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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1975)
frktey, spptfimber 26, 107J pageS daily nebraskan Spiritualist Dass at symposium GET YOUn Wisdom of the East speaker Ram Dass " . If you can spare even a few hours a week, cal your local Voluntary Action Center. Or write: 'Volunteer," Washington, D.C. 20013. . - It'll do you good to see how much good you can do. ' Wunteer. . i The jftrial frcr J' mnr Af rxn U the fun place to go at 14th and "0" perra ... A PLANT EXPLOSION AUF CO-SPONSORED BY GREENFINGERS Union Ballroom: Sspt 30th, Oct 1st & 2nd, 10 o.m. to 6 pjn. AUF proctvds to Multlplt Scltroiii, National Red Crow Disaster Fund, arid United Cerebral Paiy. tka " svmnn.rfjim on the Wisdom of the East concludes Sundnv when Ram Dass will discuss "The Process of Spiritual Awakening" in the Sheldon Sculpture Gardens at 3 p.m. Dass (the former Dr. Richard Alpert) received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford University in 1957. He taught at Stanford, the University of California at Berkeley and Harvard University until 1963. At Harvard. Dass served as a psychotherapist and did rASpnrrfi in human Hevelfinment. Freudian theories of avv-v -w- j earlv social development, cognition and clinical pathology. ' In 1961, he began, research in LSD and other consciousness-altering drugs. In 1964, Dass, along with Timothy Leary and Ralph Metzner, published the book The Psychedelic Experience. . Dass also has published the books Be Here Now and The Onfy Dance There Is. ' Currently, Dass is speaking on behalf of the Hanuman Foundation, whose projects include support of meditation facilities and teachers and work with the dying. In case of rain, the program will be in the Nebraska Union, Centennial Room, 14th and R Streets. Union Concerts Committee Presents Luther Allison & Blues Band Big Walter Horton & Blues Band in concert Friday October 3, 8 p.m. Union Centennial Room Tickets $2 UNL students (with I.D.) $3.50 general public Available at; Union South Desk .Dirt Cheap , j-j OOOOOO0OOOOO0OOOO 0 o 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O .0' 0 0 0 O '0 o 0 o o o Mum to tie illlll HBO .(lift ft Ctrshtkir Bivtj) not Lincoln'! Bi8st hii Lincoln's Bisf -Slndiat Spscial - Uash aai Q Q ft Bit-Dai DO (Uith.Stndontl.D. nr this nil.) , "i'm IsSspsfiot C:t:!i2i o him vim tls pits U isstr V tkt o cti:r Cs: U;;h la tan. .g , KHOf ..EjulJ ' 013 TIE WAY ' TO-EACH HOME BADE! Available again this year for only m B . m Ha Oil .HOST GAOFOS CORNERS All III TIE flEBRASKA UliiOn BUILDING lions Chrj Onstfr with feature stories mi pictures en the game, teams and players in a larger and mere convenient format. Yen ean't tell the players withoyi a roster. SO LOOK FOR FIRST DOWN - STILL THE BEST BARGAIN ON CAMPUS or Call 472-2588 for volume prices. t (a publication of The Daily Nebraskan) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o o (3 changed my looks at Vision Center. Why walk around g!atsy-yd? Vision Can!r nakas It aasy lo got Into contacts. Thair selactio Is so comptata, most pmp em qutekty find a pair thai is right for tham. Yt-thty vt gat m kinds of contest knaas. mm, htrtf tenses. Claar or tinted . . . er 20 tfifftranl tint. Contacts ' 8wr maka diffarenca in hmxym 11 world . . . tnd how o worid itass yea.. great place for contact lenses. Mnccin, 1132 "O-Gtrccl-Tcl. 432-7533 cA uuuuu'UuyyuuuuuOQOO ov.-2y r.slTcl. 434-7418