page 6 daily nebraskan thursday, december 1 1, 1 975 NINA ft f f """j BORT CARLETON CnT fU "4 FANFARE P C I 1 CRISTINA f :xW ppTTi "j OF CANADA I J " ) FAMOLARE MJ AJ- AMI 1 SANDLER XgP VV Originally priced tr- jj from $30 I to $76 L If LARGEST SELECTION F) f INTOWW n I a shoe store BURGUNDY BROWN I w CAMEL BLACK 1229 R CA M PUS CORNER IN THE OLD QUENTIN S LOCATION Lewis Committee plans changes in petition drive By Liz Crumley An organized and more traditional can vassing approach to gather signatures for a grand jury petition was announced by the Justice for Lewis Committee Wednesday night- .... t The new effort is scheduled to begin Saturday. The committee is sponsoring a petition drive calling for a grand jury investigation into the shooting deaths by police of Sher dell Lewis and Elijah Childers. However, committee chairman Jesse Payne said once a grand jury is convened its investigation can take any direction. Committee members expressed the de sire that police procedures also be investigated. Lewis was shot by Lancaster County Deputy Sheriff Rodney Loos on Sept. 24 when police attempted to serve a search warrant at Lewis's home. Childers was shot by a Lincoln policeman Feb. 1. 2,500 signatures The committee has approximately 2,500 signatures, Payne said, and needs 4,828 by January 15. The petition drive started Sept. 15. Petitioners will start at 84th St. and work west, Payne said. Others will start at Highway 2 and work north, ultimately end ing at O St. This should increase the probability of getting signatures, Payne said. He added the committee was relying on the validity of a Lincoln newspaper's survey showing which socio-economic areas were most like ly to be sympathetic. , Problems the committee has encoun tered were also discussed at the Malone Center meeting. Time is running out, Payne said, be cause of the approaching holiday season and the January deadline. He added that most of the petitions have been circulated by members of the committee who were not "members of the communities that should be concerned." A difficulty in getting back signed pe titions also has been a problem, according to committee members. Payne cited a "very conscious calculated attempt by (County Attorney) Ron Lahners to discredit members of this com mittee through character assassination," which has hindered committee work. Freshman wins bond raffle The Student Veteran's Association announced Wednesday the winners of its tuition raffle. First place winner was Randy Bohaty, a freshman business administrative major from Lincoln and second place went to Mark Elsener, a Lincoln sophomore majoring education. Bohaty won a $300 tuition bond and Elsener won a $ 1 00 bond. The association sold 403 of 1,000 raffle tickets printed at $1 each, but will be S20 short after paying bills, said Bob Treadway, association treasurer. "Perhaps if we had printed 2,000 tickets at 50 cents each we would have come out ahead," he said. Treadway said the fund raiser was an attempt to supplement its annual student fees appropriation of $300, which he said basically is used to print a student veterans handbook. Final's week bus schedule Campus Police announced that the East Campus bus shuttle will run from Dec. 15 to 19 starting at 6:50 ajn. until 5:50 psn. Buses will leave Burr-Fedde Hall on East Campus 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the hour. From Dec. 19 to Jan. 11, there will be no shuttle bus service, but regular service will begin the first day of classes Jan. 12. BILLBOARD PINNERSI j" iU , q Sick and tired of 'not tMirtg r - a- vuui nun iwr mv nuiioir uo H the CLASSIFIEDS and let your Li r. (S 1 2ool I i "The cost is so reason able especially when you consider the heater, mat tress, workmanship ol the frames, the heavy wood... It's so beautiful you'll think you can never af ford it. But to find out how reasonably priced Land & Sky waterbeds are will surprise people." Dnni Hopkinv Lincoln r 1325 "0 When you're tired of the same old springs. lond and sku "rt" . 1.1 1- wobsrbeds 475-7778 ColoniargnQ. ( I jl hm-! inn ' 'ait 'WLJ ELL Kc . Nebraska Union Re-opening this week with a new face, a new menu, and some special new features SOUP 'N SALAD BAR Make your meal or merely accompany it with superb soups we make and lavish salads you make yourself! STEAK SOUP Vell worth a wintry walk to the Union it will warm your soull SANDWICHES ' with IMAGINATION Your old favorites, plus some brand new ones SPEEDY SERVICE But the same sit-down civility! Open 11:30 am -1:15 pm Mon. - Fri Faculty, staff, students and University guests welcome J A M,IM''''''"'"1 1 MfiMimwtmiwi 111 in 'l"r i. .ii in 111 ili.-ui 1 iwi rnar.iy ""tei