Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1976)
thursday, January 15, 1976 page 1 1 daily nebraskan HWiff f "-m tfff mf1 mi nr" ' J a n ii -ti'Tr i mrt -liri 1968 Chevelle Malibu, 2 dr. hardtop, 327, 4-peed, Call 464 0228 for Jim. 1968 Chevrolet Belalre with air, good condition. Call 464 0534 evenings. 1970 Camaro 307 2 -barrel with air. Call 475-4856 before noon and after 10 p.m. For sale (leasepurchase possiblel-1974 Sheraton mobile home 14X70, two bdrm., 1 34 bath, washer, dryer, disposal, range, refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, central air, . bar, carpeted throughout. 423 0986. Check us l3kt before you buy stereo. We have mail order prices. Reliable Stereo and TV, 230 No. 10th. Stereo receiver-Pioneer 090 2SWPC like new. Call after 6 p.m., 423-0108. Two B.I.C. Venturi formula 6 speakers. Five months old. Call Don Drahota, 435-2959. Akal reel-to-reel tape deck Model X1650 for sale, $125. Excellent condition. 423-0979. Sansui receiver, Garrard turntable, Utah speakers, 249.95. Reliable Stereo, 230 No. 10th. 1961 Gibson SG, new geers, new case, $225. 1964 Fender Musicmaster, $85. 489-0544. BEGINNERS HARMONY CLASSIC GUITAR In good condition & guitar books, pick ind pitch pipe, $35. Call Mary Ann, 472-2589. ( BUY Mm 4 r. frs Ay- KcbiNwta Union . CASH IN ON A want Gibson Standard SG electric guitar, Fender Super Reverb 2 12 mo. old. $775 firm. Call weekends, ask for Jim. 489-9043. Typewriter; Royal elite manual. Excellent. Phone 489 8732 after 5:30. Nordica Astral Slalom ski boots, 9 12, excellent pair, $90,435-7764. Moving must sell: queen size master bdrm. set, modern pecan brown hardwood, good condi tion, $298 or best offer. Round , dinette set, four chairs, formica wood grain top, metal legs, cushioned seats, $59. Lindsay water softener, $175. Two occasional chairs, $7. Call 432 9580. With student or faculty ID at time of sale, 10 discount on all tires, TV's, stereos, and bicycles except promotional models. Goodyear Store, 19th & "O", 432-6521. New foosball tables $330 and up. Coin-operated or home models. Call for appointment, 464-7531. Best prices in town on TV 19" color 100, solid state. $365 or $4 a week. Reliable Stereo, 230 No. 10th. Double mattress, $1 5. Portable manual typewriter, $15. 466-6310 after 5:30. Two excellent antique 5X10 snooker tables and two rugged with durable 1 12" slate bed 4X8 pool tables. See Tom at the Snooker Bowl, 48th & Dudley. Stop rapes and assaults with Paralyser "CS" teer gas atom izers. On sale at Golden Cue, 1907 "O" St. EEVEEME 27th & Holdrege liiiav $259 IIHIIIHIV . I t pa Fabtaff warm only 01 caseow, If NP bottles Slchfltz $529 case of 24, cans only check our everyday low prices 2 Mnrth - South Conference corns merit t,ar ' 0 o.m-to 5 p.m- BETTER DEAL An American collector offers for sale a lifetime collection of original graphics-$10 upward. One-day only. Tuesday, January 20 1976 11a.m. to 8p.m Print Gallery, Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1976-26.60 mobile home- 3 bedroom 3 bath- modular siding composition roof- set on cement -central air- dishwashor- 8 x 10 shed. 1976 taxes paid by owner. Call 475-8530. r ""- -I Apartment for rent: one bdrm. two blocks from down town cempus, $165, util. furn ished. 423-2122489-8620477-9771. Brown Palace Co-Op hai vacancies available, $95mo, 432-2583. 1900 "B" St. Beautiful new three bdrm. home in Southwood for rent, will accept students. $325mo. 489-5017. Near University: 457 No, 25th, one bdrm.; 2420 "R", efficiency; 405 No. 25th, efficiency; 405 No. 25th, sleep ing room; 505 No. 25th, 2 or 3 bdrm; 545 No. 24th, one bdrm. Unfurnished, 474-2474. Five bdrm. fully furnished house. Washer, dryer, shower, many extras. Walk to city campus. 477-5049. 1 DAILY NEBRASKAN needs a post office runner approximately 12 hour during weekday afternoons. Need car. $25mo. Call 472-2586 and ask for Jerri. Paper route close to Univer-, sity. Profit $100 each four weeks. Contact Bill Larson, Journal-Star, 473-734 1 . Houseparent couple desiring Involvement and valuable experience at reasonable' pay. Weekends free. Located 30 min.' from Lincoln. Contact Marilyn Calhoun, SCOMR, Wahoo, Nebr. 443-4694. Housework, four hours per week, $2.50hr477-ie04. Help wanted -days. Apply in person, Mike's Liquor 22nd & "O". Full and part-time day kitchen help at Godfather's Pizza in Glass Menagerie. Call 435-3900; ask for Terry or Andy. You have tomething to share with the people of the rural South and Appalscia -yourutf. , Find out about the opportunities open to you as a . Glenmary Priest, Brother or Sister. For free Information about opppr (unittei with Glenmory Home Mn Honors, write: GUNMARY, Room 39 Box 46404 Cincinnati. Ohio 45246 Also please send'j. 17" x 22" Sod Mode Me Poller. Shown Above Send free poteroniy. Nam- City .Staie-Ao- IV- if? O j? Experienced "day-time bar tender at Godfather's Pizza In Glass Menagerie. Call 435-3900; ask for Terry or Andy. DAILY NEBRASKAN needs people to distribute the paper M, W, Th, F. Must have approximately 8:45a.m. to 9:45 a.m. free. Paid by paper size, but average pay is $4day. To apply call Jerri at 472 2586 8 : 30a .m .-5p.m. Denny's 24-Hour Restaurant 900 "R" St. Now hiring waitresses, bus help and dishwashers for 7a.m.-3p.m., 3-1 1p.m. and 11p.m.-7a.m. shifts, full or part-time. Call for inter view, 435-7194. Two busboys for sorority house, hours 12-1 p.m. and 5-6:30p.m. Call 477-2125. Noon door receptionist, 11a.m.-2p.m. Monday through Friday. Apply In person, Elks Club, 131 No. 15th. Counselors Wanted-Western Colorado boy's camp emphasiz ing outcamp and river pro gram. Two yrs. college and sincere interest in working with children required. Include self addressed, stamped envelope with Inquiry to Anderson Camps, Dept. C, Gypsum, Colorado 81 637. Instructors at Lincoln YMCA. Gymnastics, trampoline, tumbling, ballet, tap dance, tennis, Judo, rlflery. Also need an afternoon bus driver. If interested, contact Family YMCA 464-7481. Spanish speaking person wanted to assist in Montessorl classroom. Call 489-8110 days or 483-2010 evenings. Chinese woman student to teach Cantonese to girl aged ' 7. Hours and pay to be arrang ed. Call 423-8281 or 472 2404. Part-time-previous sales or photographic experience requested. Apply in person Saturday Jan. 17, 9:30-12 noon. Max Miller Cameras, 1434 ''O". ACROSS 1 Ticket part 5 9 Comedian Bert Braid 14 Small harp 15 Anne Nichols character 16 Citation, for one 17 October stone 18 Eve-pupil dilator 20 Slacks style 22 Little ones 23 Kind of hog 24 Suffer 28 Spinning 29 Not Rep. or 10 Plunder 11 12 13 Dem. Severe 19 31 36 38 39 Ned of dime novels Magazine worker Asian nurse 40 Go-between Scale unit Does banquet 42 43 45 47 work Handle of a sort Put on the ready Concorde, e.g. 48 49 Old yarn measures Barfly Unoriginal one 50 52 54 Word in an Erskine Caldwell title Hat-wearer on 58 63 65 Capitol Hill Herzoa's creator 65 Saarinen 66 Hall of Famer Ralph 67 68 69 70 Miss Redgrave Deposited Lip-curling gesture Greek Mara 71 Legal degrees DOWN 1 Boorish one 2 Elite or Roman 3 Russian river 4 V.I.P. among Acoustic guitarist heeded for vocalist doing blues, folk, pop. Must play lead and rhythm. Serious musicians only. Call Lis, 488-3972. Wanted -one male roommate for furnished apartment, 1212 So. 15th. Call 432-4944. Chateau Townhouse needs male roommate, own room. 466-3180. WANTED MALE ROOM MATE in a newly-remodeled house with new carpeting, pri vate bdrm. only 5 blocks from campus. 475-3865. Roommate wanted, own room, central airheat, $67.50. 3335 "S", 475-820.7. Wanted-fem&le roommate, own room, near East Campus. Call 467-1243. $80 month. Roommate wanted-nice furnished three bdrm. house in Air Park, $60. 477-8592. Roommate wanted, share furnished house, $67.50 12 utilities, 477-9547. Female roommate wanted to share apt. with three girls. Cheap, 475-7969. FREE MAGAZINES! Over 300 National magazines secretly give FREE SUB SCRIPTIONS to boost cir culation, but you must know how to get on the Free Listl Our DIRECTORY gives names, addresses and order ing instructions) Send $2.00 to BARON ASSOCIATES, UP.O. BOX 271-N, SYCAMORE, ILLINOIS 60178. Fly for $16 per hour wet. Owl Aviation has late model IFR Cessna's at low rates and Cessna pilot education to teach you how to fly. Call for your free Intro flight, 467-3400. Owt Aviation - "the Cessna guys" crossword puz: Edited 33 Make up for 34 Copter part 35 Medical Nobelist, 1953 37 Initials in a plane cockpit 38 Ike's command 41 "We Are " 44 Wall St. term: Abbr. 46 Ostrichlike bird 48 Polaris 51 British sheep 5 U.S. department 6 Giving support to 7 Sword part 8 Get ready to shoot again 9 Third degree, in a scholastic sense U.S. cartoonist " it a lovely day?" Jasmine and oolong French, friend 21 Lucille or volley 25 Drug initials 26 Hemp fiber 27 Indian kerchief 28 Maternal relative 30 Requisites 32 Resident of Nevcr-Nevcr Land ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE T IS R p p:i5 16 17 18 r"l9 fio 11 12 13 i . - j : 14 Im15 ' ! 16 17 18 19 20 21 rp mui 23 " ' rj 2 " " 25 r -afn'" ' " ' 1 1 267 28 rH 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ' : wo mmm rMM' 36 37 38 i 1 39 Pn 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 : rir ri9 " Mj65 jbfi 67 liP 59 60 61 62 63 6 4 65 . i i , ; J I 69 i 70 ' 71 - . , mmmm Li-j-iJ .i MMnm ii i tmUmd mm iiimiii i iiibi mmmmm ACADEMIC RESEARCH PAPERS ' Thousands of topics. Send In one dpllar for up-to-date 160 page mail order catalog. Research Assistance, Inc. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 206 Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 (213)477-8474 Team Electronics Service Center for all your audio repairs, specializing in auto audio and stereo equipment service. 21st & "O", 435-4467. LZ FOUND: 3" ring for gold earring in Avery. Left at Union South Desk. Lost: Amber and sliver ring in South Ladies Lounge, second floor Union. REWARD. Call after 5:00. 488-1965. LOST: blue ski glove wred lining & clip. Call 488-5509. Lost before vacation: wire frame glasses. Reward. Call 432 1926. Birthright offers free pregnancy tests, pre-natal care and financial planning. Confidential. 477-8021. To the dark-iaired, blue .eyed girl standing with a friend outside Gupta's office (361 CBA) Thur. Dec. 18 at 2:00. I came back in a few minutes but you were gone.' Please call me at 464-4810. The guy in the tweed coat. ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU, INC. CALL US FREE 1-800-523-5350 ANON-FROFIT ORGANIZATION by WILL WENG decoration 53 Hocks 54 Desires 55 Author James M. 56 Norse poem 57 Robt.- 59 Welsh sea god 60 Diligence 61 and Thumrnim 62 Olympus residents 64 Wintry sound AlMlAjH ff'VyjA ISIflS AlBl A S. i o l a! p" IlL Dt p D R L t TO A N$j 5" QKIH ilp L L A. ER I GjH TToTF" MT Hli" BAT Bjf ?10 U I AT Hli W iS D acTH A 1 RJM 1 N 0IN I CE GOUE Lf.. WAR KEj PfR"lR V AJW i t 6 Pfjl .BdElkjaSk S-1 6 r E's cIuTiIrIsbmJaIs H f R r i 6 hTjtat qiu cife.L o R n oTTJolRliJi rSf. o m t. snU R ffi-J OIClC TuTR IJ A lM IE R aTBTtTeHR If i lA IP IS tlV IA IR ID