The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1975, Page page 3, Image 3

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    thursday, October 23, 1975
daily nebrsskan
peja 3'
1-80 sculpture
hear in gs delayed
By Lisa Brown '
Legislative hearings throughout the state on the Inter-state-80
Sculpture Project scheduled for Oct. 27 through 31
have been postponed until Dec. 1 through 5. , ' ' " .'"
.The five hearings, one each in Omaha, Lincoln, Grand
Island, North Platte and Scottsbluff, have been rescheduled
to avoid conflict with the Legislature's special session, said
Sen. Ralph Kelly, chairman of the Legislature's Executive
Board subcommittee studying the sculptures.
The hearings are (designated) to learn citizens' reaction
to the sculptures, which will be built at 10 Interstate-80
rest areas.
The question before the governor and Legislature is
whether to accept the sculptures as gifts from the 1-80
Sculpture Corp., KeUy Said. A 1975 statute (LB605)
requires the governor and Legislature to approve any gifts
to the state of real property, valued at $10,000 or more.
January issue -If
acceptance is approved by the governor, it probably
will go before the Legislature early in January, Kelly said.
He added he will attend each of the hearings and has
encouraged senators from all the areas to attend.
Sen. VVally Barnett of Lincoln, who serves on the sub
committee with Kelly and Sen. John Savage, said he will
not attend any of the hearings except perhaps the Lincoln
hearing because he doesn't think it is the Legislature's re
sponsibility to decide whether the sculptures should be
accepted. .
It is the responsibility of the Nebraska Arts Council
(NAC) to study the matter and make a recommendation,
Barnett said. Its members are appointed by the governor
and are responsible to him.
Jerald Ness, NAC executive director, said the 1-80
sculpture project is not the council's responsibility since it
is not their project.
"NAC has suppprted it, has helped with technical advice
and staff assistance and has given a small grant for their
public education program, but we have no direct influence
or control, nor would we attempt to have any," he said.
Ness said he will attend the Omaha hearing and NAC
members and constituents have been encouraged to attend
those in outside Nebraska.
Art Thompson, 1-80 Sculpture Corp. director, said he
will attend all the hearings and has requested supporters
from local host committees to attend.
Most of the sculptures are still in planning stages, except
for the sculpture to be placed near York, which, according
to Ness, is two-thirds completed.
Hearings will be in Omaha, Dec. 1; Lincoln, Dec. 2;
Grand Island, Dec3; North Platte, Dec. 4; and Scottsbluff,
Dec. 5. it -a '; '' ' .
8 a.m. -5 p.m.-Fall Social
Work Nebraska Center for Con
tinuing Education. (NCCE).
8:30 a.m .-Student Affairs
staff-Nebraska Union 243.
10:30 a.m. international
Studies-Dr. Cam are-Barbachii no
Union 202.
Noon Hamburg. Iowa
school Union North Confer
ence Room.
12:30 pjn. Placement
luncheon Union 203.
4:30 " p.ft. Teaching , and
Learning Center-Union 203.
G:30 pjn.-Counci) on Stu
dent Life-Housing Policy Com
mitteeUnion Pewter Room.
5:30 p.m. Council of Amer
ican Indian Students Union
6:30 pjn.-Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Union Harvest Room.
6.30 p.m.-Residence Hall
6:45 p.m.-Baptist Student
7 p.m. Council on Student
Life-Union Pewter Room.
7 p.m. Assertiveness Train-Ing-NCCE,
7 p-m.-Gemstones and
7 pjrn. Graphanalysis
7 p.m. Publications Board
-Union 203.
7 p.m. Women's Resource
Center Advisory Board-Union
7 pjn. Behal Association
Union 2t 6.
7 p.m. Minority Affairs
Union 225.
7:30 p.m.-Math Counselors
7:30 pjn. Concerned Pro
Life Students-debeteUnion
Main Lounge.
!3 Li Mu y
If1 p
m im nnn
At the
Oct. 23,24,25 $2.50 Advance $3.C0 st door
Tickets on sslu at Tfc Zoo
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