The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1975, Page page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday, October 29, 1975
page 4
vine street irregulars
Red suits conceal profits
By Michael Hilligoss
I met Yossarian for lunch at the Harvest Room in the
Nebraska Union. He motioned me to a table to one side of
the room.
"Shhhhh! " he said , 'They'll see me."
"Who?" I asked, somewhat surprised by Yossarian's
sudden secretiveness.
"It's our rivals," he said, "the infamous Plastic Suit
"I've never head of them," I replieds. "Which ones are
"Two tables over," he pointed. "See the ones with the
blue and red double knit sportcoats, white plastic shoes and
the name tags that say 'Nebraska Union'?"
"You don't mean the people who run the Uni do
you?" I asked.
Yossarian nodded gravely. 'They look innocent enough
until you watch some of the things they do."
"Like what? Give me an example," I demanded. "Those
men wear red suits becasue they're loyal to the university
and to the students who eat every day in their
"Mere camouflage," he responded. "Just analyze your
own last statement. Remember, this isn't their cafeteria,
it's our cafeteria."
"But Yossarian, they provide a needed service. Arranging
for nonprofit meals every day is no easy task."
"Of course it isn't easy," he exclaimed. 'That's why
they don't do it!"
"They don't?" I asked.
"Hell no! Do you think those guys care one bit about
the thousands of grad students who depend on the Union
food service every day?
"Watch them," he instructed. "Here comes one by the
cash register now. Listen, does the girl ask for the fufl
"Why, no, she doesn't," I responded. "She only charges
him half price!"
"You see," he said triumphantly. "It's no wonder those
guys don't think the prices in the Harvest Room are too
high. They get a 50 per cent discount.
: "And by the way, food service in the Harvest Room is
anything but nonprofit. It makes money which the Plastic
$uit Gang spends on other worthwhile' activities."
'That's amazing," I said. "I never would have believed
ft, taking money from students' food budgets to support
other activities. It's almost criminal when you think about
"Lift your feet, Hilligoss," Yossarian commanded.
"Here comes the final insult. Just to remind us that we're
still students they send this little man around with a smelly
dust mop to sweep under your table and bother you while
you're trying to finish your overpriced dessert."
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Dear editor,
Enough of the Greek vs. Dorm issue. There will be fewer
Greek houses and fewer residence halls if students cease
to come to campus for an education. What kind of
education can you expect or afford if the university budget
is cut?
You now complain about dirty classrooms, lack of
modern facilities, the ridiculous studentteacher ratio, the
cost of your tuition and what you're getting for it. What
happens when the university budget is cut?
It doesn't affect you? Your classes are more important
than a few hours of your time Thursday morning at the
Capitol? When that budget is cut, jobs will be cut. Those
jobs include janitors, instructors, people working in drop
and add and in registration and students who work at the
university (other than work -study).
Those cuts include a decrease in supplies, in paper,
utilities, secretaries, the sections of a class available and the
classes offered. There is the chance that summer school
may be eliminated.
Sound dramatic? It's fact and those facts aren't going to
disappear before you leave UNL. I don't believe the accusa
tions of apathy directed at students. When it's important,
students will act.
What will you do if the university budget is cut? Where
are you going to get the money to pay for classes; how
many jobs can you hold to pay for higher tuition? What
will your degree be worth?
What can you do so the budget won't be cut? Be at the
State Capitol Thursday at 9 a.m. for the public hearing.
Write your senators. They have no choice but to listen-thcir
reelection depends on it.
Robin Buchman
Nothing apolitical
Dear editor,
Del Gustafson states (Daily Nebraskan, Oct, 24) that
the National Student Association's (NSA) record will
reveal it is about as apolitical as Hubert Humphrey.
It is not the fact that NSA is political that Gustafson
objects to, but the kind of politics it puts forward (as well
as taking other positive stands for students, not mentioned
In the column).
It is an organization which is not pretending that
campuses are ivory towers where each student pursues his
or her interests in a vacuum. It is an organization that says,
"Look, we exist in this society where inequities are
apparent. As people who realize that, let us take a stand."
Thus they support the United Farm Workers grape
boycott, a boycott that millions of Americans have
supported since the late '60s and continue to support
Student governments traditionally have been influential
in the development of advanced thought. Gustafson
deplores it. He prefers that the whiteness of fraternities and
sororities go unmentioned.
Or Gustafson might tell us "there's a time and a place"
failing to realize the impact of national recommendations.
Presumably students are bright enough to distinguish
between progressive and retrogressive positions. If the NSA
recommends corrupt stands, we are free to disagree.
Gustafson continues the popular and traditional occupa
tion of silencing the left wherever it rears itself, under the
guise of preserving neutrality.
By all means let him rebuke those who are trying to
think through the errors of the capitalist system. But do
not let him pretend that anything, including his column and
it. I 1 : r c ...
us scruuiis 01 iacis, is apolitical.
DJ's firing needs
Strike Day action
Today may be Women's Strike Day to you, but
it is Tuesday to us.
Since the Daily Nebraskan is always a day ahead
of itself, you see, if we were to strike today, that
is, Wednesday, the effects wouldn't be felt until
tomorrow, Thursday, me aay aner tne strike,
which is really two days after the strike if this is
being written on Tuesday . . . er, that is . . .
Quite seriously, though, we support Women's
Strike Day, especially as it is being interpreted by
the Lincoln chapter of the National Organization
for Women.
"Aware But at Work" is the slogan Lincoln
working women are being asked to wear at their
jobs today. In a sense, it has been the slogan of this
semester's Daily Nebraskan staff since we began
publishing in August.
As we pointed out in an earlier editorial, about
two-thirds of this semester's news staff is women.
In part, that ratio reflects the rising enrollment of
women in the journalism school, although not all
our staff members are journalism majors.
In addition, all three of our professional staff
members-the business, production and advertising
managers-are women.
We are proud of those statistics.
But while women at the Daily Nebraskan have
equality of pay and responsibility, and more than
equality in numbers, we are aware that professional
women in journalism and related fields do not
fare as well.
Case in point is the firing of radio announcer
Ann Perkinton by KFMQ-FM. Perkinton's crimd
was to say, on the air, that she supported Women's
Strike Day and would either strike herself or play
an all-woman program.
Lincoln women and men, who would like to
observe Women s Strike Day with more than just
awareness should phone or write KFMQ's general
manager, Meve Agnew, to protest rerKinions
KFMQ's action was deplorable, and their
defense for the firing, that Perkinton's professional
performance had been unsatisfactory, is very weak
under the circumstances.
KFMQ's phone is 432-8565; the address is
1025 Terminal Bldg., 941 O St., 68508. Protest
today-that is, Wednesday. That is, Strike Day.
Rebecca Brite
Skin therapeutic
Dear editor,
In response to the letter from a "Honky Taxpayer"
(Daily Nebraskan, Oct. 23), I would like to clear up some
popular misconceptions about pornography.
Contrary to popular opinion, there are many beneficial
ways that pornography can be put to use. I know because
I ve been there.
At age 14, my sex life consisted of kissing voUeyballs
and frequent hip baths. It was obvious that drastic action
was called for. In my case, this necessitated massive doses
of therapeutic pornography.
Aftor years of intensive care and a brand spanking new
Voit volleyball, I've found that I'm much taller in a
horizontal position.
"Prune Legs"
! E
The Dailv Nebraskan wlrnnwt 1t.. , .1. .
'vivvii me
editor and guest opinions. Choices of material
published will be based on timeliness artd originality
Letters must be accompanied by the writer's name
but may be published under a pen name if requested
Guest opinions should be typed, triple-spaced, on
nonerasable paper. They should be accompanied by
the author! name, class standing and major or
occu nation. Alt material tukmittixl I ' .
subject to editing and condensation, and cannot be
returned to the writer.
at 1
Apply now for ASUN Senate openings.
Openings for ti students In:
Career Action Committee (grad.)
Committee on Equality
Student Suspension & Dismissal
Computational Services & Facilities
Union Board
Publications Board
Student Organizations
Convocations Committee
Apply in the ASUN Office
Room 334, Nebraska Union
or call 472-2581
Interviews - Thurs. evening