The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1975, Page page 7, Image 7

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    monday, december 1, 1975
Few Viet vets
request loans
A performance audit of Nebraska's Vietnam Veterans'
Education Loan Act of 1973 shows that only one-tenth of
one per cent of eligible Vietnam veterans requested loans
during the first fiscal year of operation, 1974-75.
It also showed 77 cents in administrative costs were in
curred for every dollar loaned.
The first year's appropriation was $150,000 and $82,000
was budgeted for fiscal 1975-76, plus $19,000 in admin
istrative costs.
The audit also showed that since August, ten loans have
been made totaling $1,150 at an administrative cost of
State Veterans Affairs Director Robert Brandt told the
Legislature's Government, Military and Veterans' Affairs
Committee at a hearing last week that the small number of
loans made administrative costs disproportionately high.
Many veterans use federal Veterans Administration loans
for education and may not be aware of the state loan pro
gram, he said.
Robert Manifold, member of the State Veterans
Advisory Commission, told the committee that the
Veterans Administration has 191 education loans compared
to the state's 105, but the VA has a "huge" staff and infor
mation officers on all college campuses.
He said there has been difficulty making veterans aware
of the state program's availability.
Chuck Patteson, systems analyst in the state auditor's
office, said the performance audit was the first done on a
specific legislative bill and as a result, administration of the
program has improved.
Gay Action Group
interested, involved
Lincoln's gay community is interested in more than their
own liberation, according to Dave, a member of the Univer
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln's Gay Action Group.
"The structure of the Gay Action Group allows for
involvement as interest in new issues, projects or concerns
come into focus," Dave said, "but the continuing involve
ment mat's found in New York or Los Angeles isn't found
in Lincoln."
Dcvre said the Lincoln Gay Action Group and the UN-L
Gay Action Group are basically the same organization. Gay
action group activities include Sunday night coffeehouses
at Commonplace, 333 N. 14 St., gay rap groups at
Commonplace and the Gay Rap Line. The rap line is an all
night telephone line, is one of the major functions of the
group and is funded yearly with $500 from the University
for its operation.
Profits from next Sunday's Anniversary Coffeehouse will
go to the defense fund of Sgt. Leonard Matlovitch, who was
discharged from the military because he is a homosexual,
said Dave. Dave said the group is supporting Matlovitch and
has run articles in local newspapers, received affidavits from
gay service people and is donating profits to his cause.
The Gay Action Group also operates a resource center in
Commonplace. It was started with a $100 donation from a
member of the gay community when the group could not
get money from the fees allocations board, Dave said. It
is now funded by a $50 a month donation from Gay
Action Group, he said. He said it is the only resource
center of its kind in Nebraska and has books, pamphlets
and newspapers that can be checked out to anyone.
daily nbrsskan
page 7
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f V i
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I 1
Panasonic RE-7014 AMFM
Stereo-Automatic Changer
All you need for real stereo
enjoyment. Has a highly sen
sitive built-in AMFMFM
stereo radio combined with a
full-size automatic record
changer and two full-range
18W high speaker systems.
Features like AFC on FM,
slide-rule tuning, continuous
tone control and more.
mm. Ne
' I
Pioneer H-2001 AMFM
Stereo Radio Automatic
Changer 8-Track Player
Has an AMFMFM stereo radio, a full
size BSR changer and an 8-track player
all in one. Features separate bass, treble,
volume and balance controls, viscous
damped cueing on the changer and two
QVz" full-range speaker systems. The
changer comes
Our most
Panasonic SE-2250
AMFMFM Stereo Radio -Automatic
Cassette Tape Recorder
Features record level meter,
' pause control, tape counter
and microphone. Separate
bass and treble controls are
also provided. The two 2-way
air-suspension speakers each
contain a 6V2" woofer and 2"
tweeters. The system comes
complete with stereo phono
cartridge and tinted dust
cover. .
with a stereo
phono car
tridge and tint
ed dust cover.
Our most
popular scanner!
Reaencv ACT-C4
4-Channel Single-Band
Scanning Radio
This beautiful littli desk-top scanner
brings public service band listening
within anybody's price rangel The
ACT-C4 features slide-out panel for
easy crystal access, slide lock-out
switches, detachable telescopic an
tenna, and built-in speaker. AC oper
ation only. I rir?
Regency ACT-R 10 HLU
10-Channc! 3-Band Scanning Radio
Regency ACT-WIO
HLU 10-Channel
Synthesized Scanner
This exciting innovative new radio re
ceives all the public service bands,
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onstrated at your TEAM Electronics
Center. .
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