The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1975, Page page 10, Image 10

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    thursday, cieeemuer t, 1975
page 10
daily nebraskan
James Drew, UNL dean of graduate studies, will find a
new school of agriculture and a possible increased state
budget of two or three times, which he takes a new position
at the University of Alaska (UA).
He will become the director of the UA Agriculture Ex
periment Station and acting dean of the School of Agri
culture and Land Resources Management Jan. 1.
No replacement for Drew has been named and, accord
ing to Larry Braskamp, assistant to the UNL chancellor, no
search committee has been formed to find one.
The Alaska state leaders are trying to develop agriculture
as "a means to stabilize the (Alaskan) economy from the
boom and bust economy of the past," Drew said.
Alaska never had the economic incentive for agriculture
development, he said, and lacked sufficient capital and
More than 15 million acres of land is suitable for agri
culture and has neve? been developed, Drew said, and eight
million of these are of high quality.
Because of the royalties received from the Alaskan pipe
line, Drew said, Alaska is trying to develop the state's
mineral and oil resources, forestry, recreation and
An expected Alaskan population of one million people
in the next 20 to 30 years is what increased interest in
development, Drew said, and encouraged the establishment
of the school of agriculture.
Drew said he wanted to organize the school, integrating
areas in research, development and extension.
"I have no unhappiness or concerns about UNL," he
siad. "This is an opportunity to be involved in the develop
ment of a new school and area of developing agriculture
just too attractive to pass up."
Graduate emphasis
Drew also expressed concern about the changing empha
sis of graduate work.
"Practitioner" graduate programs are replacing research
and scholarly-oriented programs, he said, because of the in
creased job-awareness of graduates.
Psychology and speech pathology are examples of prac
titioner areas in which graduate enrollment has increased,
he said.
"Nationally we seem to be involved in applying the basic
advances of science instead of increasing research in these
areas," he said. "From the viewpoint of an academic ad
ministrator, we have to continue to support basic research."
It is impossible to maintain an excellent educational sys
tem unless the university maintains a research and scholarly
program, Drew said, and this type of program needs to start
with the faculty.
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Photo by Stew Boomer
James Drew, UNL dean of graduate studies,
will be heading for the University of Alaska.
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CAC delay fails UAB vote
By Barbara Lutz
A motion to postpone construction of
the planned Campus Assistance Center
(CAC) failed at the Union Advisory Board
(UAB) meeting last night, 9-1, with one
Dean Kirby, who proposed the motion,
later abstained.
The motion called for "postponement
until a report is received from ASUN re
garding student support of the center and
its proposed location."
Several ASUN senators also attended
the meeting.
Robert Sim on son, ASUN senator, said
ASUN is not contesting the CAC." He
said he is questioning students input, and
he "would like to get something from the ,
students saying they want it (CAC)."
Simonson said he questions how much
the students knew about the Gateway
Bank before its construction in Nebraska
Union, and if they want the proposed
Simonson said "Bennet has said consis
tently that 'I have no plans (for new con
struction)."' Gary Heider, UAB president said, "I
don't think that's true at all. I was on the
(Union) board that planned the bank."
Simonson said to get student input, he
suggests a survey be put in the registration
UAB member Mike Shannon said that is
"not the way representative government
works. They (the government) are re
sponsible to make decisions."
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