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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1975)
friday, September 26, 1 975 page 4 .:; -, daily' nebraskan the word iunhecM Consumer group exhorted to become self-supporting By Del Gustafson . ; While meandering through our glorious and fiscally mismanaged Nebraska Union the other day, my eyes became fixed upon the letters NUPIRG boldly printed across the top of a long, white sheet of paper. Upon perusal, I discovered that NUPIRG was not, as I had hoped, an organization dedicated to the purging of the NU administration, but rather a consumer protection group solemnly sworn to the protection of the consumer and the environment, to the safeguarding of equal rights, to the infuring of corporate responsibility and, finally, to the fostering of greater government responsiveness. Given the economic woes besetting tnis country, due in large part to the activism of our government, it would seem to be more in the interests of America to form an organization which advocated government unresponsive-ness-possibly the Committee for the Mass and Prolonged Hypnosis of Congress. Wliile the explicitly general goals of NUPIRG are worth , it, like other consumer groups, probably runs into problci is because it tends to view "The Consumer" as seme monolf hie entity with one discernible hierarchy of consumption priorities. Experience reveals that there are many different consumers with many differing, and at times conflicting, sets of consumption priorities; hence any group which presumes to represent "The Consumer' on a certain issue may frustrate as well as satisfy the wishes and interests of many consumers. Still, my main fear of NUPIRG was that it, in the name of my own consumer interest, would find ifs way into my wallet via that most brazenly successful thief of campus, mandatory student fees. My fears were allayed when the propaganda sheet re vealed that NUPIRG would be funded voluntarily; allayed, that is, until I later learned that NUPIRG does receive student fees. I exhort you, NJJPIRG, to let this campus see a practical demonstration of your active commitment to the worthy goals of student volunteerism, student interest, and plain old honesty by henceforth supporting your organization exclusively through voluntary contributions. From the cave: Re, the pro-student fee pamphlet (and it does in fact take a position favoring fees): A student refer endum in 1937 was given as the justification for the payment of student fees. Why docs the majority -vote of some hoary old men obligate me to pay $61.50 a semester in 1975? While there may have been referendums since 1937 on the fees question, nonetheless I have attended this university for three years and have never been given the chance to vote on the issue of student fees. The time has come; let us hear the voice of the fee-payers. 'So heed this: submit a name If the nominations and selections of NU admin istrators seem to be an upper-level and somewhat secretive process, it may be because so few "lower level" members of the university community take an interest in it. So heed this: Anyone may nominate a candidate for UNL chancellor, as long as the nominee falls within the guidelines established by the chanceilor search committee. Those guidelines were published on the front page of Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan ("Chancellor search group seeks 'champion for UNL'"). We urge UNL students, facttlty members, staff and administrators who have chancellor candidates in mind to submit their names to Richard Gilbert, chairman of the search committee, or to encourage the possible candidates to apply. , Transfer students and faculty members who have taught at other schools might recommend administrators they think would be qualified. Others could recommend UNL officials as well. Gilbert is a professor of chemical engineering. His office is 222 Avery Hall. The deadline for applications and nominations is Oct. 20. Take part in the search for UNL's new chancellor, for all our sakes. ' " . Rebecca Brite U)0K ftT WIS, 3"v I WHAT W THE WORLD I I CfiNl OH NOl I WH U I tin I f DLUCVt I fWrE y i Dear editor, , , . The UNL library system is totally inadequate for both undergraduates and graduate students, not to mention Books are difficult to locate because the libraries use two different call number systems and the books are spread out all over the campus. When you locate the correct library building the books often are not there or are damaged so they cannot be used. The number of volumes in the libraries is inadequate for a major university with a large graduate school. The "great" universities across the country have exten sive holdings under one roof. If the university's goal is academic excellence or learning and research it must have a strong library. This will cost a great amount of money and the skill of a highly trained library staff, but the goal is worth the effort. Education and learning are important values in our society; the tools for learning, books, must be available so that process can take place. John S. Burger Masqueraded Ignorance Dear editor, ( Jim , Williams' last column was a fine example of Ignorance masquerading' as knowledge. Despite his protestations to the contrary, the fact is that air bags are effective auto safety devices. Williams scorns the fact that air bags cannot work in the majority" of accidents where cars are rear-ended or broad-sided. But how many two-car accidents do not inypjve at least one car's front end? That the air bag prevents serious injury in front-end collisions is document ed and unquestionable. What Williams conveniently omits is that the air bag is only part of a , total package of safety devices Detroit should be putting in cars now. No air bag devotee has ever claimed them to be substitutes for structural safeguards, seat belts or windshield standards. Perhaps Williams prefers to spend his $200 on imitation leopard-skin bucket seats or 70 more cubic inches of engine. I would rather have air bags. Max Holland Fi!m review concern Dear editor, Two of her reviews have made me wonder if K. Alice Bctts knows anything about film. Twice, she has lightly dismissed what an overwhelming number of the nation's critics deemed excellent films-Nashville and The Night Porter. My main concerns are with her Night Porter review (Daily Nebraskan, Sept. 22). I wonder if Betts sat through the entire film. If she did, I don't understand her bewilderment at the progression of events. Bogarde and Rampling were in love (sado-masochistic, but love nonetheless). Both had committed crimes. He was a murderer and she was a collaborator. For these reasons, Bogarde's Nazis (bent on destroying all evidence and' witnesses of their war crimes) pursue the couple and even tually eliminate them. The sex in film was never pornographic. I suggest rather a limited knowledge of aberrant behavior on the part of Betts. If she knew anything about Masters and Johnson she wouldn't have made them party to her narrow view of sex. In her criticism both of Nashville and The Night Porter, Betts complains about the lack of good characterizations when it was the characterizations that yielded international' acclaim for both films. The lack of plot in Nashville was intentional, but that fact managed to elude her. In Night Porter there were no "messages" to "laugh 1 , away in disgust" ( which makes me wonder what Beits was laughing at disgustedly). And since I doubt she could recognize (much less explain) the motivating factors in a sado-masochistic relationship, I am not surprised that she found them "vague." It pains me to think that some students wont go to see this film solely or the basis of Betts's surface treatment of it. If she likes films that come In nice ribbons and are placed neatly within her immediate realm of understanding, she is doing the art form and th tiiHnt a disservice by reviewing any film that doesn't fall in that category. Art Alexander Name calling Dear editor, Granting Betts her obvious Virginal Plains Innocence, one might have hoped she could critique Vie Night Porter with objectivity or honesty. Instead, she resorts to name calling as a smoke screen for her inability to understand the film's treatment of history and psychology. Given her youth, Betts can be forgiven her historical stupidity, though she should be expected to have at least a .passing interest in the mythic significance of violence and dehumanization embodied in Nazism. I also gather she must think of love as Valentine hearts and flowers, not the bare foot on broken glass or the heel grinding the lover's hand deeper into pain. So tell her to get off her Masters and Johnson and confront some gut level sex and blood. Love and pain. If she dares. Which leads to my second point-her blithe indifference to the workings of the human mind. Other than a crash course in the School of Ha-i knocks, my only suggestion to Betts would be to open her eyes and ears to the world aroung her, and maybe to read some Freud or Jung. Capping all is her Inability to follow a ridiculously direct screenplay. If she can't see what is plain on the screen, she. shouldn't pretend to be a film critic. "Heinrich