Wednesday, October 22, 1975 page 2 daily nebraskan Fees board to meet today Wednesday 10:30 un. Business Educa tion 120-Nebraska Union Auditorium. 10:30 jm.-Center for Stu dents and Organization Union 216. 12:15 p.m. Delta Sigma Pi alumni Union Pewter Room. 12:30 pjn. Placement luncheon Union 203. 1:30 p.m. Career Action Commission Union 216. 1:30 p.m. Personnel -Orientation Union 232. 2:15 pjn .Community In volvement Services Union 222. 2:30 pjn. International Studies-Dr. Alcala Union 242. 4:30 p.m. All University Fund-Union 222. 5 pjn. Council on Student Life-Housing Policy Task Force -Union 243. 5:30 pjn. Fees Allocation Board-Union 203. 5:30 pjn. Gamma Lambda Union Harvest Room. 5:30 pjn. Nebraska Union Advisory Board Union 216. 6 p.m. Blacks of -African Descent Union Ballroom. 6:30 p.m.-ASUN Senate meeting-Union 202. 6:45 p.m.-Student Veterans Association Union 232. 7 p.m.-lnterfraternity Coun cilUnion Pewter Room. 7 p.m.-Chess Club-Union Harvest Room. 7 pjn.-Free University-beginning chess-Union Harvest Room. 7 p.m.-Mexican American Student Association Union North Conference Room. 7 p.m .-Wildlife Club execu tiveUnion South Conference Room. 7 pjn.-Free University- 7:30 p.m.-Free University introduction to flying-Union understanding death-Union 222. 343. 7 p.m.-Minority Affairs tutoring Union 225. 7 p.m.-Free University-tropical fish-Union 337. 7:30 p.m.-Blacks of African Descent-Union 202. 7:30 pjn.-Wildlife Club Union South Conference Room. 7:30 p.m.-Math Counselors -Union 225. The Fees Allocation Board will meet today at 5:30 pjn. in Nebraska Union 203. Agenda 1. Approval of minutes. 2. Ken Bader. vice chancellor for Student Affairs. 3. Unfinished Business: A. Report from the A-2 and B Funds Committee. B. Election of Chairman and V tee-Chairman. C. Daily Nebraskan report 4. Funding request presentation- A. Ag Advisory Board. B. Prospective Law Students Association. 6. Open Forum. 6. Review of submitted revised budgets and audit reports. 7. Discussion of the criteria md procedure for altocatino funds. 8. Transfer of money to the FAB account for a secretary and expenses. doily nebraskon Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brite. News Editors: Randy Gordon and Lori Demo. Managing Editor: Start Linhorst, Associate News Editor: Gina Hills, Layout Editor: Michole Schmal, Night News Editor: John Kalkowskl, Arts and Entertainment Editor: Robert Thurber, Sports Editor: Larry Stunkel. Third Dimension Editor: Vince Boucher, Photo Chief, Ted Kirk, Business Manager: Jerri Haussler, Advertising Manager: Mary Ann Myers. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68583. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone: (4Q2 472-2583. Copyright 1975. the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright. Downtown Gateway Conestoga 1 129 "0" St. Enclosed Mall Enclosed Mall Lincoln Lincoln Grand Island i NUPIRG stands for Nebraska University Public Interest Research Group. NUPIRG is a student organization concerned with the de velopment and coordination of student research projects involv ing students in community issues. Both community and student benefit from such involvement. The community is provided with helpful information. The student gains from the interaction with other students and citizens. A student can benefit even more from involvement when she cr he receives credit. So the following is a list of some topics and classes in which students could receive credit for applied research. CITIZEN REPRESENTATION ON LOCAL GOVERNING AND REGULATORY BOARDS IN NEBRASKA. Contact Prof. Richard Schonberger (CBA 221, 472-3373) f7oV4?MENTAL P0L,T,CS- Contact Prof- Barbara Smith (Oldfather 523 lZf 5KTI Yl S0rURCEoSf ENERGY. Contact John R. Gulick (489-5323 or stop by NUPIRG office, Room 336 in the Union.) p LEGISLATIVE ISSUES. Contact Ed Silver (477-3403 or stop by the NUPIRG office) (472N2544)R HEALTH CENTER- Contact Bi" Brown (472-2861) or Nelson Potter CONSUMER COMPLAINT CENTER. Contact Don WeseSy (464 2554) or NUPIRG. LANDLORD TENANT REFERRAL SERVICE. Contact Ed Silver (477-3403 or 5tpj by the NUPIRG office, Room 336 in the Union.) 3 or If you are interested in working with NUPIRG on these or other projects, please contact the NUPIRG office, 472-2448, Room 336 Nebraska Union. , f m aAtjw9s smw -,., ., ,..,..,,, n ., ... Illustrations slightly enlarged FVN I r A r4fe 1 HtS'tTIM JtwUIM AMIIICA MM tOCUTt 6 I J ONCE if 1 CRIMINALS KJi 1 TO JUSTICE I sci e WW? '39 -1 1 II mm mi- i ini - iiAk. Ill f X mi tor 1 -r mm?!? u& J LJ u vi! William Conrad, star of TV's "Cannon" is the original Marshall Dillon 7fT sir? J I i I d I II 1 1 1 1 mi brought to vou bv TEAM ELECTRONICS HAKLEY DAVIDSON Of LINCOLN BRAZIER DAIRY QUEENS NORTH'S HOUSE Of PHOTO "M-ITOU TIRE HITCHIN fOST ft WOODEN NICKtt m iWlsst