The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 19, 1976, Page page 3, Image 3

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monday, January 19, 1976
daily nebraskan
page 3
Eta Sigma Gamma, the
Health Science Honorary,
will have a special library
tour dealing with health sci
ences and health education
material Tuesday at 7 p.m.
The starting point is the
main desk of Love Library.
There will be pizza at Val
entino's following the tour.
For Reservations call Kris
Cauosie, 489-6260.
The ASUN Government
Liaison Committee will
meet Tuesday at 7 pjn. in
the Nebraska Union.
Campus Crusade for
Christ will sponsor an infor
mal College Life meeting at
daily n
Editor-in-chief: Vinct Boucher, News Editor: Lorl Demo,
Managing Editor: Randy Gordon, Associate Newt Editors:
Gina Hills and Rex Seline, Layout Editor: Michele Schmal,
Night News Editor: Randy Blauvelt, Arts and Entertainment
Editor: Diane Wanok, Sports Editors: Dennis Onnen and Pete
Wegman, Third Dimension Editor: Theresa Forsman, Photo
Chief : Ted Kirk.
Copy Editors: Stephanie Noonan, Mary Kay Roth, Nancy
Stohs and Matt Truell. News Assistant: Jim Kay. Editorial
Assistant:'Sue Kalina.
Business Manager: Jerri Haussler, Advertising Manager:
Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68588.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,
14th and R Streets, Lincoln, Neb., 68588. Phone: (402)
Copyright 1976, The Daily Nebraskan. Material cmy be
reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily
Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright.
7:30 pjn. Tuesday at Wes
ley House. This will be Cam
pus Crusade's first meeting
of the year.
Alpha Tau Alpha, the
agriculture teachers' organi
zation, will have a regular
meeting Tuesday at 7 pjn.
in Agricultural Hall 311.
Members are asked to at
tend for a group picture
with their wives. The pro
gram will be a student
teacher panel. A work ses
sion on the horticulture
plant mounts will follow the
Applications for 1976-77
Mortar Board are due at 5
pjn. Friday. Forms are avail-
0 .4
WnU ttra
interviews for
January 24, 1976
nebraska union
by noon january 23
to be called so
persistently when
the last thing we want
to do Is to get up and go
but God elects to
keep on haunting
like some noiy
"The Great Intruder"
hv Thnmas John Carlisle
Wm, B. Eerdmant kuo.
A community ol Ctlxlic priests
and brothers mmniRfiiig to God's
people m Atn, Atnci and Utm
America Are YOU witling to help ui
hare the Good News ol aaivalxin
with these people? Send lor free
I Director ol Vocations D Priesthood
I fcSiSSIONHUnST O Brotherhood
I 4651 N. 2Sth Street Arlington, V. 22250
I AdiJriM
able from residence, hall di
rectors and Greek house
presidents and at Admini
stration Bldg. 310 and the
Panhellenic and Interfra
ternity Council office, Ne
braska Union 337. Junior
men and women are eligible.
The University Horticul
ture Club will meet Tuesday
at 7:30 pjn. in Plant Indus
try Bldg. 214.
There will be a meeting
of the Union Program Coun
cil Contemporary Arts Com
mittee on Tuesday at 8 pjm. .
in Union 1 15. All interested
persons are invited.
Builders is taking applica
tions for committee chair
persons and assistants. Ap
plications are available in
Union 345 or from 1 any
executive member. They
must be turned in by 4 pjn.
Friday, Jan. 23. Interviews
will be the following
Financial aid applications
for the 1976-77 school year
should be sent to the ad
dress indicated on the
Parents Confidential State
ment (PCS) or Student
Financial Statement by Feb.
1. For further information
or an application form, con
tact the Office of Scholar
ships and Financial Aids.
Phi Upsilon Omicron will
have a short business meet
ing Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in
Home Economics Bldg. 121.
The program following the
meeting will be "Becoming
the You You'd Like to be."
The UNL Dept. of
Physics and Astronomy will
have an open house at the
Behlen Observatory outside
, of Mead, Neb., Friday, Jan.
23 between 7 p.m. and 10
pjn. There will be slides
and a movie. Visitors will be
able to view the heavens
through a 30-inch telescope,
weather permitting. Further
information may be ob
tained at 472-2770.
Applications are being
accepted for a position on
ASUN Electoral Commis
sion. Aply in the ASUN of
fice, Union 334. Interviews
will be Jan. 22 at 7 pjn.
Interviews for the UPC
Talks and Topics committee
chairperson will be in the
Nebraska Union starting at
2 p.m. on Jan. 24. The
room number will be posted
on the Daily Events
Community Involvement
Services will sponsor a "Vol
unteer Affair Wednesday at
4 pjn. in the Union. For
more information call 472-2486.
Today is the last day to
submit applications for
openings on ASUN spon
sored organizations, Student
Court, Council on Student
Life (CSL), Publications
Board, Student Organiza
tions, and Arts and Sciences
College senator. Interviews
are Jan. 20 and 22 from 7
pjn. to 9 p.m.
Arts & Sciences Sisters
Engtaserisg Ssnstcr
Graduate Sanatcr
E&nsss Ssnatcr
Stisdsnt Ccart
CqsrcI ca Stdsnt Ufa
Pi&ications fosrd
Stcdsnt Organizations Interview Jan. 20, 22
tIsitisss r.w blng accepted to ths
7 a.m. Areas of Excellence
Conference on Non-Traditional
Education Nebraska Center for
Continuing Education (NCCE),
33rd and Holdrege Streets.
8 a.m. Japanese Agricultural
Training Program-NCCE
(through March 6).
8 a.m. National Rural Elec
trification Cooperative Associa
tion (NRECA) NCCE.
8 a.m. Audio-tours of exhibits-University
of Nebraska
State Museums, 14th and U
8:30 a.m.-Real Estate Sales
4:30 p.m.-Nebraska Dept.
of Revenue Conference NCCE.
7 a.m. -Fundamentals of
Tax Preparation-Course I -NCCE.
7 a.m.-Llfe Planning Con-
7 a.m. Areas of Excellence
Conference on Non-Traditional
8 a.m. Japanese Agricultural
Training Program-NCCE.
8 .a.m. Nebraska Dept. of
Revenue Conference NCCE.
8 a.m.-NRECA Conference
8 a.m. Audio-tours of exhibits-University
of Nebraska
State Museums, 14th and U
8:30 a.m.-Real Estate Sales
10 a.m.-Biennial UNL
Faculty Art Exhibition (through
Feb. 8); exhibits of photos by
Bob Starck, prints by Val Chris
tensen and work by Old Market
Craftsmen Guild of Omaha
(through Feb. 1). Sheldon
Memorial Art Gallery and Sculp
ture Garden, 1 2th and R Streets.
ISO offks, 334 Mi. tea
1 1
i I II ill J
J U 1.-71 U J
JJ Jot3 j j
7:30 - 2 am
Mori - Sat
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