monday, january 12, 1976 daily nebraskan page 7 KS V. 4 V Introduction of ASUN's alcohol bill depending upon unidentified Senator By Liz Crumley An ASUN Senate bill legalizing alcohol in specific campus areas probably has a 60 per cent chance of being introduced during the current session of the Nebraska Legislature, said John Welch, chairman of the ASUN Government Liaison Committee. The bill, which includes a provision allowing the uni versity to seek a liquor license, currently has possible sup port for introduction from only one state member, Welch said. However, the senator, whom Welch refused to ident ify, wanted to be sure the effort was not "doomed from the start" before promising support for introduction, Welch said. "Right now, it looks kind of negative," Welch said. Regents' action The first step, Welch said, is the NU Board of Regents action on a Differentiated Housing Task Force proposal, which probably will include a recommendation that liquor be allowed in certain campus areas. The task force, originated by the Council on Student Life's Housing Policy Committee (HPC) last October, studied and made recommendations on housing policy. Welch said he expects the regents to defeat the pro posal as they have similar proposals. The proposal prob ably will be on the board's February agenda. Originally, the ASUN Senate wanted to introduce its bill during the first 10 days of the legislative session, Welch said. This would allow a state senator to introduce it rather than a committee, which after 10 days must introduce any bill for the general session. However, the senate changed strategy. Welch said he was told the bill would lose too many votes in the Legisla ture if regents did not act first on the task force's alcohol proposal, he said. Proper channels Welch said he did not think a regents' defeat of the XT alcohol proposal would hurt, and said he thinks state sen ators believe the ASUN proposal should tavel "proper (regent) channels" before visiting the Legislature. Welch emphasized that the HPC task force's proposal must be acted on by CSL, Ken Bader, vice-chancellor for student affairs, and Interim Chancellor Adam Brecken ridge before reaching the regents. See related story p. 20 Though Welch said he did not foresee any problems concerning the expected alcohol proposal, he said Breck enridge has promised it no vocal support. The state senator approached for support of the senate bill also wants to be sure of an effective student lobbying effort arid support from proper university officials before he agrees to introduce the bill into session, Welch said. However, he said, the senate lacks sufficient manpower for an effective lobbying effort. He said students interest ed in helping should contact him. Gubernatorial uncertainty Another problem, Welch said, was uncertainity of gubernatorial action if the bill were passed by the Legisla ture. Welch said he spoke to one of Gov. J. James Exon's aides but received no definite indication of what would happen. However, Welch said, he was told that Exon thought campus alcohol legalization was within the regents juris diction. The bill probably would be worded so that the legalization would not need regent consent, Welch said. Welch said he new expects 1 1 votes from senators in the 1976 Legislature who voted for a similar bill intro duced in the 1974 session. s-vs yto ft 6 8 w 4 "oYW to K4 Li ui Li 8 3 6 Serving you in 2 locations of the Nebraska Union Lower Level. All freshman and English books conveniently located in the Freshman Bookstore. All textbooks for courses 200 level and above are located in the Main Textbook Store. i 2 'A lJ j i c J Li ' j Li '111 OOIY OFNCU& SB-GIOPBi IflSS" IistSopi istififiii mi Mmh fiisi imt lull Hl-O 1 P. 1 VA Wit HE? U i rD(a) O Men's Hairstyling 477-9555 L mm i Ki i jm i i mii mmimjuwui .uiiiii i imiim J Mill 'ffllllwmiWffTWnTtfWMW7ffnTtfi1MTyf MIHfmilMmMtMftinr r"li - " " ;.''.-;kws?'w ' wM 'A emester 9 -Ik- Clear Away All Winter Merchandise II m ma "ja sweaters ii m K--.JS . WW 4 Pant8 leathers sluets . ski jackets leans ' coats w 1 efb accessories mr 11 long dresses daytime dresses SHOES 40 OFF 0 r 6W Gateway All Sales final O open weeknites til 9 sat til 6, gun. 1-5 1