friday, October 3, 1975 daily nebraskan page 4 ' f The lear ninahurt us, no V4 1 After three weeks of expectation, one week of uncertainty and a whole day of speeches, Presi dent Gerald Ford made his appearance in Omaha Wednesday at ,the . Nebraska-Iowa White House Conference on Domestic and Economic Affairs. Complete with not-so-secretly 1 placed secret service men, and whatseemed to be practically the. whole of the Omaha Police Dept. glorying in their confusion, the Omaha Hilton Hotel was turned into a forum where Ford came to "learn and listen." ' : " And, indeed, the learning and the listening was there. v 1 ; But not as' we had hoped. " The audience, representatives of 17 Iowa and Nebraska organizations, listened to Ford and six of his close administrators sprinkle their speeches with adjectives such as soon, maybe, eminent and possibly. It also listened to jokes about Secretary of Agri culture Earl Butz, Gov. J. James Exon and the Nebraska football team. : V We, for our part, also listened and learned. Three' reporters and two photographers awakened if not so bright, at least early, to get to Omaha on time. In Omaha we listened to all of the speeches and attended all of the news conferences. In Lincoln we listened to our colleagues com plain that nothing new happened. . And from all of this listening we learned. We learned just how the government public rela tions machine works: the people who set up the conference did just enough advance publicity to get us to give up a day of classes to go to Omaha, enter through a back door. So we waited. After all, the President does not come to Nebraska Suddenly he was there. It was easy to tell. His every day. " , . voice came over a loud speaker in the press room We learned that they probably would have been from an undisclosed place. - happy to see that we devoted a front-page story We did learn that the President entered the and our sacred double truck (centerfold, if you building through the front door. Unfortunately, we like) to cover tne conterence. iney woum nave learned this after lunch 0 11 M 1 4 v " Kir wmm mm i r. J The administration, the extended bureaucracy and the press. Photo by Ted Kirit been, but probably they did not stay long enough to see it. We learned that while local reporters lunched, the Washington press corp invaded the press room, taking over all desks, typewriters and phones, not to mention the President's Press Secretary Ron Neissen who only talks to Washington reporters.- While we , were learning -all of this, we also learned what we did not learn. We did not learn when the President was entering the building. Supposedly he was going to mm The final thing we learned was that listening to the President in Omaha was much like listening to him on television. After all, the President did not enter until his scheduled 4:30 p.m. appearance. When he did, he spoke for 15 minutes and then answered only one question of each representative from the 17 host organizations. The rest of the audience sat and watched as though they were not really there to participate. The White House had not come to the people. The people were not invited. Only representatives of them were. And the bureaucracy was extended. At the scheduled 5:30 p.m. bewitching hour, the President said goodnight. ' He walked off into the sunset-into some un known room in the Hilton, to be seen again only by the White House people. We our sets, told those left in Lincoln that they did not miss much. Except a rerun which will be rerun again. . . ... . . . . . j And inursday we listened to eacn omer. aru for the first time that day, we learned something: that the White House p.r. had worked. Unfortun- nfplv flip liamincr unc nnf at th rnnfefence. And M V ) 4IV 111 f f MkV V W w-- - unfortunately it was not before we had subjected our readers to our zealousness. The lesson hurt. The Editors RALPH you ciuv 1 M '4 YOVKE ft cmoou CHARACTER. YOU'RE HOTEVEVf&L. HOU) IS SOMEONE U)(TH A ZIPPE1WB MUSTACHE AW hair mm TO ACCEPT THE AWARD AT MLFrME OF WE F0OTBM-L GME? LP" '' 'n jf. Jim Dear editor, It seems that Campus Police (or at least a member of the staff) has finally outdone itself. Last Wednesday evening I went to my car parked in a spot in the Sheldon Gallery lot where it has been parked countless other evenings over the past three or four years, only to find a ticket, carrying a S5 line tor unauthorized area. Finding this sudden transformation a bit much, I decid ed to protest. After two visits to Campu3 Police'snd shuttl ing through a couple of people I was shown into the office of a young man whose exact power was not clear, only to be told again there was nothing he could do. I tried to make the point that they were trying, without warning, to make people pay a $5 fine for something that . had been condoned the day before. (Apparently it had been an illegal parking area all along but th rcld had never been enforced. Howl was supposed oKnowtnauaoniKnow.j top of the original fine as there is this vear The man appeared to be digging injiis pockets and Increases in both fines and punishment procedures are TJllLm!!! Eua .cha,r'tThen;.fl totally absurd. Cale (we are on a first name basis) is trying there was nothing he could do, he put my ticket and a to run this campus like a police state with his arbitrary stack of one dollar bills on his desk and told me to go and ' bureaucratic rule chances pay the ticket. Doing a fast burn I tossed the money back, I for one think students should be better represented took my ticket and stomped out. jn Campus Police noli ,hano,8 -JJ.a of hinB told luho tn J l.'l Ji ..... 0 ' As there were no other witnesses and it is his word against mine, I won't even attempt to imagine where the money came from or what he was trying to do, but from just about any view it was a pretty shoddy and questionable tactic. If that is a normal practice of Campus Police. I'd 3cin in str0R8!y suSSest P0 change. If he thought it up all by 1 0 ui himself, itnmenna nver tVir huA hettnv Kou. .n. --- - -" 4is tv m aui jtj'j i laiA with someone else. ,. . . M. E. Tune Police stato , Dear editor, I was amazed to find when I purchased my parking permit that the fine system was changed-not in the students' favor, of course. Last year they used a graduated fine system which was a lot more tair, since your first violation was small. There also was not an exhorbitant late payment fine placed on what to do like mindless children. Uncle Chunky Editor'i note: "Gale" is Caff Cade, Campus Police chief. Bowl of soup - Dear editor, In the Sept. 24 Daily Nebraskan, p. 8, someone wrote an article on Latin American women in politics, in it were mentioned two women of bona fide Latin American countries, Brazil and Colombia, and one woman from bowl of soup! My sympathies to this poor woman, who must by now be permanently stained dark red. The correct spelling of "Chili" is C-h-i-I-e and is pronounced Chee-lay or anglized Chi-lec. The misspelling seemed humorous to me but I doubt if you could get Chilean to see it that way. c ' , Lloyd A.Peterson tutors note: Oops! Must have been a fly on the copy-