The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1975, Page page 5, Image 5

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    iJiiit uiy, CwCeiTiuef 4, 1375
daily nsbraskan
Senator says CSL appoi nfees le
Continued from p.l
senate's action bat not contest it," Mor
not going to take a strong position on what
should happen.
There will be no CSL meetings until the
recession is clarified, Young said, by the
chancellor or the Student Court.
ASUN Second Vice President Paul Mor
rison, also a CSL member, said Young's re
fusal to call any CSL meetings until the
matter is resolved was "wrong."
As far as the senate is concerned, Mor
rison said, the replacement of the student
appointees was legal and the seven senators
now are legal CSL members.
"People have a right to protest the
senate's action byt not to contest it," Mor
rison said.
ASUN President Jim Say said that when
Young refused to call the CSL meeting last
week, he was not clear about his options.
Say said Young could have allowed , old
CSL appointees to sit at the meeting while
the agenda was discussed and then allow
the seven senators to discuss proposed CSL
Serves university
ASUN Sen. Jeff Searcey said that CSL is
a "very viable" organization that serves the
"But we as students can't allow CSL to
go sour. We have to make sure that the
type of things CSL is deciding is in the best
interests of "students and are not puppet
decisions of the administration," he said.
CSL member Terry Klopfenstein dis
agreed and said the implication was that
"we're the bad guys and that the faculty is
going to decide against the best interests of
the students.
"I don't think we should be fighting. I
think we've been trying to work for com
mon goals," he said.
Morrison's proposal to require ASUN
and Faculty Senate approval of all CSL
recommendations before they go to the
chancellor Klopfenstein said, wss poorly
Another CSL member, George Wolf,
questioned the lack of due process on the
part of the senate.
"As far as I can tell, there's been
nothing done as far as mat (due process)
for the formerly appointed CSL student
members," he said.
Check on power
Due process provided a check on the
arbitrary use of power, he added.
Wolf said he agrees with ASUN's aims in
principle and thinks CSL should be pri
marily a student body.
"Students ought to be in control of
those things which don't have anything to
do with classrooms," he said.
The means were important in this case,
Wolf said, but wondered "if I want these
people (senators) to be in control of such
Another CSL member, Ron Gierhan,
said that if a CSL member is removed, the
reasons should be dearly stated.
Morrison's proposal would "add another
level of bureaucracy and would render the
council's work ineffective," he said.
All persons questioned, including CSL
members and ASUN senators expect the
dispute to be taken to the ASUN Student
The court's decision would involve a
decision on who the real student CSL
members are.
Medical ethics class topic
Students can study and discuss the
moral problems arising in medical science
in a new medical ethics course offered by
the UNLPhHosophy Dept. second semester.
Taught by Robert Audi, department
chairman, the course will emphasize moral
questions such as experimentation on
human subjects, biological engineering,
abortion, euthanasia and the role of the
physician in society. Although it is a 200
level course, it has no prerequisites.
According to Audi, these problems must
be dealt with philosophically as well as
Although the course is meant to help
future practitioners, it should be of interest
to all students who may be future patients
or relatives of patients, he said.
Throughout the semester, five or six
guest speakers will discuss morality in dif
ferent areas of medical sicnece. Enrollment
is limited to about SO, Audi said, but if
more students who interest, the limit might
be extended.
Police check
assault cases
Campus Police are "not ruling out the
possibility of a connection1 between an
attempted assault early Wednesday
morning in Selleck Quadrangle and the
Oct. 12 rape of a UNL student.
According to Lt. Robert Edmunds,
a female graduate student was asleep in her
room in the 4000 building of Selleck about
2:30 ajn. Wednesday when a "young"
man entered. Edmunds said the man awoke
the woman by placing his hand over her
mouth and saying, 'Be quiet and you won't
get hurt. The student told police the man
claimed to have a weapon, but said she
did not see one.
The pohce report said the student, who
thought the door was locked, broke free
from the man. He then ran out the door
and out of the building, Edmunds said.
Edmunds said descriptions of the man
involved in the Wednesday incident and of
the man suspected of the Oct. 12 rape were
The woman involved in the Wednesday
incident described the man to police as a
white male between 19 and 20 years old,
5 ft. 9 in. to 5 fi. 10 in., 125 to 135
lbs. She said he had dark brown, shoulder
length hair, a slender build and acne or
blemishes on the upper cheek areas.
Campus Police is investigating the case.
Edmunds asked that anyone with informa
tion contact Campus Police.
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