The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1976, Page page 6, Image 6

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    thursday, january 15, 1976
daily nebraskan
page 6
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The Iowa Reading Lab, of Des
Moines, will offer a 4 week course
in speed reading to a limited num
ber of qualified people in the Lin
coln area. A person is required to
attend only one 21a hour class per
week, on the evening of their
choice for 4 weeks only. The
course guarantees to triple the per
son's reading speed with a marked
improvement in comprehension
and concentration. The guarantee,
however, is a bare minimum as
the average graduate will read
7 to 10 times faster. They can
Todd aimCit ony avcTayo uCOk in
less than one hour.
For those who would like addi
tional information, a series of free,
one hour orientation lectures
have been scheduled. At these
free lectures the course will be ex
plained in complete detail, includ
ing classroom procedures, instruc
tion methods, class schedule and a
special 1 time only introductory
tuition that is less than one
third the cost of similar courses.
You must attend only one of the
free meetings for complete details.
You may attend any of the meet
ings for information about the
Lincoln classes.
These orientations are open to
the public, above 8gs 14, (persons
under 18 should be accompanied
by a parent if possible.)
If you have always wanted to
be a speed reader but found the
cost prohibitive or the course too
time consuming... now you can I
Just by attending 1 evening per
week for 4 short weeks you can
read 7 to 10 times faster, concen
trate better; comprehend more.
If you are a student who would
like to make A's instead of B's or
C's or if you are a business person
who wants to stay abreast of
today's everchanging accelerating
world, then this course is an ab
solute necessity. These Free one
hour meetings will be held at the
following times and places:
Tuesday, January 20th,
at 6:30 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 21tt,
at 6:30 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 22nd,
at 6:30 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m.
Friday, January 23rd,
at 6:30 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, January 24th,
at 10:30 a.m. and again at 1:30 p.m.
Monday, January 26th,
at 6:30 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m.
These meetings will be held in the
conference room of the Radisson Corn
husker Hotel, located at 301 South
13th, downtown Lincoln.
If you are a businessman, stu
dent, housewife or executive, this
course which took 5 years of in
tensive research to develop, is a
must. You can read 7-10 times
faster, comprehend more, con
centrate better, and remember
longer. Students are offered an ad
ditional discount. This course can
be taught to industry or civic
groups at "Group rates" upon re
quest. Be sure to attend which
ever free orientation that fits in
your schedule.
Hibler won his goats,
but case not ended yet
By Bryant Brooks
UNL English professor David Hibler
won a dismissal of his court case last week
as well as compliments from the presiding
judge, but Monday he said he is not
completely satisfied.
Hibler, 32, was arrested on a charge of
allowing three goats to run at large in
Wilderness Park at 1st and Van Dorn
streets. He presented his own defense at an
80-minute trial Dec. 22.
Municipal Court Judge Thomas
McManus said evidence that Hibler was the
controller of the goats or that he let the
goats loose was insufficient to support
charges against him.
He declined to comment at length
because City Prosecutor Norman
Langemach's decision to file a writ of error
still is pending. The writ allows a review
of important points of law which may have
been brought out in the case and would
not subject Hibler to double jeopardy,
according to McManus.
The prosecution has ten days to file the
writ. Although Langemach said he is not
contemplating such action the ruling still
is being studied. He said his office could
file a new complaint against Hibler's wife,
Bonnie, the goats' owner.
"But I think that would be like kicking
a dead horse," Langemach said.
Pleads own defense
"As an advocate, he did very well,"
McManus said.
Hibler, with the help of a friend who is
a para-legal, said he spent about three days
preparing for the trial.
"It was like a ball game in which the
other side knew the rules and I didn't,"
he said. "The normal citizen coming off
the street trying to plead his own defense
can't even get to first base because he
doesn't know the rules."
Hibler said a lawyer would have cost
him five or six times as much as pleading
guilty and paying the fine. He said his wife
was fined $23 previously on a similar
"I didn't have $200 to put into a
lawyer," he said. "It's unfortunate that
middle income people are put into such
difficult straits."
Hibler said it was "kind of fun" Being
his own lawyer, but he was dissatisfied
because "three crucial points" were not
ruled on.
The first, he said, was that his arrest was
made by officers who were out of their
jurisdiction. City police made the arrest on
Hibler's county property, he said.
In addition, he said, it was questionable
whether either he or his wife could be held
responsible for breaking a city ordinance
while neither was within the city limits.
Hibler said he discovered a precedent case
in which a tractor driver was acquitted of
disturbing the peace in a city because he
was working outside the city limits.
Hibler said a final unresolved point is an
"unlawful citation" which ordered his
appearance in court in less than 24 hours,
an act he said is prohibited by a state
statute. He refused to appear the following
day as ordered.
Judge McManus said in his decision,
however, that it was no longer necessary
"to deal with other objections raised in the
defendant's brief."
Loose ends remain
Hibler said some loose ends remain.
"Now that the case is settled, 111 feel
free to look into things related to it that I
didn't do because it might prejudice the
case," he said.
He said an inquiry into "unlawful
procedures" by Campus Police has been
requested of Interim Chancellor Adam
Breckenridge's office, but that he has yet
to hear of a follow-up. The officers al
legedly entered Hibler's locked office
while helping city police search fur the
professor to serve an arrest warrant.
Hibler said he also is unhappy with the
press coverage of the case. He said his side
of the story was distorted to make
interesting reading and that he wants a
chance to reply in print.
"I'd like to believe the law is designed
to serve the ends of justice," he said. "But
you get involved in so many fine points it
becomes difficult lo judge the real
substance of the case."
Application deadline for
the U.S. Naval Academy
Student Conference on For
eign Affairs has been ex
tended to noon Friday. Ap
plications are available in
Oldfather Hall 1223.
The School of Life Sci
ences is sponsoring a spe
cial seminar on Lectin Cell
Interactions today at 3:30
pjn. in Bessey Hall Audi
torium. Guest speaker is
Brian A. Sterns from the
Department of Molecular
Biology at the University of
California-Berkeley. An in
formal get-together with the
speaker is at 3 p.m.
The Lincoln Parks and
Recreation Dept. in coop
eration with the Chet Ager
Nature Center is sponsoring
an all-day hike through Wil
derness Park Saturday.
Those interested should
dress warmly, bring a sack
lunch and meet at 9 ajn. at
the Day Camp parking lot,
1st and Van Dorn streets.
Special interview sessions
for junior and senior minor
ity business students are
available with John Deere
Co. Jan. 20 and Eastman
Kodak Co. Jan. 26. Perma
nent positions and summer
joos are available. For more
information contact Metta
Jones, placement officer.
Financial aid applications
for the 1976-77 school year
should be returned by Feb.
1 to the financial aids of
fice. For more information
contact the Office of Schol
arships and Financial Aids.
The University Horticul
ture Club will meet Jan. 20
at 7:30 pjn. in Plant Indus
try BIdg. 214.
The Gay Action Group
will sponsor a dance Sunday
from 9 pjn. to midnight at
UMHE Commonplace, 333
. lu St.
The first 1976 meeting
of HEMP (Helping End
Marijuana Prohibition) is to
night at 6:30 in the Union.
Spring activities and elec
tion of a new president will
be discussed.
Community Involvement
Services is sponsoring a
"Volunteer Affair" Jan. 21
at 4 p.m. in the Union. For
more information call 472
2486. The Council on Student
Life (CSL) is taking appli
cations until Friday for the
vacancy on Fees Alloca
tion Board (FAB). Applica
tions are available at Union
200. A resume, including
campus activities, job exper
ience and reasons for want
ing to serve on FAB should
be submitted with the appli
cation. Interviews will be
scheduled between Jan. 19
and 23.
The National Teacher
Examinations (NTE) will be
given at UNL on Feb. 21.
Registration forms and pro
cedures may be obtained
from Frank Hallgren, direc
tor of the Career Planning
and Placement Center.
Two short films, Geyser
Valley and The Gifts, will
be shown at the Chet Ager
Nature Center Saturday and
Sunday at 2:15 p.m. and
3:15 pjn.
FAB agenda
The Fees Allocation
Board (FAB) meets at 5 p.m.
in Nebraska Union 216.
Approval of Dec. 3 mlnutei.
II. Open Forum (matters not
Included In the agenda may
... b?prewndnddlicuid).
HI. Debt Servlce-Milei Tom
mereaien, vice-chancellor for
buslnrt and finertct.
IV. East Campu Onlon-Ktn-nath
Butter, vice-chancellor
for student af fain.
V. FAB Information pacluti
and calendar
VI. Fencing team
VII. Elite
VIII. Committee and audit