monday, January 12, 1976 daily nebraskan page 13 Bookstores don't expect shortage;new system helps By Barbara Lutz Depending on whether you're buying or selling, this could be the "best year ever" or you could have "quite a bit of trouble" with textbooks. Officials for both Nebraska Bookstore and University Bookstore say they don't expect any shortages this semester. John Wehr, Nebraska .Bookstore manager, said that last semester, UNL Academic Services started to supply enrollment figures to the bookstores, which he said should end unequal distribution of book orders. In addition, Nebraska Bookstore will try hard to get used books this semester, he added. "Purchase figures in terms of buy-back dollars from students is up 30 per cent over last year," he said. The new system of supplying enrollment information is encouraging, he said, but there still are problems. And several UNL departments agree. James Rawley, history dept. chairman, said bookstores often do not order enough books and are late filling requests. Communication a problem Math and English departments spokesmen said that communication between the university and the book stores is a problem and bookstores often do not get the number of books they order. Wehr said bookstores have problems with teachers who forget to order, who change their requests less than 30 days prior to the semester or who ask for new editions of books when the old editions already are in stock. Students' buying habits also create headaches, he said. Many students wait until the last day to order books, he said, when the selection is small or exhausted. Jerry Williams, assistant manager of University Book store, said as few as 30 per cent of books needed for the estimated enrollment figure may be stocked in his store. The number of books stocked is based on several enroll ment figures and past experience, he said. If a book has been used for several semesters, it will be available from other students on campus, he added. More for selling books Williams said students will receive more money if they sell their books at the end rather than start of the semester, because the bookstores can order fewer books. University Bookstore orders directly from the publisher while Nebraska Bookstore has a warehouse. "It's a financial risk (for University Bookstore) to take advantage of the used book market," Williams said, "But competition is healthy." He said competition between the stores "keeps prices in line and guarantees there are going to be more books." Wehr said it is contrary to university policy, instructors often order from only one store. but Tills jj t-JwT-1fr .-p tm ,rriwr mmnwiwMim iMSWt Mt-ifeBfciJf f,Kfcii.i, -jaw i;MMumMMiW-JHiWbllllAii;-' till3 is U Li U' at tho publisher and w;i NOT be available. 'I Ma In. h -Ijil53bi That's what a Columban Father Is. Ha s a man who carat. ..and a man who shares. ..a man who raachas out to missions in Asia and Latin America. share the Good Naws that Jasus truly cares tor them. He's a man who commits his life totally to others so they can live their lives as Qod intended. Being a COLUMBAN FATHER Is a tough challenge.. . but If you think you have what It takes and are a Catholic young man, 1 7 to 26, write today lor our FREE 1S-Pag Booklet DN Columban Fathers t Columbane, NEMOM I am Interested In becoming a Catholic Missionary Priest. Please send me your booklet. Photo by Terry Ganaabom Officials of Nebraska Bookstore say that this sign will be seen less this semester on the store's book shelves. Some professors have doubts. Nebraska Bookstore, which is privately owned, and University Bookstore, which is owned by the university, should have an equal share in the market, he added. Competition decreased when Campus Bookstore, owned by Nebraska Bookstore, closed last semester. Wehr said the bookstore wanted a better variety of businesses next to the university. A new tenant has not been found. Book exchanges start text trading The ASUN Book Exchange will open again this semes ter, according to ASUN President Jim Say. Starting today through Jan. 21, the exchange will be open from 9 aan. to 5 p jn. in the Nebraska Union's North and South Conference rooms. After students price the books, Say said, all books and their sellers are compiled on a master list kept by ASUN. The Student Bar Association also is sponsoring a book exchange and distribution service, starting today, in the Law College on East Campus. Student Bar President Gene Crump said bar members staff the book exchange and the organization receives three per cent of the profits. The University Bookstore provides the books and pays the student staff. No law books are available at University Bookstore until distribution ends at the Law College Jan. 16, said Jerry Williams, University Bookstore assistant manager. AddrM ta I, SMit Si9 CUM 'V '' f -i " You hv aonwihlnfl to ehtre with the people of the rural South and Appclaeifl yourself. Find out about tho opportunities open to you aaa Gtonmary Priest, Brother or Sister. , I . For He Information about oppor tunHlei with Glenmary Home Mil nonea write: GUNMARV. Room 33 Box 46404 Cincinnati. Ohio 45246 Also ptecne tend tree vr fii ftod Mode Me Potter. Shown Above. Send free potter only Name. .Starts.. f ... i , , i , , , , u,.,J ji "' tZ I ft l( "pyMif $ i v B4 k M fwKNon portabl dido nils mkulafor. &,.rJ,' "7 I CMbuOhVI il f , t II dots just obout vsrything Irom simphi O O t " l I , mcrli It rrigoopmelrk md logwitftmk TtiTnr r 7 W C3 E f 9 VT. Warranty " '. II W . 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