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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1975)
friday, ssptannher 26, 197s page 2 daily nebraskan short sWr The I Mexican American Student Association (MASA) is sponsoring a radio program today on KRNU (FM 903). ' The program will be from 6 p.m. to 7 pjn. and will consist of Chicano-Latino music and entertainment. . . :':.' ".' . . . , :-;" tlie'tJNL Publications Committee will meet - Saturday at 9:30 ajn. in the Nebraska Union. The room number will be posted, ; ; . The Kappa Alpha Psi Kittens are spon soring a Minority Faculty and Student Tea at 3 p.m. Sunday' at -the Education Development Learning Center, 7005 Selleck Quadrangle. ' . - ' ' . . . .r .-' .' . The -International Student Union will meet at 8 pjn. Sunday in the Lutheran Student Chapcf, 15th and Q Streets. Following the meeting, Dr. C. K. Walters of the, Marketing Dept. will show slides of Russia. Bargaining hearing held The NU College of Law and the NU Col lege of Dentistry both were granted the power to present' arguments that they should be excluded from the bargaining unit. Both groups had notified AAUP they did npt wish to be in the proposed unit, but they must prove they should not be included if the court decides that the unit will be comprised of the whole university system. Wright called Richard Noonan, director of system .personnel, and Steven Sample, executive vice president for academic affairs, in an apparent effort to show that a community of interest exists between the three campuses. Noonan said the major accounting prac tices of the university, payroll procedure and fringe benefits such as insurance plans and pension overlap among the three campuses, thus creating a community ot interest. Sample testified that the- mission of the three campuses is clearly defined in the Toward Excellence program. Wright said he will call two more wit nesses Friday; ' V Others testifying at the hearing included: Richard Gilbert, chemical engineering professor. -Erwin Goldenstein, history and philosophy of education professor. ' James Kimberly, professor of sociolo gy and department chairman. -John Robinson, professor of English and department chairman. , '" -John Schultz, chemistry professor. The hearing will reconvene at 9:30 Friday in room 109 of the Terminal Bldg., 10th and O streets. - ' SDonsored by the Gay Action Group will be Sunday from 9 p.rn. to midnight at Commonplace, 333 N. I4tn. Applications for degrees or certificates to be received at the end of the fust semester must be in by Oct. 1. Applica tion! may be picked up at the Office of Registration and Records, Information Window, Administration Bldg. Students interested in applying for the Fulbright-Hays Scholarship for graduate study abroad are urged to pick up applications in Oldfather Hall 1033. Dead line for applications is Oct. 1 . ' This year's first meeting of the UNL Young Republicans is scheduled for Sept. 30 at 7 pjn. in the Nebraska Union. Guest speakers will be representatives of Pres ident Ford and former California Governor Ronald Reagan. Correction Two errors appeared in the list of administrators' salaries in the Wednesday Daily Nebraskan. David McGill, assistant to the vice chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, is paid $28,881, not $14,388; and Quentin Gessner.dean of Continuing Studies, is paid $36,168, not $22,550. A meeting of the Accounting Club is planned for Oct. 1 at 3:45 p.ra in the Nebraska Union. A representative from the firm of Haskins and Sells will discuss the Management Advisory Serivce. ' - The Mexican American Student Association (MASA) will hold an open election Wednesday, Oct. 1, for the position of co-chairman. Any Mexican American UNL student is welcome to attend and try for the office. Weekly meet ings are held Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. . doily 11c roskon Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brit, Newt Editors: Randy Gordon and Lorl Demo, Managing Editor: Stan Linhorst, Associate Newt Editor: Gina Hills, Layout Editor: Mich) Schmat, Sportt Editor: Larry Stunkel, Third .Dimension Editor: Vine Boucher, Butinett Manager: Jerri Hautsler, Advertiting Manager: Mary Ann Myers' Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Second Ctasr Pottage paid at Lincoln, Neb 68501. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone: (402) 472-2588. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters. Copyright 1975, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except .material covered by another copyright. ' V vim fer&rome ' Nebraska's QUALITY Department Stores the Texas Instrument SR-51A.. the calculators that work their way through college! $14595 The SR-51A performs logarithms, trigonom etries, hyperbolic! , powers, roots, reciprocals, factorials, linear regression, mean, veriance and standard deviation. It features an alge braic keyboard with dual function keys that Increase the power of the SR-51A without increasing its size. Rechargeable batteries or AC operation. i, -, ... , Hewlett-Packard Calculators... the uncompromising ones. Shown left, theHP-21 Scientific $1 25 There are 32 built-in functions and operations that perform all log and trig functions, the latter In radians or degrees; rectangularpolar conversions; register arithmetic; common log evaluation.' And performs all basic data manipulations. . The HP-25 Scientific Programmable $195 72 built-in functions and operations. Keystroke programmability. The auto matic answer to repetitive problems. ? J 2- AHIANA' Woolen blankets . . will keep .ycu for all the BIG RED ball games 1235 Q Gunny's 432-0090 tttte)a99fe99tM 1 1 m ni ! V" Both HP-21 and HP-25 . features RPN logic system with 4 -memory stack and full decimal display control. Stationery, Lincoln Center and Gateway HEWLETT M PACKARD RAM DAS Formerly Dr. Richard Alport Harvard Professor Psychedelics Researcher Lecturer fit Philosopher Part of tht C j m n y ? Si l fti bunday. September 28 iS.rf 3 p.m. Sheldon Smiinfi v-v w,r""uv vi cil KAi ID !u Brought to you bv th .... uuman Potentials ComminccH . : Author of Be Her Nowl anH Tha Dnvl Dance There Is Most focal elder brother of The Youthful Spiritual Community in i if i