The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1975, Page page 3, Image 3

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    thursday, december 1 1, 1975
daily nebraskan
page 3
By Liz Crumley
''Thank you for calling Frontier Airlines.
Due to a work stoppage on another airline,
we are extremely busy at this time."
This recording, out of the Denver Fron
tier reservation office, is a result of a six-day-old
continuing strike by United Air
lines machinists during, what both Frontier
and United Airlines call, their busiest sea
son of the year.
International Association of Machinists
(I AM) members walked out shortly after
midnight Friday. Approximately 16,700
members, including mechanics, food ser
vice workers and ramp service workers, are
Tickets honored
According to Harlan Franey, Lincoln's
United customer services supervisor,
United tickets that have been sold will be
honored by other airlines, space permitting.
Frontier and Air Wisconsin are the other
two airlines operating out of Lincoln.
If a United ticket is sold, Mark Hime
lick, Lincoln's Air Wisconsin station super
visor said, Air Wisconsin will honor it if
space permits, and United will pay any
additional fare charge. However, he said, if
a person only has a United reservation, but
has not picked up the ticket, he must pay
the additional charge.
. United is cancelling reservations that
have been made for two days ahead and is
accepting reservations for three days ahead,
Franey said. This is based on hopes that
the strike will end soon.
Bob Schulman, Lincoln's Frontier direc
tor of public relations, said many of Fron
tier's popular flights were almost full and
suggested that students wanting reserva
tions call immediately.
Omaha, Denver, Las Vegas
The Omaha, Denver, Las Vegas flight
probably the most popular Frontier
flight, he said, is almost booked full for the
Christmas season,
Lincoln's Air Wisconsin has had about a
100 per cent increase in business, Himelick
said, which he attributes to the strike.
Air Wisconsin mainly flies between
Lincoln and Minneapolis, with connections
to Chicago and other cities United serves
directly, Himelick said
Greyhound and Continental bus sta
tion personnel said stations have been
busy, but could not determine whether it
was because of the United strike. They
added that Christmas is always a busy
Marketing Club's final
Think Drink this semester
is today from 4:30-6:30
p.m. at the Water Hole.
Membeis pay 25 cents and
guests, $1.
The International
Student Union is sponsor
ing an International
Luncheon today from
11:30 ajn. to 1 p.m. at
the Lutheran Chapel,
Centennial Mall. All
students are inyited.
The International House
will show a film, Seven
Faces of Dr. Lao at
Neihardt Residential Center
in Piper basement at 8 pjn.
Saturday. There will be no
8:30 a.m .-Student Affairi
staff-Nsbraska Union 216.
Noon-Pi Tau Sigma-Unlon
Pewter Room.
3:30 p.m. Jazi and Java
Union South Crib.
5:30 pjn. Council on Stu
dent Llfe-Houdng Policy Com
mitteeUnion Pewter Room.
5:30 p.m.-Ph! Mu Alpha
Sinfonla-Union Harvait Room.
5:30 p.m.-Councll of Amer
ican Indian Student Union
6:30 pjn.-Residence Hall
Association-Union 222.
7 p.m .-Nebraska Union
Southeast Tech-dinner Union
7 p.m.-Minority Affairs
P!aytinAr-Union Auditor
ium. 7 p.m.-Bahai Association
Union 216.
7 p.m.-Minority Affairs tu
toringOnion 225.
7:30 p.m.-Math Counselors
-Union 225.
8 p.m.-Varslty Men's Glee
and Women's Chorale Concert
Kimball Recital Hall. 11th and
R streets.
8 p.m.-ri Crucible-Arthur
Miller Howel! Theatre, 12th
and R streets.
8:30 p.m. Union Program
Council Play-JacoxM Brwl It
Aliv and Well In Paris-Union
Centennial Room.
charge and everyone is
The Agronomy Club will
meet tonight at 7 pjn. at
Keim Hall 244. Following
the business meeting a pizza
party and work session is
Phi U honorary will
meet tonight at 6:30 pjn.
in Home Economics Bldg.
104. A Christmas decora
tion party is planned.
Certificates for newly
initiated members of Alpha
doily nobfos
Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brite, News Editors: Randy Gordon
and Lo.-I Demo. Managing Editor: Stan Llnhont, Associate News
Editor: Gina Hills, Layout Editor: Michel Schmal, Night News
Editor: John Katkowski, Arts and Entertainment Editor: Robert
Thurber, Sports Editor: Larry Stunkel, Third Dimension Editor:
Vince Boucher, Photo Chief: Ted Kirk, Copy Editors: Christie
Cater, Stephanie Noonan, Mary Kay Roth and Jim Zalewski, News
Assistant: Becky Brugman, Business Manager: Jerri Haussler,
Advettising Manager: Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Klttv
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68588.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and
R streets, Lincoln, Neb., 68588. Telephone: (402) 472-2588.
Copyright 1975, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted
without permission If attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except
material covered by another copyright.
Lambda Delta are in.
Certificates may be picked
up from a booth in the
Nebraska Union Thursday
and Friday, from noon to
5 p.m.
A pottery and print sale
is scheduled for Friday from
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Nelle
Cochran Woods Bldg. The
sale is a fund raising pro
ject by the studnets to
improve facilities. Pottery,
prints, plants and baked
goods will be sold.
The Law Library will be
open until 2 ajn. during
finals, and the circulation
desk and reserve room will
close at midnight.
The Overseas Opportun
ities Center (OOC) needs
names of anyone who has
lived, worked, studied,
traveled or been in the
service outside the country
to be used in a resource
Stop by OCC, Nebraska
Union 205 or call 472-2484.
This is the last week for
senior pictures for the 1976
Senior Yearbook. Call 472
3913 from 9 ajn. to 1 pjn.
and 2 pjn. to 6 pjn. for an
appointment. The pictures
are taken at the Alumni
House, 1520 R St.
The dealine for applying
for third round Teaching
Council grants is Jan. 10.
Faculty members interested
in the grants, which will be
awarded Feb. 1, should call
the Teaching and Learning
Center at 472-3079.
hovland It
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The savings are spectacular and just in time
for Christmas! For this event, we have put to
gether the most tremendous sweater collect
ion ever! Choose from every style and color
imaginable Including: turtlenecks, vests, pull
overs, tweeds, patterns, wools, acrylics. Many
famous maker looks, plus our own exclusive
Imports. S-M-L. Unique, all three stores.
110 North 14th