monday, September 29, 1975 daily nebraskan paga3 Monday 10:30 a.m. Business Education 120-Nebraska Union Auditorium. Noon-College ' of Engineering-luncheon Union 203. 2:30 pjn. Bowling 105B test-Union Auditor ium. ; 4 p.m. Teacher Orientation-Love Memorial Library. 5:30 pjn.-Towne Club pledges-Union 343. 6 p.m.-Towne Club Union Harvest Room. 6:30 pjn.-Corncobs Tassels Homecoming interviews-Union 203. 7 pjn.-Table Tennis Club-Union Conference Rooms. 7 p jn. -Minority Affairs-tutoring-Union 225. 7:30 p.m.-College Ca reer Fellowship-Union 222. 7:30 pjn.-Math Counselors-Union 225. , 7:30 p.m. -Delta Sigma Pi-Union 343.y 9 p.m.-Kappa Alpha Psi-Union 232. 9:15 pjn.-Kappa Psi -Union 216. Tuesday Noon-Student Y WomenSpeak 75 Series Union. 3 p.m. Food Handlers meeting-Union. 5 p.m. -Tassels Union. 7 p.m.UNL Young Republicans-Union. HELLO, I'm Uncle Max... When the quality of. your recording " .really coyote... COUNT ON 0 t Ml .'Hlit onuay o ooooooooooo m own "th ttsndard of exesSlvnc UD ULTRA DYNAMIC OPEN REEL UD ULTRA DYNAMIC CASSETTES MAXELL 8 TRACK CARTRIDGES For the best possible prices, give us a call.. . 475-2746 or 475-2714 . am ..... x , west' 1 ;MiN A mi , if K A7fV V V? If. - CENTER EAST Qo Gimmicks' 8RS ERICAIM MUSIC PROGRAMS Every Oonday flight lugo Screen TV 2-fors 1 15 Hot Di lack Again by pcpiihr izmni IK SI and their Rock Show Tuesday thru Saturd and bxt week 2 -TOPS fill Oon-Tues-VJod here Good Tiies Abeiind labraska's Greatest Light -Show ;. - iiinpimn iniimimiini miiiiiii 'in wiiiim iiiiimimmi Ladfos' tlight Than. 1st drink 10' mm aim fikctz j j LZ3 fL.,3 Li ooooooooocoo II n