1 Wednesday, October 1 5, 1 975 daily nebraskan page 9 hsve rifle; that there were three Doberman dogs in the house, not four; that police officer trained in dog handling did not hava any difficulty with the dog and that tha substance thought to be cocaine was in fact lidoca!nea uncontrolled substance. During this planning session tha residence of Sherdell Lewis was diagrammed and a plan for mulated as to the location and responsibilities of the various officers who were to participate in serving the search warrant. A determination wet made that two uniformed officers, John Rail is and Stephen Miller, would be at tha front door; that Rod Loos, a nonuni formed sheriff's deputy, would also be at the front door, and that Detective Bullock, a nonuniformsd (police) officer, would also be at the front door. Officers Loos and Raiiis were armed with shotouns. Officers Rallis and Loos were to announce the purpose of their being there and if . admittance was refused Officer Loos was to be the first through tha door with the assignment to protect Officer Miller and to secure the house. Officer Miller was equipped with dog fight ing equipment. He was to be the second to enter, and was to handle any attack from the dogs; Officer Rallis was to be tha third officer to enter and to secure tha house. Officers Rod Loos and Rallis in securing the house, once inside, were to prevent tha disposal of any controlled substance by the occupants. Officer Rallis was to go to tha front door be cause he was in uniform and because the search warrant was directed to him to serve, as well as other lew enforcement officers, pursuant to the order of tha county court )udge. Officer Miller was in uniform and was selected to go to tha door because of his ability to handle tha dogs. Officer Rod Loos volunteered to go to the front door, to enter the house and to protect Officer Miller if necessary ."" The balance of tha officers at the house were to act primarily in a supportive role and prevent the escape from the re ids nee of anybody inside the residence who may have been In possession cf controlled substances. Officers were given de signated positions around tha house. Officers were to converge on the house on radio call from Detective Bullock. ... Officers Rathburn and Burkhart were dis was open and the outside storm door of glass warrant to keep the residence under surveillance. Their duty was to determine whether Sherdell Lewis was there and if his automobile was there up to tha time of service of the warrant. The automobile belonging to Lewis was observed in front of that location by the police officers1 upon their arrival at that location. The officers observed another vehicle come to the Potter Street residence; a person believed to be Lewis cam out to the vehicle and sub equently returned to the house and the vehicle left the residence. Shortly thereafter tha officers converged In tha area of the house and upon signal from Detective Bullock, tha officers moved toward tha house to serve the search warrant UpPn PProaching the front of the t?,"n?!tnat in,ide door of tha house was open and the outside storm door of the glass "?dr'8 closed. Lights were on in tha In terior of the house, not on the exterior. Officer Miller moved up to approximately one foot of the door and slightly to the east portion of the r- Puty Rod Loos assumed a position to tna Immediate left of tha door and Officer Rallis a position adjacent to Deputy Rod Loos. Officer Rallis held tha search warrant against the glass of the door and Officers Rallis and Loos announced that they were police officers, that they had a warrant to search at that time. Officer Miller was within one foot of the glass part of the door. Officer Miller observed, as did Officers Rod Loos and Rallis, that Lewis came toward them, walked to a distance within 6 to 8 feet of the officers. Lewis then returned to the north side of the room, picked up a rifle and advanced toward the door where tf.e officers were standing. Officers Rod Loos, Miller. Rallis and Bullock observed Lewis, with the gun approximately waist level, approach the front door with the barrel of the gun pointed out the front door. Officer Miller who was in front of tha door moved to the east. Officer Bullock then observed the weapon pointed in his direction. Realizing his position. Bullock also moved to the east. Officer Rallis dropped the search warrant, pointed his gun at Sherdell Lewis. Officer Rod Loos broke the bottom portion of the storm door and warned Lewis to drop his gun. Officer Miller stated that front, the time that Lewis picked up the gun until tha shot was fired approximately 10 warnings to drop the gun were given to Lewis. When Lewis advance toward the front door, Lewis covered a distance of approx imately 10 to 12 feet. Lewis was approximately 2 to 3 feet from, the front door when shot. Officer Allen Curtis, who was approximately 20 yards away from the door, heard the officers say, "Police, we hava a warrant." He also heard officers yell, "he has a gun" and twice heard warnings to Lewis to "put the gun down." Prior to the shot being fired two or three officers had shouted, "Shoot him" or words of similar effect to Loos. Loos fired tha one shot from a hip position. The shot struck Lewis in tha right portion of the abdomen just above the waist. The shot knocked him to the floor, which was his location when officers were able to unlock the front door and enter tha room. Lewis's condition was observed and an ambulance immediately called. Another person at the residence was taken into custody. Lewis was taken from the scene by ambulance. A search of . the house was commenced as well as an Investiga tion of the incident leading up to and including the shooting of Lewis. The investigation revealed that Officer Miller from the east side of the door observed a hand and forearm immediately prior to the shooting start to piece the rifle on the floor. Officer Miller believed tha hand and forearm were those of Sherdell Lewis. The investigation elso revealed that Officer Rod Loos, at the time he shot Lewis', did see him, saw that Lewis had a rifle in his hand; that the rifle was pointed out tha front door of the house. The occupant of the house, who observed the incident from the interior of the housft, stated that when Lewis was shot he had tha rifle in his right hand, it was parallel to the floor, pointed in tha direction of the front door and at arm's length below tha waistline. The occupant of tha houw stated that Immediately prior to the shot Lewis also stated, "Who is it?" Officers at the scene indicated that Lewis had made soma comments such as, "What tha hell is going on?" and "What Is this?'. Upon my arrival at tha scene of the Incident I observed that there was a .22 caliber rifle stand ing along the south well approximately 19" west of the doorway. All officers were contacted with regard to moving the weapon to that location or whether it was in that location when the officers entered. Several officers stated they had observed a gun on the floor (soma thought a rifle, some a shotgun). None of the officers could recall placing the rifie against the wall, though one officer believed he observed another officer to do so. The resident of the house recalled seeing tha rifle in the hands of plain clothes officer but does not recall the person who had the rifle or what happened to the rifle. Deputy Sheriff Rod "Loos was given a polygraph test by polygraph examiner Robert Cummins of Chicago. Mr, Cummins was formerly a vice president of John Reed and Associates, where Mr. Cummins was the chief polygraph examiner for the firm. John Reed and Associates is a nationally recognized polygraph firm. The results of the polygraph examination showed that: at the time Deputy Rod Loos went to the residence he did not Intend to shoot Sherdell Lewis; that Rod Loos saw Lewis at tha time he shot him; that Lewis had tha gun pointed out tha door at tha time of the shot; and that Deputy Rod Loos had not tried to withhold any information from the county attorney with re gard to this matter; and that at the time of tha shot Rod Loos was In fear of his own life. Tha investigation has been unable to resolve tha position of the gun immediately prior to the shot. Two persons say it was pointed at the door; one person says It was in the process of being set down; another officer says that just before the shot it was pointed out the door. Officers state more than adequate warning was given prior to the shot, but the resident of the house indicates she did not hear warnings where she was stand ing. Tha position of the rifle after tha shot, or whether it was moved, is In dispute. Ballistic tests and the location of the wound on Lewis would indicate that the rifle was not being set down at the time the shot was fired. Con sequently, the position that the rifle was found in a few minutes after the incident indicates the rifle was moved to that positic i. Ballistics also indicated that at the time the shot was fired Lewis was within 2 to 3 feet of tha door, which would indicate that tha officers had allowed Lewis to cross almost tha entire width of the room armed with a weapon while warnings were being given to him to drop It, etc. There are some factual matters as I hava indicated that cannot be revealed. The facts do show that an announcement was made to Lewis of the purpose of the officers, ije. to serve e search warrant; that they were police officers; that numerous warn ings were given as Lewis advanced toward the door and not heeding those warnings Lewis was shot. It is my determination that Deputy Sheriff Rod Loos fired his weapon in his own defense and in the defense of the other officers on tha scene, as well as any other person who could have been In the area or across the street, and that no crime has been committed. I would further add that I have turned over to the F.B.I. a copy of my complete file regarding this matter. I further requested the United States District Attorney to furnish to me any Inform tion he felt I should consider in this case. Mr. Wherry had disclosed to me certain infor mation from some of the people residing in the area where the incident occurred and I have taken that information into consideration In making my determination. I have also taken into consideration the existing firearm policies of tha law enforcement agencies and the manner in which those policies were Implemented by the off icers et the scene. . Petition initiated A petition drive to initiate a grand jury investigation into the shooting death of Sherdell Lewis has begun. Sheila Finney, who is heading the peti tion drive, said she expects the petitions to be published by Thursday and then be circulated throughout Lincoln. According to Finney, 2,414 signatures are required to call the grand jury, but the group will try to obtain 3,000 "for insurance." One of the stipulations for persons sign ing tine petition is that they be registered voters. Because of this, about 70 persons flooded the Lancaster County Election Commissioner's office after the gathering at the Capital Wednesday to register to vote. According to that office, about 75 per cent of the crowd registered to vote for the first time and the others re-registered because of address changes. V CZ'"ml!myK ' SI Alii w First Concert of tha Season LINCOLN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Dr. Robert Anders Emiie, Conductor TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 , 8 P.M. O'Oonnell Auditorium, Nebraska Wesleyen University campus LYNN HARRELL, CELLIST, SOLOIST The Program: Overture to "Naoucco" by Verdi Concerto for Cello in D Minor by Lalo, Lynn Harreil, soloist Symphony No. 8 in 6 Major, Opus 88, by Dvorak Season Tickets Available: $22, $17, 13.53 plus tax. l"0amtane a am Mat w lha teaaua Daaa Tkiaal' Ma aacand. 'Tha Oavtt wt Mm jonaa' was an wsnc aam.1MWONM AMIS' at TM MKT araM" icJ II famaaf ;-tv MttMttiieHai itl' win. II. til LUV I Lb cs8 tndsr 13 lh$l mi Tlsnn. FIRST DOWN You don't know the players without a program! Still Only 10 David Syrotiak's National Marionette Theatre An Adult Puppet Show 1 2 Noon, Friday Oct. 1 7 Union Ballroom Another fine production FREE from the people who brought you Keith Berger UPC Contemporary Arts Li s M m r i emus LW3J "4 - I r a mim a ?S ivfA 5 Vi -, 1 k m . I r 1 ii a YM I I ea li k i ue i a c .-n e V ,70 ift .Mi moss Family Night Special 5-9 Wednesday Night 2 Enchiladas, 1 Taco. Beans, Chips $1.09