The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1975, Page page 6, Image 6

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    monday, October 13, 1975
daily nebraskan
i O h n o
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Symphony to piay popular musie
Leonard Slatkin
A contemporary program highlights the week-long
visit of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra this fall when it
returns, to Lincoln for what is popularly becoming an
annual event. ,
Under guidance of Leonard Slatkin, new musical
director and principal conductor, the symphony will per
form concerts at Kimball Recital Hall at 8 pjn. on Oct. 31
and Nov. 1 and at 2:30 p jn. on Nov. 2.
"Each of the programs we have prepared contain some
contemporary music," Slatkin said, "But the final concert
on Sunday will be a special performance entirely composed
of contemporary works, something the St. Louis
Symphony has never done before. -
Slatkin said this concert was prepared especially for ,
Lincoln because of the extra time ailoted them during their I
stay. , . ." I
"In years past our schedule has been too hectic to
permit us the needed time for rehearsing such a program,"
he said. "This year we have the time, in fact we have
nearly a free day when we arrive.
A somewhat new format, also being introduced at the
Sunday performance, is similar to those Slatkin has arrang
ed in Minneapolis where he is frequently a guest conductor.
The new format includes an informal approach to the
music in that the orchestra plays sections of the pieces and
then discusses them with the audience before completing ,
the work. j
This is particularly important in understanding conternp- j
orarv music, Slatkin said. "My hope is that the concert will
be as educational as it is enjoyable.
Works scheduled for the Nov. 2 concert include
Stravinsky's Star Spangled Banner, Donald Erb's Seventh
Trumpet, a collection of pieces from the work of Charles
Ives, Sibelius's Symphony No. 2 and Slatkin's own work
Extensions I. .
"We also have prepared a special surprise encore for the
Sunday concert, Slatkin remarked, "something you will
have to hear to believe.
In describing his own piece, Extensions I, Slatkin ex
plained it as an improvisation work for Mallsf percussion
and keyboard.
"It is a very simple idea expanded," he said. "The whole
piece is based on one six-note chord and its variations. The
players listen to each other and move when it feels right."
Audience reaction, according to Slatkin, always has been
good for this relatively recent style of composition.
Previous Lincoln appearances of the St. Louis
Symphony have been astoundingly popular, with most
tickets sold out the day they went on sale.
" However, this year, according to Ron Bowlin, coordin
ator of Kimball Recital Hall programs, a limited number of
seats still are available by mail order.
The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, America's second
oldest orchestra, performs more than 200 concerts
The Lincoln oerformances will mark the fourth time the '
Symphony has played in the capital city.
Feminist films
to be screened
at Sheldon
Independent film-maker, Julia Rcichert will present and
discuss her films Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 3
and 7:30 pjn. at the Sheldon Film Theater.
Frequently reviewed as profound, Reichert and film
maker James Klein have produced two major films: Grow
ing up Female and Methadone-An American Way of Deal
ing. Growing up Female discusses the lives of six women and
the effect of Amerdan sorihization on their development.
Methadone-An American Way of Dealing investigates,
the theory of methadone clinics as a possible solution to
the heroin addiction dilemma in the United States.
Other films to b screened and discussed include Men's
Lives by Josh Hanig and Will Roberts, Nana, Mom, end Me
by AmaHe R. Rothschild , Joyce at 34 by Joyce Chopra and
Claudia Weill and Yudle by Mirra Bank. All showings are
The Reichert films are the first in a series of Sheldon's
Filmmaker's Showcase this fall.
Sheldon's Contemporary Arts and Artist series will
screen two films Tuesday-Ion? Rivers and Japan: The
New Art.
Showings will be at 1 :30 pjn.
Sunday the Arts and Artist series will show Isamy
Noguchi and Phillip Guston.
Covering four decades of Noguchi's creations, Isamy
Noguchi considers the artist's work in the Brancusi Studio
and UNESCO Garden in Paris, the IBM Garden Armonk in
New York and his recent sculptures at the Whitney
Museum. -
The Guston film interviews the artist as he explains his
style development, beginning with his figurative paintings
in the thirties.
0seij Eigbt Futtill
a so
Istiriif iitifsna FHthll
Play.-Six Points
College Footfea
The Tabletop Co(!sg3 Football Game
TIT fa MQ 18 in all. Both tha Big 8
I UMIalO and B 10 Confarancaa.
Taama and individuals
perform for you at in
real Ufa.
You direct ell tha play.
Whart to pass, run, punt, ktefc, tc
TOO! AV 1w2cw play. Game
TLH I takal to 1H hours to play,
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Allow 10 days for
delivery. To order send $9 toz
511 So. 47th Ave.
Omaha, N. 3157
ncvember 3 fit 5, 8 pm
tickets at: kimball box office
113 music bldg, 11 & r
hospe's, gateway;
regular $5.00
urt-l student $3.00
65 8t over $2.50
: l ... .
A project cxrdSrsatJ by Mid-Amarica ;
Art AHsanca in cooperation with ami par
tlal'y fundvJ by tha ttata arts srKS$ of j
Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Ok'shonu :
and tha Nations! Endowment for tha Arts,
an egsncy of tha fsdra! povarnmont v!tH
tha support of tha Nebraska Arts Council.
- . A
t , - v v "v r--J r
I m miM. ! .inn ii i, s i I
11 I Big ? . i 1 I Ma mcm. -TM Or lii Win tonr mm m I
I I ill j i I vnth Mvwira KlMN)ia mtlMt MM I
IB I fw III mw w m WMir vmt I
g).l3i, Di Mtl (fat cad Tbrt. '
ef Tb 8.1! I rww'
X mot THUftSOAVI J 1 " """"" )
Wf V hill . . . . . k7 '
1 . ShA nnn Art f4a on 1
4- wn
Sheldon Art Gallery
12th & R Sta'
Film-makers Showcase
This Autumn's first FUm-makm Showcase fmturm th$ films of 'sn outstanding
American ktdspendmt filmirteker, Julia Ttelchm, who will sppmr In tha
Thfstra to prssmt hmr films and talk to the audience on tha avantngs of October
. 14, 15 & IS. Ms. ftsfcherfs tivo films whkh will be acrvsned era: GROWING UP
FEMALE (tha first mejor documentary about tha experlmca of being a woman
which taZst a critical look at tha methadone pmgmn methadone is a iyn
tftatks m&otfc given fe hahsfa addicts - curmstfy bsin$ tsstmfn tha U.S. to .
. attempt is curb hamln addkthnj
TWaiity. October 14
by .Josh Hanig St Will Roberts (a growing up mfi!o film)
Wtdnfactoy, Octofo IS '
Thursday, October 13 . . , . .
YUOII Cv fclirffi tank; NANA KOftf' Af."3 U ty Am!8 R. floiHa2h!y; end
JOVCS AT U by Joyca Chopra ft Claudia Wtlil (thrc faminirt film from tha Um
Day Cnep to t foifotve-J by a iwuwion of fm!nkt f ilm and fm!nlm)
tZ.r,ZZ?ilTiZl EACH DAY AT 3 & 7:S3 aun. ALL SCRE8!CS AZ rf"l