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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1975)
page 1 5 daily nebraskan wanteds jFpmJi-BVimmV',Pm 'mn III"1'1"!"!! I' I II IIIU'WI FIRST DOWN I On sale again this Frldcy p.m. & Saturday. Look for it on your way to the NUIU game or call 472-2588 for volume discounts. 1971 Subaru station wagon: new radial i, air, low mileage, front wheel drive, $1475. 435-5850 after 5 p.m. 1973 Mazda: 4-spd, radial tlret plus snows, excellent winter car. Call Dave at 474- 2068. 1964 Ford vsn; 6-cylinder, 2-tone apint, radio, carpeted. Call 423-0787. ,,. 1975 550 Suzuki, $1095, excellent condition, 474-2330. 1974 Honda 530, 1200 highway miles. Excellent condi tion, $1,500. Call 432-7047. evenings. , ' . I HI II II I i I ' i i Hill 1974 250 Suzuki only 350 miles. Call after 5 p.m. 435 6126.. , , ' NATURAL SOUND Incomparable Fulton J speakers Full range Fulton 100 speakers. Inherently musical Fulton 80 speakers, Paoli tube amplifiers, Transcriptors . glass turntable. Shown by appointment. Quality equipment In all ' price rangs. Trade-ins accepted, large selec tion of used equllment: KLH5 speakers, mint condition; Macintosh 240 tube amplifier, 5" bw Sony TV, superscope A245 integrated amp, JVC 8-track, Sharp earphones. Heath tuner (mono), several compacts. 475- 3325, 1021 Ciaremont. Run to finance warm-ups To earn money for new warm-ups, the UNL women's volleyball team will run to Omaha Sunday. , - Tes'n n!?n,.btrs sr? tk tog per-mile pledges for' the 55-mUe jog, according to Coach Pet Sullivan. The idea of a run result ed from a brainstorming ses sion by team members when they discovered the one set of warm-ups available for the team is too small for some players. Sixteen volleybal.plsyers will leave at 10 ajn. Sunday from the Women's Physical Education Bldg. Cars. will nrn ill it its TETtl IBIS fit? i I R U T Ml I TTTi A VI I 'II t, I it!.-. Ml ttr mm 1 I I'M MT t U i V 1 , in TO as H f- (n It t ilk Answer to Thursday! crossword puzzle. .' TEAC 220 cassette deck, TEAC AN60 Dolby unit, two years old. Retail for $280. Will take best offer. Call 435-8359. Gibson guitar, $275. Fender reverb amp, $125. Fender guitar, $75. 475-6018 eves. With student or faculty ID, 10 discount on all portable TV's, stereos, 10-spd. bikes & Goodyear tires except promo tional models. Goodyear Service Store, 1918 "O" Street, 432 6521. FOR SALE: FIRST DOWNI Sold at home games again this year for ONLY A DIME! Look for it on your way to the stadium or call 472-2583 for volume discounts. 1972 SL350 Honda Motosport. Good condition. Call evenings, 483-1 51 3. Maranti 4270 receiver 4JBL L-100's. 474-2330. Lloyd's AMFM 8-track Multiplex stereo with speakers; first $110 takes it. Call 477 7642 evenings. One pair Klipch Cornwall speakers, 4 months old. 799 2393 efter 1 p.m. '1974 350 Herley Davidson; low mileage, excellent condi tion. Call 423-3824 between 3-9p.m. House plants for sale- I Wholesale oreenhouse i rrvariftaer tallina orivate Stock of large and unusual plants. Sunday only iu-o p.m. 3919 Garfield The Sampler , Specializes in antique clothing and accessories; also furniture, nostalgia. 12:30-5 p.m. daily. Thursday evenings, Sunday 1-4 1-4p.m. "corner of 27th ft Vine" Daily Nebraskan is selling two custom-made' drafting tables and two custom-made light tables. Used less than one year. Asking $75 eack for draft ing tobies; $100 each for light tables. Ideal for paste-up work, drafting, or art. See at 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 "R" St. or phone Kitty or Jerri at (402)472-2590. Sublease apartment. Furn- khed Tell utE paid. 29th p" - $120mo. Call , 432-7393. travel along the route to keep track of the runners and bring them back , to . nlnin Jn competition, the vol- leyball teams will see action MEET YOURSELF And a People who want to explore their lim itless human potential. That's what the - human potential movement' is all about. "d what "Weekend With Will Schuti I. ill about. Dr. SchuM, plormr lit he movement, author of best-selling Jov and Elements of Encounter, will ""rJ . i- .nnnrtun!tV for VOU to discover more about yourself the joy of being unique human The'Wen Su a, open nglon will be from DR. WILL SCHUTI sSRo'w JSffJS run from 8:30-Noon, 2:30-6:00. followed by JSXnnJ chats In the af Noon (aKKV to attend any or all s.- . Name aare...".."" incloesd is eheck for tsa (oaveble by Check Bmk Amer Tow hbi""-" ' Lincoln. . Nb. Wm2 ( lft W"dfcr '' ''.ftp- ",IHil,miM.iT.irtaiilMni,nl It., J Enjoy meeting people? Good and easy way to make money apply in person. to Mary Sharpneck or call for appointment. VALENTINO'S SOUTH 70th & Van Dorn 483-281 1 CITY CARRIER ROUTE SUPERVISOR Excellent opportunity for university student with car able to work afternoons and Sat. in newspaper circulation dept. This is a permanent job on a part-time basis, about 30 hours per week. Applicants should be mature, able to communicate with children 12-15 years of age. Good pay with mileage expenses for your car and a fine opportunity to gain practical experience. Please apply 8a .m .-2p.m. or call Mr. Oglesby at 473-7349 for an interview appointment. Journal Star Printing Co. 926 "P". Drive attendant wanted part time. Crest Oil. 2801 "O" St. LIVE-IN County seeks females with the ability to live with and maintain a close relationship with mentally retarded persons. Hours 6:30a.m.-7:30a.m. and 6p.m.-8p.m. Monday through Sunday. Share rent and food costs. Apply: City Personnel Office, County-City Buildind, 555 So. 10th, Room B-248. ., An Equel Opportunity Employer MESSENGER. From 9a.m. 'to 12 noon Monday through Friday. Work days that you can. Two persons could alter nate. Call 466-0156. BURGER CHEF needs full-timepart-time help. Earn extra income. See manager at 13th & "P" St. 475-4672. Full and part-time day wait resses. Apply, at J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. , Imperial Outdoor needs lady for part-time secretarial work 20 hours per week. 2-5598. ' - Saturday when they travel to Fremont to play Midland, Lutheran College at 9:30 a-m- Both varsitv d unior varsity are 1-0 for the seasun. lot of Other People, Too. and crea- ft ...Telephone.........."""""" " T!T,.tt Zip EKDlratlon Date........" Wo Need babysitter for two month old infant. My home (25th & "A") from 4p.m. 12p.m. five days a week. Must have own transportation. Wages negotiable. Phone 435-2313. - Two viripotent Saw students require part-time maid. Fringe benefits albeit nominal compen sation. 475-8618 after cocktail hour for appointment. . WANTEO: Person with knowledge and experience in cassette recording. Dave. 435 0S40. V One or two female room mates to share house. Will have your own room, 475-2274. One female roommate to share nice apartment with two female roommates near city campus. Call 475-9042 3:30-p.m. J One or two male roommates to share two bdrm. furnished apartment near East Campus. Call 464-7315. Male or female to share small two bdrm. house. Own room, approximately $85 utilities. Call 475-8975 7-8ajn. or 10-1 1p.m. amttimmiAu wimhiii. infii'ipiiw H.E.E.A. HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION ASSOC. CRAFTS DAY FRIDAY SEPT. 28 RM. 21 HOME EC BLDG. PUBLIC INVITATED Haymarket classes starts soon. Sculpture, painting, sketching, printmaklng, pottery, batik. Call 432-7373. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS ' Start of God's 1 25 27 28 32 34 words to Moses 4 8 11 IS 13 More of 1 Across End of 1 Across Journey Moon arcs d'Azur Closing word IS 3S 40 41 42 43 44 48 51 17 kind of type 18 Western Indians 19 Enjoy Iowa or Ohio, to the French Hunter and Fleming, Shows age, as 20 21 22 1 12 13 l 14 15 16 17- I "18 10 " ' WsifcsK If jur ' , r ttmti1i- i rrHTWil wmmmmm 11, , ; 12 13 M ; 15 19, ... I 120 i 21 .' --jH - 2g "27 ' T""" 2T"2?T37l3r 41. . , J f . I 43 44 . 45 48 4? r-S- - t 49 so I $i - ... ; 52 53 J54. 55 (356 57 I M I,- , ,, ' j i in 7 niai' ' 1 59 j 60 81 i in f - - ""rr "" 66 ' i sponsored by: UNL YOung Republicans meeting Tues. Sept. 30, 7p.m., Union. Representatives from Ford and Reagan campaigns will discuss who's the Better Candidate. Typing done In my home. Call 477-1688. 1 FAST, EXPERT TYPING and authoritative advice on grammar, structure, and style. We're superb spellers, too, Elaine & Dick, 435-5879 432-2643. n ii i ..... . . . j WATCH REPAIR NEW ADDRESS - 335 N. 12th Around corner south from Nebr. Bookstore. All makes repaired Seiko to Timex. Reasonable fast accurate. Come sea me! Dick. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE . 432-3414 LOST: 1 Tridly-Dee Pleeb; vicinity east of 84th & Pioneer. Contact: M.S., 435-0731. LOST: lady's gold Bulova watch. Near Westbrook Hall. Phone 464-4829 after 5 p.m. READ THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS FOR A CHANGE paper 53 Resins 56 Graceful woman 58 Draw a bead on 59 Sesame CD What Moses 62 saw, with . , 63 53 Down 64 Worshiper of an , 63 ancient deity 66 Does a police job Persuaded 67 Pacific porgy - 68 Seed coat Snoops Misfortunes 1 Voice quality ; .-. 2 Under-eye woes Delineate Rolling stock Military body Novices Lincoln et al. Gentlemen ' . Drudge Robt. ' White House initials German river Print measures DOWN The Boot Hosts Lady Globo Scorebbrird Listen to the Lady Glob Scorr-ooard every Friday night for the scores of your favorite high school team or call 432-5606. KFOR 1240 on ypur dial Lost at game Sept. 20, one pair man's gold rimmed aviator glasses in dk.' brown case. Reward given. Call 466 4379. FOUND - Springer spaniel female, about one year old, 488-5375. Lost on UNL campus: male short-haired cat, black with white face and stockings. Please call 477-2995. Let mMom and Dad keep on top of what's happening on campus. Send them a subscrip tion to the DAILY NEBRASKAN! I Just send a check and the name and address where you want the subscrip tion sent to Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 'TV St., Lincoln, Ne. 68508 1 year$ 12.50 1 semester -$7.50 ERNEST: JULIO says we have GALLOns fruit wine con centrates to make marvelous wines at home. Barbara. WINE MAKER SHOP, 433 So. 13th, 435710. ' l Edited by WILL WENG Courtesy of the New York Times 3 In a timid way 4 Common sentence starter 5a Nathan and ; ' others i 6 Got down 7 Bottom-line s figure 8 Small amount 9 Solar disk 10 Hodgepodge . 12 ". . . the - of parting day" 14 Bristle 15 Haute . 23 Kind of Illusion 24 Part of an egg 26 Vulture fare . 29 Incorrect: Prefix 30 Insect 31 Wire messages: Abbr. 33 Showed the way 34 the breeze v ?5 H?.V?n?; Pf?r"l 36 Boring tool 37 French donkey 38 Newspaper , offerings .0 Old musicians , 45 Ancient people of Iran 46 Make possible , 47 Kind of door ; 49 Rents , 50 Copy-editor's ' concern . 51 Push 52 Curves ' 53 See 34 Across : 64 Black birds 53 Encircled 57 Steep rock 61 Indian weight $