The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1975, Page page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, October 8, 1 975
daily nebrasl&n
page 15
Rifle club leaves financial
nest, tries winqinq it alone
By Scott Jones
One of the university's oldest club
sports has decided it's time to leave its nest
of financial support.
Since 1896 the UNL Rifle Club has
been supported by the Army ROTC.
This year the club will attempt to stand
"We've always had the stigma of beinj
Army which we feel has kept some people
away," said club president Tom
With a self-supportive club, Hasenyager
said he hopes to attract interested persons
who were wary of the .military image in
the past.
Individual sport
"The sport is very individual he said.
You can be helped with the basics, but the
rest is up to the individual. You can't force
a person to come down and practice.
"It takes a lot of mental concentration.
Most people have no idea of the muscle
control needed because theyll use muscles
they've never used before in any other
Hasenyager said the club has eight
new rifles and an excellent rifle range in
the Military and Naval Sciences Bldg.
available for club members.
"It's by far the best range in the state
and nobody knows about it" he said. The
club purchased the rifles with $3,000
from the Fees Allocation Board.
'That was just an initial amount to buy
equipment to get established," he said.
'We bought what amounts to -the finest
rifles you can buy. They will last longer
than the university if properly taken care
The club hopes to finance itself in the
long run by having club members teach
riflery classes in the Physical Education
Dept, he said. Kansas State uses this system
to support its club, he said.
'This club has provided probably more
Olympic and national competitors than
any other sport on campus," he said. State
Senator Gary Anderson of Axtell is the
club's most noteworthy alumnus. He has
won 27 Olympic gold medals, Hasenyager
Turkey shoot
The club will have a fund raising turkey
shoot during the two weeks before Thanks
giving vacation. Contestants will be charged
$1 for 10 shots at targets with turkeys
marked on them
Twenty club members are preparing for
the first meet, the Bluejay Invitational,
Oct. 24-26 at Creighton University. The
club also will compete in the Kansas State
Invitational at the end of November.
Three shooters return from last year,
Hasenyager said. The top three-man team
is composed of Kit Hams, Bill Hayes and
Ted Sheffield. Four women are on the
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