.friday, October 3, 1975 daily nebraskan page 7 After nearly 75 years, the College- of Home Economics is seeking accreditation from the Council on Professional Develop ment of Home Economics Association, according to Dean Hazel Anthony. ' Anthony said the process for accredita tion began in the spring of 1974. A report was prepared covering the goals and objectives, qualifications of facul ty, services provided for students, student body, available home economics books in the library, the physical facility itself, and the financial aspect of the college. Faculty and students worked on the 500 page report during the fall semester of last year, Anthony said. The final report wa3 submitted in January. A four person committee, made up of three from other schools and one from the Association, wer on campus last week verifying the report. Anthony said the committee met with alumni, students, faculty ,and deans of other colleges during their visit. "They were here to check to see if we were doing the things we said we were doing,' Anthony said. "The committee seemed very impressed with the students, faculty and our facilities." The college will not know if they are Home Ec. waiting for accreditation accredited until next spring, Anthony said "In time, there will be special advan tages for those (CoMeges) with accredita tion," she said. "Students won't be accept ed into graduate school . withou accreditation." GOOD THROUGH OCT. 4 th - liiicrricn' - -1 1 1 10 IT L I H VODKA 330 43th st. Oix and Match these Spocials Montezuma Tpi!a 5th $4.43 Ion Hco Rugn 5th Johnny Valker Red Label Scotch 5th $1.59 Old Mr. Boston Canadian Qt. Gliy's Gin (ft. $3J3 Old grow Half Gal. Sebastian! Otn. lino Half Gal. S3.il Ffosi Mr, Piast Chrtasy. Madria-Oadria 5th S1.3S llama's 12 pk. warp Old Milwaukee case xszm $4.13 Senior science and engineering majors earn about $50,000 Students graduating in December 1975 or May 1978 would earn approx imately $50,000 In four yean as a nuclear power specialist for the U.S. Navy, Qualified students would receive year of graduate-level study In nu clear power, while being paid their first year salary of $10,000 plus. They also would receive commis sion as a Navy officer plus all mil itary benefits including free med ical and dental care, 30 days paid vacation and unlimited paid sick leave. Engineering, physics, chemistry and math majors are urged to interview October 7-9. Contact the UNL Place ment Office (472-3145) in the Nebr. Union for an interview time. Or call Dave Frank in Ornahat collect at 221-9380 for additional information. Q ualif ied sophomores receive scholarships If you qualify, all tuition, books and fees are paid during your junior and senior years plus you receive $100 a month for living expenses. Minimum qualifications are one sem ester each of calculus and physics or two semesters of calculus by the end of the first semester of your sophomore year. During your senior year, depending on performance, you'll be Interviewed to determine your acceptance for ad vanced nuclear training. Those selected will receive a year of graduate-level , study, commission as a Navy officer and all military benefits. Interested sophomores are urged to interview October 7 9 . Contact the UNL Placement Office (472-3145) In the Nebraska Union for an interview time. Or call Dave F.ank In Omaha collect at 221-9388 for additional info. . sr fflTrnT if. $8.69 jj jj . : vam .53 J WA 'y Weekend Special: All Day Sat and Sun 4 Tacos $1 .30 mm. mm Family Night Special 5-9 Wednesday Night 2 Enchiladas, 1 Taco, Beans, Chips WHY 1235 Q St. Gunny'i n C for your ih jeans to get ! - ... 1 V , yaiomtortaaia i Mi 1 V 1 1 "Nj I