The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1975, Page page 6, Image 6
monday, december 1, 1975 page S Grad students seek more interaction By Lisa Brown After starting slowly this fall, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) is organizing to increase interaction among graduate students, according to GSA President Cassie Hergenrater. GSA has scheduled an informal coffee hour for graduate students Dec. 3 at 7:30 pjii. in the Nebraska Union. It also is preparing a newsletter to be published later this month and is drafting a response to Faculty Senate president Franklin Eldrige's statement about graduate students made at the Nov. 12 Faculty Senate meeting. Eldridge said it has been his experience that first year assistants and graduate assistants are the instructors most likely to miss their classes. There is little interaction among graduate students in dif ferent departments, Hergenrater said, and it could help graduate students to informally discuss problems en countered in research and teaching. The first coffee hour is to be at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 3 in the mmtmmnnwwuHMmmMmm. mmmmmmmm WM Nebraska Union. -..uiiched A newsletter compiled by the GSA and firs Pd last year will be continued this year, she said. It provides information about fellowships, awards and changes in school policies regarding graduate students. -rtrmatlnn Richard Uznarlski, GSA vice president and information committee chairman edits the newsletter. Mani. r The GSA discussed Eldridge's statement at its November meeting and drafted a response. vo.k Hergenrater said the association started slowly because Keith Williams, the president-elect, resigned during ; the summer and the position was not filled until October. T?e GSArganked in the 1970-71 year, is not operated under any other UNL organization. Each of the 63 depart ments offering graduate degree programs send representa tives to meetings. Any graduate student can attend and vote. Hergenrater said the organization is troubled by repre sentatives that often are absent. short stuff The Ag Economics-Agribusiness Club's last meeting of the semester will be Tues day at 7:30 pjn. in the low er level of C.Y. Thompson Library. A slide presenta tion on agriculture in the year 2000 will be presented by Ray Weilage, a corre spondent for the banking department at the National Broadcasting Company. The UNL Parking Appeals Committee will meet Tues- r k vy a t ... i r f Ff. I 0 j s it I 1 - - H 41 f of gift books. Save 20 on ail sculpture, puzzles, and selected i prints. MAXFIELD ft 1 KScrrJ U ArJ ! 3 - to- I WW : 5 If 3( 4V- day at 2:30 pjn. and Dec 9 at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska "pen 0-5, Monday - Saturday ' I ill i tr fx !e! g Kn I The ASUN Government Liaison Committee will meet Tuesday at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska Union. The room number will be posted. The UNL Publications Committee will meet to night at 7 pjn. in the Neb raska Union to select next semester's editor-in-chief for the Uauy Nebraskan. The room number will be posted A Sufi workshop, spon sored by the Union Human Potentials Committee, will be held Saturday and Sun day at UMHE-Common-place, 333 N. 14th. The cost is $8 for Saturday, $5 for Sunday or $11 for both. For reservations and more information call Sue Tidball, 432-6561. Advisers from the UNL Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids will be avail able this week for informa tion about financial assist ance in the 1976-77 school year at the following times and places: Tuesday, 7 pjn., Cather Pound multipurpose room and Selleck cafeteria. Wednesday, 7 pjn., Abel Sandoz north lounge, Har-per-Schramm-Smith main lounge and Burr-Fedde com plex. Thursday, 7 pjn., 232 Nebraska Union. . Alpha Epsilon Rho, the broadcasting honorary, will show this year's Clio Award winning films Thursday at 6 pjn. at KRNU Radio, sec ond floor Avery Hall. A program on ECKANAR will be held Wednesday at 7:30 pjn. in 337 Nebraska Union. ASUN will interview ap plicants for the summer or ientation staff Wednesday at 2:30 pjn., 334 Nebraska Union. Applicants should be undergraduates or freshmen who have gone through the summer program. Call 472- 2581 for more Information. Pi Sigma Alpha, the po litical science honorary, will sponsor panel discussion on career opportunities in political science Wednesday at 7:30 pan. in the Union. The room number will be posted. Panelists wiii in clude representatives from the NU Law School, the placement office, the grad uate school, state govern ment, the foreign service program and the political science internship program. The public is invited. Thutft and all other questions answered mere. -.i . i ii i 1 1 "rTTj" iftv