11 Wednesday. October 8, 1975 daily nebraskart page 1.' r , .... I : f j r ' t ! or"" 1 t f 4 .. Vt I ! ! 4 i .... JLJ ftCWWJeiWiiSWT war--" - ' J PIP Photographs by Maggie MacKichan Thirty-eight photographs of rural Kentucky by Maggie MacKichan are on display in Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery now through Nov. 2. ' , . . This is the first solo show for MacKichan, 27, who is in Lincoln writing a dissertation for a Master of Fine Arts de gree from New Mexico University. She said the pictures, all in black and white, were mostly taken in a single county in eastern Kentucky. ' ' "I'd known these people for two years before I ever photographed them," MacKichan said. She met the Kentuckians when she worked with them through a VISTA program during the summers of 1966 and '67, she said. But she rejects the role of a photographer crusading for her Appalachian subjects. - t "I dont see these as people who need to be helped or patronized in any way," she said. I Ted teigsnt and tt Amboy Puks HEY. MAN LOOK WHO'S COM IN'-! FRU OCT. 17 gt 7:30 P.M. TED nOOEIJT 4 tha 9Y BUSES FBmore Rock Concert Extra Guests "Rash" tad Q 1 (A I M cim iw, e - ""r U ml H tU0m S"" Di Advance $5.00 Day of 55 w ,- w XJayUonKap UneW t X 1475-5710. X X eg. , , Q o o set; ;e to Men and Womens Hairstyling Hoircutting Specialists !Jow Showing! Boabla Foaturo -RATED X- in Ffas - ' A S- ft V- Ka cs3 nndsr 13 J KiipH Ends Tfears. O Lamp Perms 17th &R 475-4902 475-4426 Free Parking " Mon-Fri 8:30 am to 7:30 pm Sat 8 am to 4 pm OOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOQ .. -- - Bob Baseris-Presents : Thursday, Oct 168:00 PM Pershins Auditorium W3EJ.GE1LS CREATE YOUR OWN 206 N 13 SPECIAL GUEST STAR Tlckt ra JSJsa r advcncA Wilier ft fate Dt. tt. Ctwv., Can Simon Dm. & Gtwy.. Tf Dt V. o" Chtj gh. Studtnt Ulonoth )! .0m.; Hom.n ft Bm Simons, PfrfNl Awd. Box Ollk. WWM o1sr will b cxtvi ty ncuvg rtiftd ef!L'm T rdw to Pfsh,n3 Aw4, 15h ft N Strwrt. Llneoln 8 I 'Shells ' 4 " Ss. (J t y i 1 1 : How ii-,i"eaemt of DocumanUrv films have poor rtcord in com- mtrciat thaatrcs. Ho waver, f ha manaflamant of tha Hollywood Thaatra has . licansad an an-, faamtt of "Haarts and Minds' in snita of tha pravious track racord of such films, in an ara ot oicanian-.-t.Kn aw MMt Itummt hm "rhatorie of tha iffatVeorpVoV snoos." pc with honor, napalm, pac marches sit-in, campus riots, Kent State. Eugana Mc Carthy, draft dodgers, JanasJPonda, peace signs, Viet Cons. Tet Offensive. DM2, Callcy. My Lai, ROTC. dwaa, hawks, Wastmoreland, Cam Ranh Bay, Diem, LB.J. Nixon, Rusk, McNamara. Agnew - tha names, the events, the siogana, ell wera an Integral prt of day-today living-during an era forootten by many. The film s maker. Peter Davis ("The Selling of the Pentagon") has taken 150 hours of footage and reduced it to 112 min fcw of the moat intansa film ever produced. We do not nba mtmnd ett tha merits of th film politically or morally; we meraiy pre sent the film In Its entirety. HEARTS AND opens its Lincoln encore HOLLYWOOD tS October 10 Turquoise 75 cents ft up Heidi! CO eents per inch prta on Hem i'Justrated $3.13 Pukas IS cents each liquid Sliver 4 cents etwh Naturals 3 cents & up ft f 'f rot C ""',. i ill W- ' W . o o o o o o o o o ammmaKsmssammmmiam