The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1975, Page page 9, Image 9
monday, december 1, 1975 dairy nebraskan page 9 I' A o I w fit m X U u i ! """"" " "" """ "' ' '""'''""mnimilminMnnMimi.n. i .. .... inlimi mm J iLmvV' ; . torn -mam. k naw Photos by Ely Marsh and Steve Boerner Split Coconuts Rock guitarists Dave Mason and Peter Frampton delivered a night of solid entertainment to a crowd of about 2,500 Sunday night. Beginning an hour late because of a temporarily missing drummer, they played a mixture of hard and mellow rock against the background theme of "Split Coconuts," Mason's most recent album. See for yourself . . . See for yourself whether your world doesn't become more interesting and understandable. See for yourself a copy of the influential world newspaper about which John Gardner, Chairman of Common Cause, says, "It has a depth and dimension today that's very important on the news scene." Send for a complimentary copy of The Christian Science Monitor. Or if you've already seen the Monitor for yourself and would like to get it daily, Monday through Friday, take advantage of this special college studentfacuriy 25 discount! the orsnvi scece uxjtor. SMim90" I'd like a complimentary copy of The Christian Science Monitor. I already know I want to subscribe at my special rate of S18 for 6 months ($30 for one year). Checkmoney order enclosed. Bill me later j Mr. Ms. Mrs. Mia (pm print) I ; State Street City ZIP I am a full-time coilege student faculty member at: MARTIN WOLPF PRhSI-NTS I fl i n m Mil W O ft, to Omsk at University of Nebraska at Lincoln HOWELL THEATRE Presents THE CRUCIBLE BY ARTHUR MILLER Dtctmber S. 6, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. T9CKET PUKES Maiattaga $2.50 Student. $ 6 00 Scaioa 1) 00 Noa-ttudrM $10.00 Seaaoa Croup Rate arc Available All Scalk Rawrved HaraavwafWW Box 0$et Hourt 1.40 to 5 . 00 ' Monday throuth Friday TtUphent: 472-20M Bom Ofct: 106 Tempi t OIf. 1 - 7 Anne's new album includes her hit single, "Sunday Sunrise? Produced by Tom Caialano