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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1975)
daily nebraskan Wednesday, October 1, 1975 page 12 Council By Barbara Lutz It took two close votes at the Lincoln City Council meeting Monday night to de feat a nuclear power plant proposal and to approve a police review, board plan. By a 4 to 3 vote, the Council prevented the Lincoln Electric System (LES) from buying shares in a nuclear power plant at Ft. Calhoun (north of Omaha), deciding that nuclear energy will not be as big a bargain in the 1980s as LES officials had hoped. Instead, LES will continue with its long range power supply program with issuance of millions of dollars worth of bonds over the next decade to buy electricity for Ltncolnites. The Ft. Calhoun station is estimated to cost nearly $1 billion, with Lincoln's share wont Performance, dependability, ityle. Not the usual import 73 Mazda Rx-3. 4742068. Sharp green 1963 Mustang; white vinyl top, in excellent condition. Power steering, power brakes, auto, transmis sion, air shocks, Ig. tires, white stripe, lots of accessories. 472-3401 ext. 45 weekdays 475-6871 after 5 p.m. 1971 Rare Super Bee Dodge Charger; 333 magnum, 4-tpd., factory air, AMFM,. 8-track tape, pow. steering, disc brakes, bluewhite vinyl top. Call 467 1242. 1963 Pontiec Tempest 350; two barrel, 3-spd., nearly new paint, excellent condition, $1300. Call 475-3971. Dunebuggy, 50HP VW engine, top, rollbar. Hurst shift er, 2brl. cerb., etc., $300. 475-3609. 1963 Ford LTD, $150. Call 4340134 after 6:30. 19S3 Renault R-10; good condition, economical, $550. Weekdays fJ,f 6 p.m 439-6352. 1888 Blue Mustang, V-8, floor shift, mags, clean interior, $5.1237"K",D-1. 1375 5$ Suzuki, $108). txctltent condition, 474-2330. OKs review board, rejects power 1972 SL350 Honda Moto sport. Good condition. Call evenings, 483-1 513. 1974 Suzuki GT380; $775. Good condition, still under warranty, 474-2330. Gitane men's 5-epeed bicycle $40. 475-7563. . 10-spd. bike, lock and chain, $150. Call 435-4374 evenings. Marantz 4270 receiver 4JBL L-100s. 474-2330. NATURAL SOUND Incomparable Fulton J speakers Full range Fulton 100 speakers, . inherently musical Fulton 80 speakers. Pool I tube amplifiers, Transcriptors glass turntable. Shown by appointment. Quality equipment in all price ranges. Trade-ins accepted, large selec tion of used equipment: KLM5 speakers, mint condition, Macintosh 240 tube arr plifier, 5" bw Sony TV, superscope A245 integrated amp, JVC 8-track, several compacts. 475-3325, 1021 Claremor.t. With student or faculty ID, 10 discount on all portable TV's, stereos, 10-spd. bikes and Goodyear tires except pro motional models. Goodyear Services Store, 1918 "O" St. 432-6521. PLAYBOY MAGAZINES: approximately 100 issues complete with centerfolds, $20. 475-7563. BEVERAGE THE SALOON BEER BUDWEISER $2.69 warm only MfCHELOS $5.99 case, warm only 27th & Holdrege Cash only, no checks. Conn Baritone-artist model, short vatv stroke, good cond ition, 43a-etm. Yard Sals: books, floor pillow, drafting table, more. Wednesday after 12 only 423 "B". Yeshica Electro 35 camera and accessories; Weaver K-4 scope. Call 793-2303 after Spjn. (cm atd your own) 2C3 fJ. 13 to have been $129 million. - In the bond ordinance before the Coun cil, two specific projects were sited as sources of much of Lincoln's future elec tricity needs, one of which was Ft. Cal houn. The Council approved LES's plans to participate in the Laramie River Station, a coal-fired complex in Wyoming. By an identical 4 to 3 margin, the Council made the much-discussed police review board a reality. Council members Sue Bailey, John Robinson, Max Denney and Bob Jeambey supported the board while Dick Baker, Steve Cook and Bob Sikyta opposed it. The compromise provides for a seven member citizen panel with advisory capa city. Mayor Helen Boosalis will appoint the board members, whose duties include hearing citizens' grievances. Any com Daily Nebraskan is selling two custom-made drafting tables. Used less than one year. Asking . $75 each. Ideal for paste-up work, drafting, or art. See at 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 "R" St. or phone Kitty or Jerri at (402) 472-2590. Enjoy meeting people? Good and easy way to make money apply in person to Mary Sharpnsck or call for appointment. VALENTINO'S SOUTH 70tk ft Van Dorn 483-2811 CITY CARRIER ROUTE SUPERVISOR Excellent opportunity for university student with car able to work afternoons and Sat. in newspaper circulation dept. This is a permanent Job on a part time basis, about 30 hours per week. Applicants should be mature, ebte to communicate with children 12-15 years of age. Good pay with mileage expenses for your car and a fine opportunity to gain practi cal experience. Please apply 6a.m.-2p.m. or call Mr. Oglesby at 473-7349 for an interview appointment. Journal-Star Print ing Co. 928 "?" , LIVE-IN PARTTiMI Lancaster County seeks females with the ability to live with and maintain a close relationship with mentally retarded persons. -Hours 6:30e.m.-7:3Ca.rn. and 6pjn.-3p.rn. Monday through Stirvtay. Shw rant and fnnri costs. ' Apply: City Personnel Office, C&unty-City Building, 555 So. 10th, Room B-243. An Equal Opportunity EnpSoyr WANTED: woman to work In Fitness Canter. P.E. back ground preferred. Call 475- 43S8. plaints will by heard by the Police Dept. before a review board hearing is held. Sikyta failed in an attempt to delay Council action until new Police Chief George Hansen had a chance to review the K reposal and existing police procedures of andling citizens' complaints. (The controversy surrounding the shoot ing death last week of Arvid Sherdell Lewis also was a topic at the evening meeting. The Council chambers "were nearly full with persons voicing their anger, frustra tion and fear not only for the 25-year-old black man's death, but also for what some called citizens' protection. Lewis died from a shotgun blast fired by Lancaster County Deputy Rodney Loos, one of several lawmen who participated in a drug search at Lewis's home. , One Lincolnite said, "We pay taxes foi Need female roommate, $55. Real nice, central air, carpet, .own room, 1127 So. 14th, 475359. Roommate wanted; upper classman or grad. student Store four bdrm. house-own room. $60 mo. plus util. Call 432 2478 after 8 pjn. Custom-made clothes from your designs or ours. Wedding dresses too. Clifford Dressmak ing Shop. 423-0193. ACADEMIC RESEARCH PAPERS Thousands of topics. Sand in one dollar for up-to-date 160 page mail order catalog. Research Assistance. Inc. 11322 Idaho Ave.. No. 206 Los Angeles, Calif. 90C2S (213) 477-8474 Answer to Monday's crossword puzzle. ' I (tit M8 1 1 BE jlA Fl f W jt ft P 0 G lE!j 10 X E Nf srt TjS" 6 R . iiiiJioTiriiirferi 0 R MSI ' ! ITT o i sTiTie ( FiT t Ita rtoTTi a x e utT HIoJW 1 1 If "to 0 f i srrOT6i mmti is a rs Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 24 Moines 25 Splurges 3 Presley 34 Charged atoms S3 Shade tree 33 Fence 3? Conduits 39 Dancer's knee bend 40 Business abbr. . . .., . 42 Evergreen shrub 43 Splurge 47 Summon a genie 43 Thousands of years I Credit- 5 River to the Aare 19 Gad 14 Woodwind 15 Community character - m . . 17 Splurge 20 Total 21 Articles 22 Fashion 23 Ever's partner 14 i 5 "J 17 hi" " -mm i. iii mi --a-- Ui'Mf --- mmm rain i -a--; mmai , j-H-ti; mmmm humiw hmw k-m--m mi 20 21 p . ..,t- 1,1 11 ---- (tnpw" l-m.- v-xtku4 mj urn j, . ... . 3S f .37 & l' i - - , ..4 , ' jii J 1 ; , ( . , i ... 43 44 IT " '. 'aT ' ' "j"'"r'' wl I I r :" I I I R HTI " I I 1 "''" "" 11 1 1,1 ''" ''N.I..I I ln I JJMM WATCH REPAIR NEW ADDRESS - 333 No. 12th Around corner south from Nebr. Bookstore. Ait make repaired-Setko to Timex. Reescnabte fast - accurate. Come me! -Oksk. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE 432-3414 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR - TUNE UP Parts at cost. Labor $3 per hour. Qualified mechanic. Gary, 477-6902 after 6 p.m. "Our name is The Experi ment in International Living'; Our laboratory is the world; Our tools are people, cultures, languages, the homestay, attitudes, emotions. . . Academic credit is offered in semester, summer and under graduate programs. The deadline for application for spring 1976 semester abroad is Nov. 30, 1975. Further Information is available: Oversees Opportun ities Center, 205 Nebraska Union. STOBEllT - 'S mt pop 4 fcr'$1.C3 Prcstcao E! 'Antifrcozo Clicks csshii villi parc&isss ' lillay's Dsdp&ck ' 2711 'I Y v 43 Famous fur trader 52 Head area 84 Stir 57 Splurging 60 Partner of beans CI Viking's milieu C2 Western pal C3 Heirs U " jnol ...- 63 Votes . DOWN 1 Geartseth 2 Ben Adhem plant them (police) to protect us, not to be afraid." Several persons also asked about the status of the case and what the City Council would do about the shooting. Chairman Denny said the shooting was under the jurisdiction of the county, not the city, and that there was little the Council could do. He said that some of the questions raised could be answered by the FBI, which is investigating the CESS. Councilman Robinson presented s pro posal for "affirmative action by govern ment officers, asking that the Council and County Board examine practices of the Lincoln Police Dept. and Lancaster County Sheriffs Office to review recruitment pro cedures, training programs, weapon policies, arrest and warrant procedures, duty assign ments and disciplinary procedures. Let Mom and Dad keep on top of what's happening on campus. Send them subscrip tion to the DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 1 Just send a check and the name and address where you want trie subscrip tion sent to Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 "R" St., Lincoln, Ne. 68508 1 ytar4 12.50 1 eameste-$7.0 D.R. Hava beautiful birthday II I All my love always. . R.R. Randy G., the pizza was GREAT I Especially the cheeselll Love, Becki. ,,,.,,,, ,,,-, NEED THREE STUDENT TICKETS TO - OCT. 4 MIAMI-NU GAME. 435-3081. ! i y pwp-wu m my umm imvKV ni'iuwu nunNnu 3 in? ECted fey WILL WENG ' Courtsjy of the New York Times 3 Space . 4 Diet, listing 5 Fights 9 Goddess of wisdom 7 Attention getter t Signifies assent 9 Wind direction 10 Change a model's stance 12 Japanese native 13 Constructed IS Ascertains . 19 Levels off 23 Isidigo 24 Puts on 25 Finch 23 Flatly: Prefix 27 Dispossess 23 Lawful: Lat. : 29 Fortune 33 Greeting 31 -. jj-imy ' Valentine" 32 Food fish 37 Paint unskiiifully 33 Samovar 39 Moccasins 4! Tennis area 42 Meaning 44 Swindlers 45 Caruso, in Milan 43 Pesters 49 Vipers 50 Go away! 51 "... tattered and " 52 Insignificant one 83 Stravinsky S4 Not at home 53 Venture 3 Advantage gS " body ' meet . . ." 63 Health resort GIALS.