The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1975, Page page 6, Image 6

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    page 6 da''y nebraskan
Information given to panel investigating shooting
Wednesday, October 8, 1975
By Liz Crumley
Additional information about the shoot
ing death of Arvid Sherdell Lewis was re
leased and a nine-member citizens com
mittee was formed during a special City
County common meeting Monday to in
vestigate the incident.
Omaha State Sen. Ernest Chambers
appeared at the meeting with a five-page
release which he said was based on Lincoln
Police" Dept. (LPD) and County Sheriff re
ports. The paper also contained Chambers'
opinions of police conduct in the Sept.
24th incident.
Meanwhile, by an 8 to 3 vote, the
common passed a proposal by Mayor Helen
Boosalis and Lancaster County Atty. Ron
Lehners to form a nine-member citizens
committee to investigate the death of
Lewis and examine the policies and pro
cedures of "law enforcement agencies,"
The passed motion carried two amend-
Social work students fight
proposed accreditation loss
The 501 Bldg. was headquarters for an
all-day moratorium from social work
classes Tuesday. About ISO social work
students worked to prevent removal of
accreditation for the School of Social Work,
according to graduate student Jaque Kal.
Accomplished Tuesday while social
work classes were canceled on both UNL's
campus and the School of Social Work seat
at UNO's campus:
-UNL social work students received
time to present their case at the Board
of Regents meeting this Friday.
UNL students formed groups and
Udall to speak
Congressman Morris Udall (D-Ariz.) will
be at UNL to discuss his presidential bid
Thursday. The public is invited to meet
with him from 4:45 pjn. until 5:30 pjn. in
Centennial College Raymond Lounge.
Udall officially entered the New York
primary Sept. 29.
discussed student rights with Ombuds
men '
-Decisions were made on how to
approach UNL Social Work faculty
members and protection of student
Petitions to keep accreditation.
UNL students worked individually on
writing letters and making telephone
calls to set up meetings with NU admini
strators. UNO social work students received
permission to go to the state chapter of.
the. National Council of Social Work
Education meeting.
Kal said the day was planned in coop
eration with social work faculty members
on both campuses last week to formulate
student response to review made last spring
by the Council of Social Work Education.
It proposed the school's removal of accred
itation because of these findings:
-Overall lack of support of the school
(of Social Work) by the university.
Lack of academic and . faculty resources.
ments which included an investigation of
the death of Elijah Childers, jy, wio wa
shot dead in his home by a Lincoln police
man on Feb. 1. .
Citizen committee members wM he
appointed by County Commissioner Bruce
Hamilton and City Councilman John
Chambers said his information first was
requested by certain Lincoln citizens
because they have no confidence in
Lincoln city and Lancaster County
FBI conclusions
He said he thinks conclusions of the FBI
investigation into the Incident may be
doctored, and wanted to release the facts
to the public so "they could think it out
for themselves."
The report were given to Chambers by
State Attorney General Paul Douglas
through Cahners, ChamberS said.
"Because -information regarding the
shooting of Sherdell Lewis has been re
leased piecemeal and in such fashion as to
give a deceptive picture of the surrounding
circumstances, I have prepared a paper
which will offer material which hitherto
has not been .made public," Chambers'
paper stated.
Boosalis said she had the authority to
release police and Sherifs Dept. reports,
but decided not to, based on legal counsel
by city attorney Charles Humble.
Based on reports
Based on reports Chambers saw, the
paper relates what happened during the
alleged drug sale by Lewis to the time he
was shot by Deputy Sheriff Rodney Loos.
A search warrant was issued by County
Judge Jeffre Cheuvront on Sept. 24 for a
drug raid by 1 2 law enforcement officers,
according to the paper. Chambers said the
lawmen included seven from LPD, three
from the Lancaster County Sheriffs Dept.,
and two Nebraska State Patrolmen.
The paper quotes officer reports con
cerning actions and positions of those
involved in the incident, including Lewis
and Loos.
Voluntary code
Because of the Bar-Press guidelines, a
voluntary :ode developed by members of
the press and bar association, which con
cern criminal procedings, the Daily Ne
braskan cannot print some of the results
expressed by Chambers.
These include: opinions concerning the
guilt of the accused, statements predicting
or influencing the outcome of a possible
trial and statements or opinions concerning
the credibility or anticipated testimony of
prospective witnesses.1
Chambers said that after the shooting he
"was out there on 4he streets telling people
not to throw rocks, not to use violence."
"But I'm not going to be out there
taking flack for the (Lincoln) City Council
and (Lancaster) County Baord when every
thing they do in the way of official action
is a delay," Chambers said.
The common consists of City Council
and County Board members and the
Craftsman visits
Professional silversmith Jim Cotter will
demonstrate thextechniques of his craft and
sell samples from 10 ajn, to 4 pjn. Wed
nesday and from noon to 4 pjn. Thursday
in the Nebraska Union Main Lounge.
Cotter will conduct a workshop at 9
pjn. in Richards Hall.
Union Program Council's Visual Arts
Committee is sponsoring Cotter, who oper
ates a retail shop in Vail, Colo.
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anu get on on me uOUDie.
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