The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1975, Page page 2, Image 2
thursday, december 4, 1975 lage 2 short stuff Custom tost your IH : stero I m 111 II f Wondering about the condition of your audio equipment? Just bring in your amplifier, preamplifier, or receiver regardless of age, make, or where you bought it. The Sound Thinkers will take it from there. First, they will thoroughly test your equipment (except the tuner section of your receiver) on $7,000 worth of precision laboratory equipmentAnd they'll tell you if you're getting all the sound performance you paid for. In addition, the results will be plotted on a graph for your records. You'll also get an attractive brochure that explains exactly what's been done and what it all means. There are no strings attached. And you don't have to buy anything. We're bringing our technicians to our store simply to get you to know us a littlo better. Date: Friday, Dec. 5 Time: NOON 'TIL 6 ?L Sat. Dec. 6 NOON 'TIL 5 ?l Is 4 1 L 3 13 13th J pwfZ rt f-' f""! 475-1423 mm. Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, meets tonight at 6:30 .at Valentino's North for a Christmas Dinner. The Accounting Club Christmas party is scheduled for tonight at 7:30 at the Chateau La Fleur Club house. Refreshments will be served. The Women's Resource Center Advisory Board meets today at 5 p jn. at the Women's Resource Center. The UNL Young Republicans December meeting will feature NU Board of Regents members discussing the university's present and future. The meeting is tonight at 7 in the Nebraska Union. Every one is welcome. The American Home Economics Association will elect officers at its meet ing tonight at 6:30 at C.Y. Thompson Library lounge. . Alpha Epsilon Rho meets tonight at 6 at the KRNU TV studio. Students wishing to apply for financial assistance for the 1976-77 school year may meet with advisers tonight at 7 in the Nebraska Union. Women in engineering and related fields are invited to the Society of Women aYe MY. Penny, tr cuni in3 down th s Wik tiing MuriHy tune. -puv fttmy war laughs on ;3jHLs,i'crin9 n ne mside because -tomorrow ill! Dig im ws fpenny ha 3 om hiv7kooKnc1 1 1 to da. What 4 ha?ilc? But not I .It I Nn l. nr hoi y arftarnmq nd quick rrvirwj rn boot. in? nat rvaA Ln yhcrttftj mnnYWved if a N0TESLkforethe (HERE! : : VUAxtaKar- " """" 1 T'''""' ""''""mmm J Engineers party Friday at 8 pjn. at 1948 K St. Art Lending Library prints are due Friday. They may 'be returned to the South Conference Room between 8 ajn. and 5 pjti A meeting for Christian pre-meds and other medical oriented students will be Friday, 7:30 pjm., at Dr. Garland Bares' home, 1320 Carlos Drive. Those needing a ride should meet at the Wesley House by 6:45 pan. Everyone is welcome. Veterans interested in obtaining mini resumes for distribution to Nebraska colleges, technical schools, employers and On the Job Training sites should contact Special Veterans Prcgiam, 1211 Seaton Hall. The Undergraduate library study areas on second and third floors of Nebraska Hall will be open 24 hours a day from Friday until the end of finals week. Evidence about the Robert Kennedy assassina tion, never before made public, will be presented by Jeff Cohen of the Assassina tion Information Bureau when he speaks at the Nebrsska Union Ballroom Thursday at 8 pjn. Cohen will tape a program about the RFK, JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations to be aired next month on the public cable television channel. Sendar BOOKSELLER j Thursday 8:30 a.m.-Student Affairs Staff-Nebraska Union 216. 9 a .m. -Minority Affairs -Union Auditorium. 9:30 a.m. Journal Jim School Seminar-Union Ball room. 12:30 p.m.-Borflng 115 6 tast Union Confaranct Room. 1 p.m.-ASUN News Conference-Jeff Cohen-Union 232. 2 p.m. -Speech Dept. -Union Auditorium. 2:30 p.m.-Council on Stu dent Life-Committee on Stu dent Organizations-Union 216. 3:30 p.rn.-Jaw and Java -Union South Crib. 5 pn.-Chi Epsilon Initiation-Union 202. 5. .40 p.m.-Council on Stu dent Life-Housing Policy Com- . . l ir "W 5:30 pjn.-Slgma Nu-dinner -Union Harvest Room. 5:30 pjm.-Phl Mu Alpha Sinfonla-Unlon Harvest Boom. 6:30 p.m.-CourtcII of Amer ican Indian Students-Union 343. 6 p.m.-Builders-executive- Union 222. 6:30 pjti.-Bullders-Unlon 222. 7 pn.-Eeta Gamma Sigma -Union 203. k 7 p.m.-Younfl Republicans -Union 242. 7 pjn.-Help Eliminate Mari juana ProhibJftiort-Unlon Con ference Room. 7 pn.-American Associa tion for University Professors -Union Auditorium. 7 pjn.-Bahal Association Union 216. 7 p.m.-Minorlty Affair tutoring-Unioa 225. 7 p.m. - Financial Aids -Union 232. 7:15 pjn.-Beta Gamma Slgma-Unlon 202. 7:30 Coonwlor -Union 225. 7:30 p.m.-Students Intefr national Meditation Society Union 337. 8 pjn.-ASUN-Jeff Cohw Union Gal I room.