monday, december 1, 1975 daily fteoi'atSKafi o By Sandy Mohr Thinking on her toes is one of the characteristics sopho more Gigi Hall said she acquired by participating on the UNL debate team. Hall, who said she spends. 20 to 30 hours a week on 'debate, is one of 25 students who travels with the debate team on weekends. About 65 students have participated in debate this semester, according to Coach James Klumpp, assistant professor of speech. The debate team has gone to 10 tournaments and has won six trophies, including a first-place speaker trophy for UNL's Tom Kauf at the University of Wisconsin at Osh Kosh, and first-place trophy for the Mark Adams-Kirk Baird calendar Monday 2:30 p.m.-UNL Parking Appeals Committee Nebraska Union. 7:00 p.m.-ASUN . Govern ment Liaison Committee Ne braska Union. 7:00 pjru. Advisers from UNL Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids-Cather-Pound muitipurposes room and Selleck cafeteria. 7:30 p.m. Ag Economics -Agribusiness Club-lower level of C.Y. Thompson Library. team in the junior category at Kearney State College. Land use -At meets, debaters (in teams of two) each give a four and an eight-minute speech on this year's topic, "Land Use." Each is rated on a scale of 1 to 30 by coaches of other teams participating in the meet. One team debates against another team, and each mem ber is ranked from first to fourth. Debate team membsrs dso may participate in individual events of persuasive speaking, rhetorical criticism and ex tremporaneous speaking. In extemporaneous speaking the student is given three topics from which he may choose and must prepare a five to seven minute speech in a half-hour. Debate is one of the few areas of academic competition between colleges, and debaters have the advantage of re ceiving instruction from other college professors, Klumpp said. After a debater is rated at a meet, a critique by each of the judges is given to the student. Practice debates Members of the debate team conduct practice debates about three times a week, according to Klumpp. Each mem ber researches a part of the topic and gives copies to other members. Hall said she has about one-and-a-half reference file drawers full of cards which are taken to every meet. She is receiving two hour credit for debate, the most a student can get in a semester. " "Debate has definitely hurt my grade point average this semester," said Hall, who had a 4.0 average. However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, said Hall, a journalism major. As well as learning how to use the library, she said she has learned a lot about decision making. No opinions "You realize that nothing is noncontroversial," she said. "And you learn to question everything that is said. "You start to have no opinion on anything, because you see so many sides to it," she added. Klumpp said he thinks debate will help a student in any career, because it teaches him to be organized and make a good argument and presentation. The UNL debate team, whose budget of about $6,000 is financed by the College of Arts and Sciences, will host the Cornhusker debate Feb. 20 through 22. Klumpp said he expects more than 33 schools to attend. daily ne braskon Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brite. News Editors: Randv Gordon and Lori Demo, Managing Editor: Stan Linhorst, Associate News Editor; Gina Hills, Layout Editor: Michele Schmal, Night News Editor: John Kalkowski, Arts and Entertainment Editor: Robert Thurber, Sports Editor: Larry Stunkel, Third Dimension Editor: Vince Boucher, Photo Chief: Ted Kirk, Copy Editors: Christie Cater, Stephanie Noonan, Mary Kay Roth and Jim Zafewski, News Assistant: Becky Brugman, ' Business Manager: Jerri Haussler, Advertising Manager: Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 63588. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln. Neb., 68588. Telephone: (402) 472-2588. Copyright 1975, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except .material covered by another copyright. 124 N0RTH 12th STREET We are six barbers offering the most advanced styling techniques available. We style your hair to fit your needs and features. Unisex styling and only three blocks from campus. "WE DESIGN HftlR FOR THOSE WHO CARE" 432-3412 jBooit So 3CI3I While they last i I s -mm 125 Sooth 66th ' Uscda, tltimkz ISS10 subsidiary of administrative science, inc. Phone 489 - 060S mm:- f No. Copies 50 60 70 80 90 100 135 ISO Black Ink f X ill va It 3.40 W i 3 59 II I 3.60 lf L : 3.80 Jf 3.90 ' l 4.20 5 ' n : s i I 1 Fcr mors cf i wamsa, or mora of a mm mors of a kiss. 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