews will be the
following Sunday.
Applications from junior
men and women for 1976
77 Mortar Board are due at
5 pm. Friday. Forms are
available from residence hall
directors, Greek house presi
dents, at Administration
Bldg. 310 or at the Panhel
lenic and Interfraternity
Council office, Union 337.
The workshop sponsored
by the College of Business
Administration (CBA) Eth
nic Minority Committee,
scheduled for today, has
been postponed to Wednes
day, Jan. 28 at 7 pjn. The
workshop will introduce
minority students, especial
ly CBA freshmen and soph
omores, to "positive as
pects" of business careers.
Mu Epsilon Nu will spon
em ir
The original purchaser of this pair of conuct
completely uliiftad within 30 days of purchaaa,
- ... r 1
the coat ot tne lenata omy.
of the Unfa with thia certificate to
Vision Center where purcitaaea. mm pian inn mn www
tanate or bifocal tansti and don not include damage or acratch-
i . nr contx-i Unaao. Thia cartificate ie not
Expiration Date.
Catr now owing anything to us.
sor its annual smoker today
at 6:30 pjn. in the Union
for men in Teachers College
interested in furthering pro
fessional preparation. The
room number will be posted
in the Daily Events Calendar.
There will be a NUPIRG
board of directors meeting
in the Union at 3:30 pjn.
Alpha Zeta, the agricul
ture honorary, meets to
night at 7 pjn. in the C.Y.
Thompson Library on East
Campus. A. Dale Flowerday,
professor of agronomy and
crop technology will dis
cuss Columbian agriculture.
Tryout practices for
Aquaquettes, the UNL syn
chronized swimming club,
are today from 6:30 to 8:30
pjn. and Thursday from
5:30 to 7:30 pjn. in the
WPE Bldg. pool. Try outs
will be next Tuesday at
5:30 pjn. in the WPE pool.
t mm
Edmonds and Curley
National Comedians
Sneak Preview at
3:30 p.m.
Union Main Lounge
Complete Show at
11:30 p.m.
Jimry SI
knaea. If not
ia entitled to
ill L t-
wm am
the Pearle
f rcAiu vision I
y centefy
Wednesday: Mostly sunny
with highs reaching the mid
8 a.m. Nebraska Dept. of
Revenue Conference Nebraska
Center for Continuing
Education (NCCE), 334d and
Holdrego streets.
8 a.m. National Rural
Electrification Cooperative
Association Conference NCCE.
8 a.m.-Agricultural Weather
Service Workshop-NCCE.
8:30 a.m.-Real Estate Sales
9 a.m. Groundwater Seminar-NCCE.
9 a.m.-Chanceilor's Council
-Nebraska Union 242.
11:45 a.m.-University As
sociation for Administrative De
velopment Luncheon Union
Three Distant
... to sit on
Golden Rattan Drum Stools
Priced at $14, $19. and $24
1975 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, Milwauket and the world,
, , . . , i
3 pjn. Housing-Student As
sistant Applicants Union Audi
torium. 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Public
Interest Research Group Union
4 p.m.-AII University Fund
-Union 337.
4 p.m .Community Involve
ment Services Union
Centennial Room.
5:30 p.m. Gamma Lamb
daUnion Harvest Room A.
6:30 p.m. Mu Epsilon Nu
Union 222.
6:30 p.m .-ASUN Senate
Meeting Union Ballroom.
7 p.m. Fundamentals of
Tax Preparation-Course II
7 p.m. Interfraternity
Council Union Pewter Room.
7 p.m. Food Science Club
Union 202A.
7:30 p.m. Mexican Ameri
can Student Association Union
7:30 p.m. Blacks of African
Descent-Union 232.
7:35 p.m.-Basketball-Neb-ra3ka
vs. Oklahoma Coliseum.
8 p.m. Graduate Student
Association Coffee Hour Ur ion
To Apply
Applications for Mortar
Board may be obtained
from UPC, ASUN. Par
hellenic, IFC, Sa's,
house presidents, res
idence hall directors.
Student Activities,
Student Affairs, East
Campus Library, and
the Union North Desk.
Applications are due
January 23, 1976
Upper Level
Glass Menagerie j
Mon Sat.
ITU Wicker Thicket