thursday, december 4, 1975 dally nebraskan "9" 5 wont (gig l ii im mm mm miiiwh mwmimiimiiimm wim mwnnin i t - 1957 Chevy pickup, runs great. $350. Ext. 2585, Rm. 338. 1968 Firebird; 51.000 miles, $875. 2234 Woodcrest. 477 5886. 1968 Chevelle Malibu; all power steering, brakes. Call Tom. 432-1846. 1972 Rally Nova; air, radials, excellent condition, $1900. 488-0941, Jeff or Joe. Two 14X7 12 Cragar (Mach-8) Mags, two 14X60 LOW MILEAGE TIRES. Scott 432-5887. New 10-spd. bike. 6-string guitar with case, excellent condition, 464-3424. 12-string Hagstrom guitar with case. Best offer. 475-1767. Repossessed quad stereo complete, $215. Reliable Stereo, 230 No. 10th. Stereo for sale, $30. Call 475-7117. RCA stereo for sale. $75. 472-3751 8a.m.-5p.m. NEED MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? We BUY albums (no scratches), tapes, and old comics. Trade-A-Tape & Records and the Comicenter, 1127 "P", 435-9675. Pair of 501 Bose speakers, new with 5 year warranty, $300. 489-8547. Altec 714 receiver; 48 watts per channel, 1 yr. old, $185. Call 475-3910 after 5 pjm. One pair Venturi formula 6 speakers; three mos. old, $450. Call 467-2421 days. 423-9248 after 6 p.m. Ask for Don. Harman-Kardon 75 45 watts per channel stereo, 20 par channel quad, 1 12 year old, $200. 477-2167. Buy yourself an early Christmas present. Larger vinyl Advents, Just $198 per pair. Protect your records with a Discwasher. Replace your tired cartridge. Sensational Fulton and Sheffield (direct cut) records. Call 475-DEAL for advice or a quota. 1021 Claremont. ")ust north of the stadium" Color TV-Cheapest price aver on 19" 100 solid state. Twelve only. $365 or $4 a week. Reliable Stereo, 230 No. 10th. NIKKORMAT 31mm. with normal 60mm fl.4 lens. Both In excellent condition, $200. Also Honeywell 770 Auto Strobe flash and recherger, $100. Call Gary at 472-2588 days or 475-0638 evenings. K-2 skis, Fiberjet boots. Head poles, appro x. 6ft. person. Excellent condition, 477-2207. Ski Soots-near new size 10-8 Henke's. Excellent condition. 4844311. Foos&all Tables One used wttdhg model. Also tab!e,4S4-7531. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RING. Would make an ideal cocktail ring a gift for Christmas! 34 carat marquis cut FLAWLESS Center Stone, surrounded by Ten 2pt. Diamonds; all set in Platinum and 18 carat white gold. Total stone weight 1 12 carats. Call Gary and make an offer over $1 ,000. 475-0638 evenings, 472-2588 days. Anniversary Sale 10-50 off turquoise jewelry Dec. 5, 6, 7. NEB-CRAFT GIFTS 1008 "P", 477-8141. Scuba tank recently inspect ed and tested, plus backpack. Also, pair of size 1 1 ski boots. 432-9949. Men's small goose down coat, near new, good price. Call 432-0809. Brown Paiace Co-Op has vacancies available for next semester. $380semester, room and board. 432-2583, 1900 'B"St. Furnished 3-bdrm. trailer; washer and dryer, 2 baths, $240mo. Call collect. 371 8445 before 8p.m. or after 11p.m. Try coed cooperative living. Vacancies for 2nd semester at Cornhusker Co-op, 705 No. 23rd. Call 475-6796, ask for officer for Information. Attention Studentsl Three bdrm. 2nd story apartment, off street parking, $180 plus utilities. 17th & "E". 477 9792. DAILY NEBRASKAN needs people to distribute the paper M, W, Th, F second semester. Must have approx. 8:45a.m. to 9:45a.m. free. Paid by paper size, but average pay is $4day. To apply call Jerri at 472 2586 Thur. or Fri. only, 8:30a.m.-5p.m. Part-time: Mechanic and sales person. Should have own hand tools. Call Treasure City Automotive, 27th & Hwy. No. 2.423-9911. Babysitter, my home after noons, 432-4936. OVERSEAS JOBS -temporary or permanent. Europe, Australia, S. America, Africa, etc. All fields, $500-$ 1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free Info- Write: Inter national Job Center, Dept. NA, Box 4490 Berkely, Ca!. 94704. AFPLI6ATI6; Apj&cati&ss kt tfprfei 1376 Ds2y Ksbrtskfta staff, bebding reporters, cc?y sisters, photographs!, cfarists, artists mi mm t?.i edltcrisl tt&tsst ara fca Ussday E:s. it 5 p.n. Jsatlsss co to ctfcd at fca. 34 Ivwiwi Mll Wanted-Houseperson (clean ing) 5-8 hours weekly, flexible schedule, $2.25hr. Call Mary Ann, 472-2589 for interview. U.S. Army Reserves Part-time work. Mala or female. Earn $48 $78 for only 16 hours work per month (2 months full-time summer training available for women, earning $800.) Phone Mr. Bauer 7:30a.m.-4p.m. 464 6331 or 6-1 0p.m. 488 4893. Reliable loving babysitter needed for 8-year-old boy in my home after school 4 dayswk. 2nd semester. Own transporta tion preferred, references re quired. Area of 18th & B. Call evenings, 432-7414. Excellent part-time am inos doing interview work. No sailing, car required. Call 477-4842 12 9 pjn. Full and part-time help need ed. Will work around your schedule. Openings on both day and night shifts. Excellent opportunities for someone who wants to work. Apply at Arby's Roast Beef, 5540 "O" St. 467-3300. EARN EXTRA DOLLARS in your spare time. Be our campus representative. Hot selling item Big Commission. Novelty Cards, Box 14095, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33302. Wanted to buy an Olympic bar and weights. Call 435 6822. Female to share in communal living situation on acreage near town. Call Nancy at 474-1969 or 432-5597 after 5 p.m. laTJSBai Roommate needed to share clean 3-bdrm. house at 518 So. 21st. $58mo. 477-2629. Own room In home with three females. Call after 5:30, 475-9859. $50-)-. Female roommate; own room, new complex near East Campus and Wesleyan. 466 2229 or 4894409 6 p.m. Need female to share two bdrm. apartment very close to downtown, $55month. 432-3711. Female roommate to share 3bdrm. apartment; $55mo. 475-9347. Recent Colo, grad employed in Lincoln needs female roommate(s) to share and look for house. Prefer senior or graduate student that doesn't mind a dog. 423-6258489-9331 -Nita. Female roommate needed. East Campus vicinity. $75 util. included. 464-3043. ACADEMIC RESEARCH PAPERS Thousands of topics. Send in one dollar for up-to date 160 page mail order catalog. Research Assistance, Inc. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 206 Los Angeles, Calif. 9002S (213) 477-8474 96 of CPC students pass their FAA written exam the first time they take It. Cessna's unique integrated learning program of ground and flight training in logical sequence is available now at OWL AVIATION 5401 No. 48th. Owl also offers lowest rental rates going. Look over our new building and new program, Owl Aviation "the Cessna guys" ' 467-3400 MiinriMi urini iiiiirf- This is the last week to buy tickets in the Student Veterans Tuition Raffle. Tickets cost $1 each. First prize: $300 tuition bond. Last day of sale Friday Dec. 5. Drawing Dec. 10. Fly for $16 per hour wet. Owl Aviation has late model IFR Cessna's at low rates and Cessna pilot education to teach you how to fly. Call for your free Intro flight, 467-3400. Owl Aviation "the Cessna guys" The UNL Young Republicans December meeting will feature members of the Board of Regents of the Univer sity of Nebraska discussing the university, it's present and future. The meeting will be held Thur. Dec. 4 at 7p.m. in the Union. All are welcome. CATCH 3MRSJ5RI?HJflWSfcJ Christmas Ride Match-Up Ones again tha Daily Nebraskan is running a ride match-up, for your convenience in arranging transportation for the Holidays. If you need a ride or some passengers, let people know about it by placing your ad in the match-up. Watch for the special coupon in Friday's Rag. TPilUIA OOIJL Starts TEEi affucatiq::s VSL BY CHaOQ 10 Health aides please remember to return your Blood mobile sign-up sheets to Student Health TODAYS PUBLIC NOTICE The Publications Committee of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will hold a public meeting on Tues day, December ?, 1975 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. Room number to be posted. An agenda of the meeting is on file at the Daily Nebraskan office. Room 34, Nebraska Union. UNL Publications Committee By: Gary Saa crest, Chairman 472 Hot-line for Want Ads Monday thru Friday. You've got our number, so give us LOST: Pearl ring weekend of Nov. 8. Call 474-2128. Large Reward. Borrowed: two hundred and fifty Art Lending Library prints. Please return to the South Conference Room, Friday December 5 between 8a.m. and 4p.m. THE mxt UZO, 21 Soon!! - 2589 yours. Ijvm mmmmmm.mmmmimmumum. Free female Siamese kitten. Has been declawed. Call 475 6355. What is Captain Kirks serial number? TRIVIA BOWL STARTS SOON-Applications available in Room 332 Nebraska Unlon-NOWl Ski at Winter Park January 5-0, $85 plus $10 returnable deposit. Lift tickets not included. Sponsor-Wesley House, 640 No. 16th, 432 0355. Susie-Saturday was super and so are you. Love forever, Mike Birthright offer free pregnancy tests, pre-natal care and financial planning. Confidential. 477-8021. Jody W.-Happy 19th Birthday from tha Abel Two girlsl We'll buy tite first round I To Mace a DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED AD Call 472-2589 L.w. W)e Mi WR)! . SJA UMMMW