The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1975, Page page 3, Image 3

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    frltiay, november 14, 1875
daily nebraskan
page 3
The 1975-76 Builders
Buzz Book, the only all
campus student directory, is
now on sale at three campus
book stores, the Nebraska
Union north lobby and
south desk. Cost is 25 cents.
Atlantic Richfield, Mesa,
Roosevelt University and In
ternational Harvester are
conducting interviews today.
For more information, con
tact the Placement Office,
Nebraska Union 230.
Volunteers are needed to
tutor two boys in math and
reading. Tutors would meet
with the boys on a regular
basis in their homes. Times
may be arranged, If inter
ested, apply in the Nebraska
Union 200.
Chet Ager Nature Center
is sponsoring a hike Satur
day morning from 10 to
noon. A naturalist will lead
the walk. The public is in
vited. No admission.
Undergraduate psychol
ogy students are sponsoring
a party Saturday at 7 pjn.
at Ruskin Place Apts. (790
Rutland Dr. 702). No cover,
bring your own. Non-members
are welcome.
Gay Action Group is
sponsoring a dance Sunday
at 9 pjn. at 333 N. 14th St.
8:30 i.m.-Employe Retira
ment Income Security Act
(ERISA) Conference-Nebratka
Union Centennial Room.
10:30 a .m .-Business Educa
tion 120 Union Auditorium.
Noon-Student Y-men'i
awareness Union 337.
12:30 p.m.-ERISA lunch
eon Union Ballroom.
1:30 pjn.-Amerlcan Phar
maceutical Association-Union
1:30 p.m.-ERISA-News
Conference-Union 232.
2 pjn.-ER ISA-Rogers Mor-tonttudents-Unlon
6 p.m. -Masters Week dinner-Union
7:30 p.m.-lnter Vanity
Christian Fellowship-Union
- mJ r
s mmm a
An awareness workshop
and plans for a faculty-student
Christmas party will be
discussed at the Student
Council for Exceptional
Children meeting Monday at
4:30 pjn. in Henzlik Hall
A Cultural Field School
meeting is scheduled for
Monday at 8 pjn. at 2036
S. 26th St. Discussion on
presession is planned. All
interested are welcome.
Student Education Asso
ciation's November meeting
is Tuesday at 7 pjn. in the
Nebraska Union Harvest
The Association for
Childhood Education will
meet Tuesday at 6:30 pjn.
in Teachers College 200.
Georgia Glass will speak on
Montessori Schools.
The Nebraska Environ
mental Health Association
has established a $200 an
nual scholarship at the Uni
versity of Nebraska Founda
tion to encourage study of
environmental health.
The recipient must be a
UNL environmental health
major, show promise of fu
ture potential in the field
and have financial need.
Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brite, News Editor: Randy Gordon
and Lori Demo, Managing Editor: Stan Linhorst, Associate News
Editor: Gina Hills, Layout Editor: Michele Schmal, Night News
Editor: John Kalkowski, Arts and Entertainment Editor: Robert
Thurber, Sports Editor: Larry Stunkel, Third Dimension Editor:
Vince Boucher, Photo Chief: Ted Kirk, Copy Editors: Christie
Cater, Stephanie Noonan, Mary Kay Roth and Jim Zalewski, News
Assistant: Becky Brugman, Business Manager: Jerri Haussler,
Advertising Manager: Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty
Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68588.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and
R streets, Lincoln, Neb.. 68588. Telephone: (402) 472-2588.
Copyright 1975, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted
without permission if attributed to the Dally Nebraskan, except
material covered by another copyright.
Information booth
to publicize UNL
financial aid office
Take us for granted" is the UNL Office of Student
Financial Aid's theme in an attempt to increase student
interest in financial aid applications.
Three types of financial aid are available-loans, grants
and employment, according to financial aids office employe
An information booth in the Nebraska Union is planned
for Dec. 9-1 1 to answer students' questions about financial
About $3 million was spent last year for student
employment, through either work study or other student
employment , he said .
Seevers said that a student's parents must complete a
Parents Confidential Statement (PCS), a needs analysis
form, before that student qualifies for student
PCS forms for 1976-77 are available in the financial
aids office (Administration Bldg. 112) and must be
completed and mailed to Berkeley, Calif, before Feb. 1.
Students applying for scholarships should apply at the
financial aids office, said office employe Ron Fritz.
Loans and grants available to students include the
National Direct Student Loan with three per cent interest,
the Federally Insured Student Loan witn seven per cent
interest and the Basic Equal Opportunities Grant.
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