PSS3 1 1 f iwi kjrtl I monday, ncvember 10, 1975 Team still needs new playing field Continued from p.10 "We dont mind playing on smaller fields, but we can't have the obstructions," Nelson said. "We'd tike to stay on campus but we just can't find any decent, clean playing fields." The club was denied Athletic Dept. permission to use a field in the Ed Weir .track stadium, according to Neary. They said we'd tear it up, but that's just not true," he said, adding that the Recreation Dept. has been helping the club find a new field. Pay expenses Neil Sutherland, a first-year team member, said the club's biggest problem has been fielding teams for away matches. "It's hard trying to get people to go to an away game when you must have 15 on a side," he said. Players pay their own travel expenses. The club asked the Fees Allocation Board (FAB) for "$600 or $700" last year, Neary said, but received $315. Club treasurer Bill Coffey said the rugby club plans to ask FAB for additional funds for next year. "We've been getting some contributions from outside sponsors and with our allocation, we've been getting by," Coffey said. Higher costs Money for away trips and rising advertising costs were reasons Coffey cited for a higher FAB request Members said they would disdain attempts to bring the club under auspices of the Athletic Dept. and the Big 8, where more funds could be found. "My personal feeling is that if rugby becomes a recog nized Big 8 sport, it would become too restricted," Neary said, "but I would like to see a little more cooperation from the Athletic Dept." it is exasperating to bo called so persistently when the last thing we want to do is to get up and go but God elects to keep on haunting liko some holv nhast. "The Gract Intruder From YOU I JONAH! bw Thomas John Carlisle (Win. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co MISSKONHURST... A community of Catholic artists and bfolhtrs iwntetfmfl to God Mop In tht countriM of Japan, Formou, Nona Kong. Sawore. Monwii, th ttkiem, fan, Cameroon, (ifcs8ffi, KaiS, IN Dominican Raaubitc, . Ethic-pit tag Morambique. Art , Clk. YOU wiWrn to iielg us Hwt tht Good Nmt ol urvfttiOfl wiiJi TM ' Aot awpt7 Send tor baa brwlwrt: ' ' r J Director ol Vocations Priesthood i BISIiaSHUrlST Brotherhood l 4S51M. 25th Street Arlington, Va. 22250 I I Hum . Attrai. SMt- .EtfucttKMHigkSctiool- -2W .Cofltgl ON tei t ft if JUS IO OSTI TIS IMS) ' U S. DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION 4 NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION give to the March of Dimes ! JrV i 4. 1 y s f IB I in tia Turtiik Fictnns, that is (Sign ip aiu.) Sponsored by the Alumni Association Attention Arts & Sciences Students Apply now for ASUN Senate Opening 0 passings for s3 stud sits in: Carreer Action Coraniittee (grad) CssrJttes on EqmSity Coposncsoont PabHsatbss laird Student Organizations Csnors Convocations ChanceSors Commission on Status of tosa Apply in the hV" Offiso Eoosn 334 Kabraska Ikion or cal 472-2581 bitorviows Tuasday, Koventber 11 lijr ElECTJ dkUEt fvll"E3 Jp3 PiS: Platoon Leaders Class. Its our commissioning program open to freshmen, sophomores and juniors. All training is in the summer, with pay; And there s financial assistance avail able during the school year: $100 a month, from Septem- L JWi leader of men, you go to Quantico, ) Virginia and prove it. Meet that f challenge, and you 11 be commis sioned when you . X. - mauaie ituiii ujucgc. ; n El One out of three J'vr Marine orncers is inr 7 V X 1 ( u J If I ' Our natiuo, unitwi in goal ami Ul ... but dividad tn so many Divkled by ckmbb, prritxlic. violence, injuitio, poverty. Th Ptuiktt hvt ben brlnj i American together for over a 'lury now, trying to ovwoome Uie barricade Rit.Q erect between Men other. We work to unite be uever to believer, believer to non "ever, man to niaa At Catholics no AmericaM, we know unity li T1 fMluioMHM Vr Aaxrke I 11 I woith a lot-wortli giving our Uvea to brin about. We do tfcli everyday throuBh the communication art-book.j, pub lktitioM, television and rdio-on colfeee campuKd. tn parishes, in mikm to 0 U S., In downtown centers, in working with young and 3ki li you wouid like to help ua in our venture ol hdin American wound with the Coupe OuM h a Faulist priest. nail tha coupon below for talormation. fAr x J "I I B.iiiJ I Matt hi: I PAt'l.lsr FATHERS N mk, N Y. JOOiS Num. car .ftp. Chat of vim w j ii QinaHrvn W! flw lin P QfOTTTI i- viL- J WQ " ' r UorriPT V.TDT : Ill allVlttlt llSS HI IIVVV ItUillVl twa j. ... mi 1 1 1 1 .1 v if- jet. We ll teach you to leaa, ana men to ny. If you're headed for law school, you rive duty as a lawyer atter jot pm ou ve passed the bar. IPS iJQ tOOnSSSJ lm3yBa Quality, not aimntitv. Men who will lead Ci other men -as officers in the rtff) United States Marine Corps. THE MARINE CORPS OFFICER SELECTION TEAM WILL BE IN THE PLACEMENT CENTER FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. ON 12 Si 13 NOVEMBER 1375. fr.tiian,3a "V