The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1975, Page page 7, Image 7

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. Photo by Stava Bownar
Husker coaches Monte Kiffm (right) and Bill Myles discuss defensive
strategy during Saturday's INdiana game.
Photo by Kovin Higlay
xBob Ungenfelter (70) squares off with Hoosier Qifton Payne (73)
during a game after which Husker coach Tom Osborne praised the
offensive line's improvement. .
Osborne; NU aerial game improved
By Bob Barney
The UNL football team takes the field
today against a number one team in the
nation. But unlike the top ten in which the
Husker) are rated fourth, Texas Christian
University fTCU) is the top ranked team in
the nation s bottom ten, a syndicated
feature by Steve Harvey.
Even though TCU (0-2), holds this
dubious distinction, they are capable of
beating people as Nebraska head coach
Tom Osborne noted last Monday. "If we
leave the ball on the ground against a pass
ing team who might get a hot hand we
could be in for a long afternoon," he said.
The Horned Frogs threw the ball 46
times against Arizona State last week.
Nebraska might be encouraged to throw
more also. Starting quarterback Terry
Luck, who after a sporadic performance
against Louisiana State, came back and per
formed well last Saturday against Indiana.
The senior hit on seven of 12 passes for
138 yards against the Hoosiers.
Osborne encouraged
Osborne also is encouraged with the re
turn of transfer quarterback Vince
Fenagamo. After sitting out a first game
suspension, Ferragarno came off the bench
against Indiana in the third quarter and led
the Huskers to a touchdown in his first
action in more than a year.
"I think we have two Big 8 caliber
quarterbacks," Osborne said. "In fact, the
Indiana game gave us confidence in our
back up people."
' Confidence abounds at the fullback
position where sophomore Dodie Donnell
fnd junior Gary llisst backed-up starter
lony Davis admirably. Donnell picked up
21 yards against the Hoosiers, while Higgs
gained 38 yards compared with Davis's 63
John O'Leary heads the I-back corps
after a fine showing against Indiana last
Saturday. The senior picked up 88 yards
on 17 carries.
Sophomore Monte Anthony moves up
to second string for today's game after a 50
yard showing last Saturday.
Thomas leads receivers
Split end Bobby Thomas leads the .re
ceivers for the Huskers. The junior caught
two passes last week, including a sensa
tional catch with just 20 seconds left in the
opening half for the Huskers' third touch
down. In two games so far the Bridgeport
Pa. native has caught six passes, and scored
two touchdowns.
Thomas also has sparkled on punt
returns. He leads the Big 8 in punt returns,
averaging more than 12 yards on nine re
turns. Osborne has been pleased with his
special teams' performances. "Punt plays
involve 40 to 60 yards, while the average
scrimmage play is only three or four. The
kicking game has a great effect on field
Good field position
Nebraska has received good field posi
tion on punts, having 167 return yards,
while holding opponents to zero.
"While most people talk only of our
offense or defense, we feel there are three
equal phases to football," Osborne said.
Osborne, however, has been less than
satisfied with the Huskers kick-off cover
age. The kick-off team has surrendered 140
yards on seven kicks. He indicated changes
will be made to get more speed in the
garne. f M
Defensively, the I "ushers wL put seme
impressive credentials on the line against
The blackshirtshave given up an average
of 147 total yards per game (94 on the
ground and S3 through the air).
. Fultz leader
Mike Fultz, junior defensive tackle,
leads the Huskers in tackles for losses with
five. He was praised along with middle
guard John Lee and defensive end Bob
Martin by Osborne for their performances
against Indiana.
Lee leads the team in tackles with 17,
while Martin has thrown opponents three
times for losses totaling a team leading 24
The linebackers, junior CletusPillen and
sophomore Jam Wightman are still making
mistakes, according to Osborne but, he
said, 'They're making up for their mistakes
with aggressiveness." '
The Huskers' secondary will probably
be in for a busy afternoon if the Frog's
game plan follows that of their first two
games. The defensive backs held the Big
10s leading passer, Terry Jones, to just 23
yards passing and the Hoosiers to 28 total.
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Husker I-back Monte Anthony (49) skirts around Indiana's Dan
Zarlingo en route to his second of two touchdowns Saturday.