friday. October 17, 1975 ly nebraskan nana a "' editorial opWoft the word University starves from spending diet Under Gov. J. James Exon's proposed $7 million state spending cutback, $2.3 million might be gouged from the University of Nebraska's already strangled budget, according to a break down of possible cuts in Thursday's Lincoln Star. NU President D.B. Vamer, in the same article, is quoted as saying the slice would be "a monumental undertaking." Acting UNL Chancellor Adam Breckenridge says this campus would not willingly accept and would not support the cut. We say it must not happen at all. NU's budget belt already has been tightened far past the starvation notch by gubernatorial vetoes. The system is limping along as it is-Exon's proposal would be crippling. Well mix our metaphors no further on this issue: our stand on state spending for the univer sity was, we hope, made abundantly clear earlier this semester. The Daily Nebraskan urges all UNL students and faculty members to attend today's open campus meeting at 11:30 north of the Nebraska Union. Speakers will address questions that have arisen on the Sherdell Lewis shooting and subsequent official actions. Petitions calling for a grand jury investigation of the shooting will be circulated at the meeting. Members of the UNL community who are interested in hearing the truth about incidents surrounding Lewis's death should sign this petition. Until public officials learn to trust citizens more, a grand jury may be the only way to get facts now being held back. Since two rapes have been reported on or near the UNL campus in the last month, we advise UNL women to take extra precautions when walking alone after dark. A source at the Lincoln Police Dept. informs us the danger of rape decreases as the weather gets cooler, but as long as the days remain unseasonably warm, women should avoid unnecessary walks at night and stay within well-lighted, traveled paths if they must go out. Rebecca Bnte neptASUN boggles minds By Del Gustafsoa , , a For my part, I wish we could have done nothing but talk, unless, indeed, we had gone off to sleep for many years past rather than see one law on the statute book. -John Randolph We students at UNL may be justifibly proud that our own legislature, the ASUN Senate, is possibly the first government to fully realize Randolph's drowsy prescription for good government. , Uai,,cf. ASUN was unable to conduct business last week because a large number of senators stayed home, conceivably in bed with visions of fiery debates over the yell squad dancing in their heads. . . fh. Attendance at a single senate meeting reveals to the interested student why ASUN generates nothing less than wad enthusiasm in its own senators. At a recent meeting, committees were formed to study NUPIRG, to plead before Jim Pittenger the cases ot stu dents who have lost their football tickets and to investi gate some scandal in the Yell squad. All in all it was the kind of stuff which hearkened this writer back to Holdrege High student council days where, the most scintillating debate of the year arose over the color of balloons at the homecoming dance. Student council had one definite advantage over ASUN, however, in that it never cost a student anything, whereas the maintenance of the fiction of student government on this campus requires the financial support of every student. Apoligists for ASUN will no doubt answer that ASUN deserves fees because of the services it provides, such as the book exchange, but every service ASUN renders could be performed just as efficiently and more cheaply by private organizations or individuals Some may argue that, while ASUN s direct powers are slieht it can lobby for the student interest. But the effect iveness of a lobbyist who does not represent 90 per cent of the group for whom he purports to speak is open to President Jim Say's own proposal to allocate $10 to the senators from each college for the production of a news-letter-which presumably will show students the worth while activities of ASUN, such as the production of newsletters-demonstrates the bizarre and unnatural acts per formed upon the students money by ASUN. The ASUN Senate is the quintessence of form without substance, and the existence of an elected, impotent, stu dent government serves only to give a certain legitimacy to the encroachments of the administration upon students' rights. Yet, student government fulfills u vital function on campus. Without a student government o student could ever claim senatorship upon a resume. Therefore, I advocate a bold new governmental system on campus wherein the student may purchase a senatorial seat for about $10 (prices, of course, would fluctuate in accord with the free market). The senators could gather at their own discretion to discuss the vexing campus problems of the day, such as the loss of a student football ticket in a sleazy Fremont bar, the scandalous Yell Squad, the site of the football migration or Kant's categorical imperative. Indeed, it might serve as the model for all future govern ments. The mind boggles. innocent bystander Pettiness blinds space miracle By Arthur Hoppe 1 was out in the back yard waging man's unending battle against earwigs when a UFO hummed down next door and dropped off my neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Crannich. "And the same to you, fella!" shouted Mr. Crannich, waving a fist at the flying saucer as it quickly zoomed heavenward. "Have a nice trip?" I asked to be polite. "Terrible," said Mrs. Crannich. "It was one of those group tours." "You know," said Mr. Crannich, "a week on Betelgeuse HI, a week on Alpha Centauri VII and two nights in Las Vegas at no extra cost." 'They billed it as educational," said Mrs. Crannich with HAVE W 60T S0ME- n jn ) CHUG I am 1 eor some- p THIN! FGfl A DA 0 Tl 01 TuJ HEADACHE? J FORGET IT! I've 60T h pi n 0 iO) Kfl w Dear editor, ,,.,,, 1 u When I read of tho killing of Sherdell Lewis, my heart went cold. It is absurd, especially in this season when Lincoln welcomes the folks back to school, that a man is shot and killed in his doorway by a team of police not a mile from campus on a drug raid. With some hope, I felt the shock would lead to indict ments, or surely suspension, of some policemen and a close look at some procedures. Fat chance. The blue caterpillar with 24 feet eats up Sherdell Lewis s life, then spins a cocoon called an investigation and develops into a grotesque moth-a denial of fault which neatly obscures blame. Soon the problem will fiy away; soon to be forgotten? Fat chance. I am far from satisfied with County Atty. Lahncrs 1 account. From his report the upshoot is an unfortunate incident which "we hope wont happen again so let s get back to business as usual as soon as possible. Fat chance. The police shaped the scene that day when their team showed up dressed for action. I don't want a bunch of jumpy police guns showing up at my or my neighbor's door if they think they've got the goods on us. IH not be satisfied until a better statement comes out and I see evidence of change in police policy. This may not be likely until some people talk to some other people. The time has come to respond to the situation. Rob Aiken Appetizing contests Dear editor, I would like to compliment Jim Williams on the job lie does in his "Pit Stop" column. I enjoy reading his article every Thursday and even look forward to it. Not only that, but I enjoy participating in his contests: they are enjoyable and appetizing. Glenn Bouc Dorm boys Dear editor, After reading Miss Lowson's letter (Daily Nebraskan, Oct. 13) regarding the Immaturity of Greek men, I felt that a rebuttal was due. Night after night, we are assaulted with stereos, loud fights and obscenities shouted at us from the men's dorms Walking through the dorm complex is extremely dangerous as there are bottles, water balloons and other debris hurled at us. Even walking on the sidewalk around the outside of the complex leaves much to be desired as we can be sure of at least being the object of Insults because' we are Greeks I resent the implication that Greek men are immature' I have yet to be yelled at (in obscene language) from a a sniff. "Our tour leader. . . What a strange creature! Very slithery, if you ask me. He kept talking our ears off about peace and love and friendship. 1 finally told him, 'Look, if I wanted a sermon, I would've gone to church. "A lot of peace we got," said Mr. Crannich. "Everybody always pushing and shoving. Would you beleive it? In two weeks we never got a seat by the window. "There's absolutely nothing to buy, not even a souvenir postcard," said Mrs. Crannich. "Most of the natives don't even speak English. So you have to shout at them. 1 kept pointing at things and shouting, 'How much does this cost in real money?' But they were too backward to under stand." "Naturally, they lost our luggage," said Mr. Crannich. "I sure told that guy off. That's the miracle of space travel, 1 told him. 'Lunch in Alpha Centauri, dinner in Betelgeuse and your bags in Ursa Minor." "Then we had this awful row on the way back," said Mrs. Crannich. "Our tour guide started giving us another one of his interminable lectures about peace and love and . . ." "So 1 told him I'd rather watch an old Doris Day movie and where was the free champagne," said Mr. Crannich. "When he dropped us off, you know what he had the unmitigated nerve to tell us?" said Mrs. Crannich. "He said we obviously weren't ready yet for his educa tional tours," said Mr. Crannich, "and h?s going to take his business elsewhere." (Copyright Chronlclt Publishing Co. 1975) fraternity house. Furthermore, 1 have never 1,-d anything thrown at me from a fraternity house window. 1 suggest that Miss Lowson take a look around at the dorm boys before she starts to criticize Greek men. Barbara Demaree Act of Congress Dear Editor, I wish to express my dismay at what 1 feel to be inefficiency on the part of the UNL administration, and to question the rules regarding parking. What does it take to effect a change of home addrcss-an act of Congress? After going through the established pro cedure the first time, my permanent ID card was sent to my previous home address in Grand Island, therefore, I ' unable to attend the game that Saturday. After going through the same procedure again two weeks ago, my mail Is going to both addresses. I recently purchased a different car and neglected w scrape my Card Lot sticker from my old car. If the sticker is still necessary, what purpose docs the card serve that trie sticker doesn't? The lady at the desk was polite and triea to answer this for me, but the answer was not clear. What purpose are gates at the Card Lot serving trattwy are not serving at the other lots? Are they worth u expense? They do not alleviate the need to patro the W if the cards are passed between students, as the lady saw they sometimes are. Donald Van Oteghc