The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1975, Page page 5, Image 5
thursday, September 25, 1975 daily nehraskan page 5 onal Rcp Continued from d.1 According to Marvin Twiehaus, chair man of UNL's Veterinary Science Depart ment, this task force of governor appoint ees from the five states have completed phase one of their study which determined the need for a regional veterinary school. Phase two will determine in which of the five states the school will be located and how it will be financed, he said. The following determinants will help the task force decide the site for the school, Twiehaus said. -Source of clinical material available at each of the five schools. -Existing buildings and libraries at each school. -What .a regional veterinary school would be worth to each state. According to UNL's Dean of Agricul xture TJE. Hartung, Cole has visited the five state schools comparing sites to find the best equipped and most logical place for a veterinary school. Hartung said he has been working with Cole gathering UNL Veter inary Science Department data, and added that Cole ha3 been interviewing veterinary science staff members, Hartung said he hopes the commission will look "very strongly" at Lincoln as a Demand for tutors rises By Sandy Mohr The Minority Affairs Office needs tutors, and the situation will probably worsen before it improves, according to Jirnmi Smith, director of Minority Affairs. The office currently needs seven tutors: two in human development, two in geogra phy, one in upper level accounting, one in criminal justice and one in physics, he said. Smith said he expects an increase in de mand when down slips are mailed next week, causing what he thinks may be a rush of people wanting tutors. The Minority Affairs Office sends out . letters to every minority student receiving a down slip. The letter requests that the student come into the office to obtain help. Some of the black student organizations established a minimum 2.0 grade point average (CPA) for those in the organiza tion, and their officers are asking for tutors for some of their members, according to Smith. Because of the lack of response to present tutorial needs, Smith said he doubts whehter he will get the number of people needed to meet the expected rush. "Every . year it's misery after downs come out. We never, ever get enough people to fill our needs," he said. . In order to obtain tutors, Nina Hansen, secretary of Special Services in the Depart ment of Minority Affairs, contacts. the aca demic departments in areas where tutors are needed. . ." If this fails, they say they will contact their graduate assistants and, as a final try, they may announce the position to their 400-level courses. - Hansen said she tried solidly for two weeks to fill the seven open tutoring positions, but has received no response. Although there may be a large request for tutors, Smith said that they try to maintain a one to three ratio of tutors to students. They do not wish to infringe on the tutor, Smith said. The tutors, who are paid $2.50 an hour, may spend from two hours to more than ten hours a week with a student. possible site for the regional school and said he is encouraging officials to consider the state. The Old West Regional Commission, in a meeting last Friday at Rapid City, S. Dak., reached no decisions about a future site because the meeting centered around discussion of Colorado State's veterinary school, Twiehaus said. White said Nebraska pays the bulk of the tuition costs for out-of-state students, and receives direct benefits only if students return to Nebraska to practice veterinary medicine. He said a study done by UNL's veterinary science department last year stated that the return rate of out-of-state students who receive their doctorate after completing pre-veterinary training at UNL is not meeting the state's demands for veterinarians. - The cost of a regional veterinary school will be about $50 million, said WhKe. The task force will decide the source of .financ ing and how the - money will be appropriated. Vet. Science prof resigns Marvin Twiehaus, chairman of UNL's - Veterinary Science Dept., is retiring from his position Jan. 1, or as soon after that as a suitable replacement is found. ; Twiehaus will remain on the Veterinary Science Dept. staff until June 30, 1976, he said. He then will retire at age 65, efter 12 years of teaching at UNL. Twiehaus said he has no definite retirement plans, but said he hopes to remain involved with veterinary activity. ; , " Gary said Vorhies and other members of the planning committee will report to the five states' governors at a December meeting to give a commission report and make recommendations. After that Gary said the governors of each state will have to sell the plan to their respective state legislatures. Livestock lab nears finish Construction of the diagnostic lab for livestock on East Campus is nearing com pletion and work has begun on two other veterinary science buildings. According to College of Agriculture Dean TJE. Hartung, the animal health re search and diagnostic complex should be completed in 18 to 24 months, and the diagnostic lab by Jan. 1, 1976. The animallivestock holding facility and the basic science research buildings are being built adjacent to the diagnostic lab and will be northwest of the Law College Bldg. - The state-funded project will give us "a very excellent facility for Nebraska and one which will provide services equal to those of veterinary schools in surrounding states," Hartung said. He said the present diagnostic staff members are moving into the new lab. Al though staffing is not at full capacity, the Veterinary Science Dept. is seeking full staff appropriation on the 1976-77 budget. . Approved by the NU Board of Regents, the proposal is being considered by Governor J. James Exon and the Legislature. Hartung said the diagnostic lab should" bs at full capacity by next July. Gay Action Rap Line 475-5710 evenings Don't just sit there with your teeth in your mouth, get guitar OLSTOfl'S : INDEPENDENT-' specialists, inc. 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