Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1975)
daily nebraskan monday, October 20, 1975 1 Entertainment calendar pags8 n : I r1 i 1 15 5J i M Si ! i On Campus Art Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery 12th and R- Watercolor by MarcSa Goldensteln Ehren hard; Photographs by Mag gie MacKichan through Nov. 3; Textiles by Virginia Harvey through Nov. 10; Mexican folk art and crafts exhibit through Nov. 19; Photographs by Wright Mor ris through Nov. 17. Music Kimball Recital Hall- 11th and R- Los Fokloristas de Rene Villanueva concert and dance concert- Fri., 8 pjn. jj bwni eW 1 $L -J E- iJ t E&PiOYEaS SUPPORT THS GUARD & RESERVE Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Biblical land 5 Epee and estoc 11 Put-up or inside 14 Seafood item 15 Arouse 16 Pitching-stat listing 17 Contentious 19 Equipage 20 " transit . . ." 21 Slippery one 22 Blighters 24 Skims over the water 28 Suburban sight 29 Drum 30 Emulate Dick Button 32 Kind of meal or root 35 Kippur 37 Enif or Izar 38 Wordplay 39 Check 41 Blithesome 43 Utter 44 Ancient chest 46 Shaver 48 Unrefined 50 Mexican native 52 Inscrutable one 54 Bantu language 55 Words for beauty 58 Fares 60 Broke fast 61 man (unanimously) 63 " on parte . . ." 64 Resthomes 68 Toe, in Dundee 69 Region of Greece 70 Girl of song 71 Time past, to poets 72 Coffee-break favorite 73 On the deep DOWN 1 Titles of respect: Abbr. 2 Armstrong 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 23 25 26 27 31 32 33 34 38 40 CITY CENTER, aWCETHEATERj november 3 tlckt ts st: kirnbaii 113 music brandeis, A project coorrflnatad by Mld-Amarica Arts A!!iano In cooperation with amJ pwr tially fumld by tha tett arts jnc!es .of Ka?:sst, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma and tht National Endowment for the Arts, an essncy of th fidral government with tha support of tht Nebraska Arts Council. Film Sheldon Film Theater- 12th and R- (Foreign Films) Testa ment of Dr. Mabtoe- Tues. Thurs., 7 and 9 p jn.; Shake spears FiSms) Hamet- Fri. and Sat., 3, 7,. 9 p.m.; (Con temporary Arts and Artist) Robert Motherwell- Sun., 3 pn. Off Campus Theater Lincoln Community Playhouse 2500 S. 56th- Sunshine Boys - Fri. and Sat.- 8 p.m.; Gas Light Theater- 322 S. 9th All University Fund benefit mellerdrammer- Fri. and Sat., .8 and 10 p.m. Music O'Donnei Auditorium- 51st and Baldwin- Lincoln Symphony Orchestra featuring cellist Lynn Harrel!- Tues.- 8 p.m.; Lincoln Community Concert Pershing Auditorium- 15th and N- Van Cliburn, Sun., 8 p.m. Dear me! Mai de Confection Billfold Approves Old car Slow-witted Relieves Piddling Certain rugs Luggage items Heckler's put-down Forest giants Call day Rogers Weather word Gardner Humane org. Curious Not labored Foul weather wear: Var. Act officiously 42 More distant 45 Word with cast and scope , 47 Toll road: Abbr. 49 Hewer 51 Star-crossed 53 Gap 56 Cases for small items i h pj i FT 15 I? r ! ho r 'lii 112 h3 ; ' L I L 14 15 16 HT" " 19 1 - 22 231 " ; : 24 25 26 27 28 I : 32 ( 33 24 35 38 "mm)T 38 39 40 141 " ir" f ! B trr7l 'aT in -i i i ,,,,, i i, t.-lttktti mmmmu i i i i ,JlJ.-1IIUU..i ii jjIiim 50 51 1 52 53 jw--wwwwwn 54- , 55 56 J57 -yf m f" tjp 63 "184 65 66 , 67 . , - , """To"" ' & B, 3 pm box office) bldg, 11&r' dirt cheap 8i hospe's, gateway regubr $5.00 un-l student $3.00 65 & over $2.a0 wont Edited by WILL WENG Courtesy of the New York Times 57 Apple, in Metz 58 Wedding, e.g. 59 Grape jelly 62 Where the Hi flows 65 Writer Anais 66 "Exodus" hero 67 " Yankee Doodle . . ." ' MSWEX TO PREVIOUS FJZZIE 18 f N El 11 lis RECITAL 1 I A I I ivmfi oJ rwbraska IgIaIsIlIeHa c t a I H E A flyt 0 Q S LIA X E SI j 0 H NjYjO'.N THtjS P OjTj b i sOaTnTs" ey mHT nTT Hii iigM. fiiLy 434- i mLL in s y itn q m f a r i aS oTr je. K. l EEL a i 1 1 ia.s 3 hTTt sTSf s s Fix Alii sum. pE o r j A c K 0 f i ITtib a oTe s a& amFI ill OTi iiai RrfluRiPlEMsy sIaIutIy l r t 8 t : 4 t . f Used studdeu snow tires; 4-ply 7.00-13 fits 6.50-13. Bargain. 464-1 294 evenings. 1967 MGB GT; green wire wheels, $1,100. 472-3370 488-6362. 1974 Mazda statTonwagon. Will accept best offer. Evenings, 781-8235. 1968 LeMans: good mile age, must sell. Very Reasonable. 466-4476, ask for John. 1972 GTO: redblk.' interior. "60" series radials, FM, 4-spd, sharp. Call 464-4794. . 1974 Suzuki T-s 250: good condition. Call after 5 pxn., 488-3541. - 1974 Honda 350; 4-cyl., '3,200 miles, excellent condition. Call after 5 D.m., Tom, 477 6306. ' MUST SELL: 5-speed bike and bike rack. 489-6934. Schwinn Super Sport 10-spd with bike hag and car carrier, $120,475-0061. mf 17 STILL THE BEST BARGAIN AROUND tunm SmUlf Gmjki J 9"'r f. d Ji;dW!i ii i ,vl''n, V E MWMWWCM With student or faculty ID, 10 discount on ail portable TV's, stereos, 10-spd. bikes and Gtiodyear tires except pro motional models. Goodyear Service Store. 1918 "O" St. 432-6521. Pioneer Sx525, Dual 1216. Best offer. 475-9168. Natural Sound is pleased to announce the arrival of tha KEF 104 speakers from England. Make an appointment to hear the KEFs, Fulton J-Moduiar speakers and Transcriptors glass turntable. Used equipment: Pair of Marantz 8b, $750. KLH5 speakers (mint condition), $200. Klipsch Cornwalis, $725. Pioneer SX-636 receiver, $275. Bose 501 speakers, $225. JVC 8-track, $75. "Super scope A-245 integrat ed amp, $65. Special on demonstration equipment: Ohm C speakers, ($380 list) $230. Ohm E speakers, ($180 list) $125. Glenburn 21 10B turntable, ($100 list) $65. Other used equipment: Audio Technics, ADC cartridges, Sharp head phones. 1021 Cleremont 475-DEAL Stereo Have to clear out: one BIC turntable No. 960, $165 complete; one Garrard No. 100, $199.95 complete; one AKAI reel-to-reel, $279.95. All brand new, completely guaranteed. Also speakers and amps all reduced. Centennial Stereo, 240 No. 10th. Hammond M-2 organ with Model 45 Leslie speaker and carry-alls. Also, Yamaha six string ouitar. Call 435-6576, ask for Gary. B-flat condition, 6934. clarinet; good make offer, 489- One Martin D-28, $550. One Brittany soprano sax, $325. Fender Jazz bass, $300. 489 8937. Men's down-f i.'iad ski Jacket, targe, $40. Hooded hair dryer, $15. 435-7051. Adidas country running shoes; men's size 5, practically new-only 15 miles on them, $17. Call 472-2590 and leave message for Liz. Brand new gthaca model 37, shotgun, $105. 477-1752. r 1724 "L": two bdrm. modern apartment for three or four people. Lease. 477-1878. One bdrm. unfurnished apartment; dishwasher, garbage disposal, shsg carpet, no pats, central air. 2403 Lyn, $145 plus lights. 464-8379468-5445. Female student to sit with four-year-old two-three evenings a week, 8-1 2p.m. while I study at the library. Ample time to study, watch TV, etc. 468 9461. Own transportation. Part-lime:' light housework and soma typing, name your hours. $2 per hour close to city campus. 477-7549. ADULT NEWSPAPER ROUTE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA AftEA Morning, evenings and Sunday. Good earnings, most customers pay In advance for school term subscriptkvii. Requires about cmm hour ?nch morning and Sunday and one hour tech fsemoon. This is an excellent opportunity foe man and wife teem. Route requires mala for Shivery to men's dormitory and Utm',9 for delivery - to girl's dorwitory. Cail Bill Larson, 473-7340 for complete details. City Circulation Dept., Jqurfsal Star Printing Co., 828 "P". Part-time cocktail . girls for one of Lincoln's finest rooms. Can fit into student's schedule. Good pay and tips. Too apply call Mr. Paris 464-0484 for appointment. Plaza IV Lounge, 333 No. Cotner. ATTENTION Lead guitarist needed to complete rock quartet. 477-5012. WANTED: one male student football ticket for. Nebr. Colorado game. Price negotiable Call 435-7826. Wanted: two general admission- tickets to either of the remaining home games, 432-0237. Female roommates: house $51 plus utilities, 464-3877 after 4 p.rrK Female student roommate to , share apartment across from East Campus. Own bdrm. Call 467-3405. Custom-made clothes from your designs or ours. Wedding dresses too. Clifford Dress making Shop. 423-0198. WATCH REPAIR NEW ADDRESS -335 No. 12th Around comer south from Nebr. Bookstore. All makes repaired Seiko to Tlmex. Reasonable fast accurate. Coma see met -Oiek DICK'S WATCH SERVICE 432-3414 ACADEMIC RESEARCH PA6-ER3 Thousands - of topics. Send in one dollar for up-to data 160 page mail order catalog. Research Assistance, Inc. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 206 Los Angelea, Calif. 80025 (213) 477-8474 The UNL Y.D.'t will meet Wed, Oct. 22 at state head quarters, Rm. 651 Anderson Bldg. UNL Y.D.'s will hold a kegger at tha Chateau La Fleur Clubhouse. "Everyone" welcome. All you can drink $2. Planning Wintarim Study or Travel? See OOC for StuHant ID cards, Info on passports and ways to save money-or spend it. Overseas Opportunities Center, 205 Nebraska Union. Lost: Cat's eye ring; white ?ld. Sept. 28, 501 Bldg. 10 reward. 733-2G03 after 5 p.m. LOST; Chesapeake Bay retriever; male, chocolate brown. $50 reward. 4777323 475-7991. $25 reward for lost block A tan - female shephers, 439 2374. ' 1 WliO toiiwiJs-. Wats WSiiiutibM&mtti T.R. Happy b-day. Turkey goes for t'J cents par pound, can you afford me? Gbb!a. Birthright offers a choice. Wa understand tha nads of you your ba!y. 477-8021. - Hey Sheila Raa, Happy 21tl Lovr, Mom A' tha kids. P.S. Your present is umter the oouch I Dulcle G.; Hspplwt Birthday I Have fun 'In Tyrol la. r-iVfr"--"-'-,--''-'-,M-MM---"''Wr"-riw'"liM iiTEMWIihTiailiisiiMWir-rf'itrw