The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 14, 1976, Page page 2, Image 2

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daily nebraskan
Wednesday, janusry U, 1373
CSL task force to present results of housing study
I i.ii. : '.nr-XnAfA in the task force rennrt f unf...:.. .
By Betsie Ammons
The Differentiated Housing Task Force has completed
a two-month study of differentiated housing's success in
UNL residence halls. In differentiated housing, students
with similar academic and social interests live on the same
Study results will be presented Thursday at the Council
on Student Life (CSL) Housing Policy Committee (HPC)
meeting, according to senior Don Thompson of Lincoln,
HPC co-chairperson.
The task force reviewed and evaluated the original dif
ferentiated housing proposal which has been in effect
since fall of 1974, said junior Karen Lundquist of Grand
Island, task force co-chairperson.
More options wanted
Lundquist said the study's consensus is that UNL's
living options should be expanded.
The task force will recommend to HPC that 24-hour
visitation now given to graduate students at Selleck Quaa
rangle be granted other residence halls, Lundquist saia.
In addition, she said, the report includes a recommen
dation that "coed living be expanded to it's logical limit.
Lundquist said 52 per cent of students polled favor
coeducational residence halls, and 41 per cent of ftat
group favor men and women living on the same floor.
"If we can satisfy the small minority who request the
no hour floors, why can't we satisfy the great majority
who want coed floors?" she asked.
Minors wanting to live on co-educational floors or on
those with 24-hour visitation would need parental con
sent, Lundquist said.
A proposal allowing alcohol consumption in residence
Court finds UNL student guilty;
orders pre-sentence investigation
UNL student Ronnie (Ship) Smith was found guilty
of two probation violations Tuesday morning by District
Court Judge Dale Fahrnbruch.
He ruled that Smith's involvement in an Oct. 15 in
cident in the Nebraska Union constituted an unlawful
act which violated his probation terms.
Sentencing was delayed pending a pre-sentence inves
tigation by the Adult Probation Office. No deadline has
been set for presentation of its findings.
Smith could face extended probation, fine, jail or a
combination of these sentences, according to prosecuting
attorney Stephen Yungblut. Smith is free on bail.
It is the second time Smith has been convicted of vio
lating the probation he received for a February 1974
conviction of delivering a controlled substance. His first
violation resulted from a July 1975 conviction of assault
with intent to inflict great bodily injury.
The two charges for the Union incident were for a
violation of the extended 1974 probation and violation of
the probation set after the 1975 charge.
No charges were brought against Smith specifically re
garding the Union incident in which he allegedly inter
fered with Campus Police Officer Ronald Lundy's airest
of UNL student Regina Edington during a scuffle in the
Smith had testified he wanted to stop Lundy from
physically contacting Edington during a scuffle. Edington
was arrested and charged with two misdemeanor counts
of assault. Her trial was scheduled for today.
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Serving you in 2 locations of the Nebraska
Union Lower Level. All freshman and
English books conveniently located in the
Freshman Bookstore. All textbooks for
courses 200 level and above are located
in the Main Textbook Store.
tf "1
.OkO 5 U:l 10 . l (
imt IitiI mm im::i ittmin ma
halls is included in the task force report. Lundquist said
aiconoi use wuum njuinvu fiivaic iuums, and
would be subject to other restrictions at the discretion of
the NU administration.
The task force comprised "pretty good cross section of
the university," according to Lundquist. The 15-member
force included representatives from HPC, Panhellenic
Interfraternity Council, cooperatives, and the Residence
Hall Association, as well as residence hall Student
Assistants and members of the Housing Staff.
If HPC approves the study, it will be presented at
CSL's Thursday meeting, Thompson said.
If approved, it will be submitted to Ken Bader, vice,
chancellor for student affairs, and Richard Armstrong,
director of housing. Armstrong and Bader will review the
report and give it to the NU Board of Regents for further
action, Thompson said.
ASUN agenda
The ASUN Senate meeti to
night at 6:30 in Nebraska Union
I. Executive Report
A. Legislative Review
B. Resignations
C. Standing Committee
D. Interviewing committee
E. NU Board of Regents
F. ASUN governance
G. Student affairs staff
meeting report
II. Open Forum
III. Old Business
A. Committee Reports
IV. New Business
A. Resolution No. 52
B. Executive Committees
V. Announcement
A. East Campus meeting
9m vm
ECKANKAR, the ancient
science of soul travel, is the
subject of an introductory
film and lecture today at
7:30 pjn. at UHME Com
monplace, 333 N. 14th St.
ASUN Senate is now ac
cepting applications for ap
pointment to the Union Ad
visory Board. Interviews will
be Jan. 17, from 9 a.m. to
4 pjn. Apply at Nebraska
Union 334.
The Council on Student
Life (CSL) is receiving ap
plications until Jan. 16 for
the open position on the
Fees Allocation Board
(FAB). Applications can be
picked up in room 200 in
the Union. A resume, in
cluding campus activities,
job experience and reasons
for wanting to serve on FA3
should be submitted with
the application. Interviews
will be scheduled between
Jan. 19 and 23.
The East Union Program
Council will be having inter
views on Jan. 25 beginning
at 2 pjn. in the East Union.
The interviews will be to
find five chairpersons for
committees on dances and
concerts, recreation, hospi
tality, campus involvement
and education. Come or
phone East Union, 472
2955 or 472-2956, for an
interview time.
The first 1976 meeting
of HEMP (Helping End
Marijuana Prohibition) will
be Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in
the Union. The meeting will
plan spring activities and
elect a new president.
ASUN Senate is taking
applications for Student
Court, Council on Stu
dent Life (CSL), Publica
tions Board, Student Or
ganizations, and Arts and
Sciences senator. Inter
views are Jan. 20 and 22
from 7 pjn. to 9 pjn. in the
8 a m, -Power Technology
Conference-Ntbraska Center
for Continuing Frliwatim
INCCE), 33rd and Holdrege
8 a.m.-Japenese Agricultur
al Training Program-NCCE.
(through March 6).
8 a.m. -National Rural
Electrification Cooperative
Association-NCCE. (through
Jan. 23).
10 a.m.-Exhibits of photos
by Bob Starck, prints by Vl
Christensen, and work by Olsi
Market Craftsmen Guild of
Omaha (through Feb. 1)-
Shaldon Memorial Art Gallery.
1 p.m.-Faculty Wives
Nursery Nebraska Union 232.
A ri , r4,,a-
Hon 108-Union Auditorium.
5:30 pjn.-Student Y
Advisory Board-Union Harvest
Room A.
7 pjn.-Wlldlife Club-Union
7 p.m.-Fundamentats of
Tax Preparation Course II,
7:30 p.m. -Mexican-American
Student Association-Union
7:30 p.m.-Wildlife Club
Executive-Union 232.
daily nebfaofcan
Editor-in-chief: Vine Boucher. News Editor: tori Demo.
Managing Editor: Randy Cordon. Associate News Editors:
ti-ni. , ,nd Rt S,lif,e- iJVOut Editor: Mlchele Schmal,
Night News Editor: Randy Blauvelt. Arts and Entertainment
taitor: Diane Wanek, Sports Editors: Dennis Onnen and Pete
vyegman Third Dimension Editor: Theresa Forsman, Photo
Chief: Ted Kirk.
Copy Editors: Stephanie Noonan. Mry Kay Roth, Nancy
5tohs nd Matt Truell. News Assistant: Jim Kay. Editorial
Assistant: Sue Kalina.
Business Mjn.ger; j,rr Haussler, Advertising Manager:
Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
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