The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1975, Page page 2, Image 2
thursday, September 25, 1975 page 2 daily nebraskan short s The UNL Publications Committee will meet Saturday at 9:30 pjn. in the Nebraska Union. The room number will be posted. ASUN is conducting interviews for those people applying for Senate com mittee appointments and Home Economics senator. Interviews will be in the Nebraska Union 334, at 6:3,0 pjn. The Lincoln City Council is sponsoring a nuclear power public hearing for dis cussion of Lincoln's energy future. The meeting will be at the City Council Chambers, County-City Bldg., 7:30 tonight. Kappa Alpha Psi kittens are sponsoring a Minority Faculty and Student Tea at the Educational Development Learning . Center, 7005 Selleck. An Undergraduate Psychology Organ izational meeting is planned for tonight at 7 in Burnett 35. Career possibilities for those in psychology with a bachelors degree will be discussed. Deadline for making applications for degrees or certificates to be received at the end of first semester is Oct. 1. Applications may be picked up at the Office of Registrar tion and Records, Information Window, Administration Bldg. Veterinary students planning to apply to the University of Minnesota College ot Veterinary medicine must take the Graduate Record Examinations (Aptitude; before Jan. 1, 1976. The test will be given Dec. 13. Closing date for applications is Nov. 12. Applications may be picked up at 1220 Seaton Hall. Students interested in applying for the Fulbright-Hays scholarship for study abroad are urged to pick ud aDnlimtiY.,,. Oldfather 1033. Deadline for applications is Oct. I. -.-- ' Applications for studying abroad during the 1976-77 academic year are being accepted by the Scandinavian Seminar! This program includes study in Denmark Finland, Norway or Sweden. For more information write to: Scandinavian Seminar, 100 East 85th St. New York NT 10028. ' , . CO Meetings scheduled tonight - The Council on Student Life will meet tonight at 7 in the Nebraska Union Pewter Room. Agenda I Approval of minutes. II Report of ad hoc group on how student feet relate to credit hours. III Football ticket policy discussion. IV Report on letter to Publications Committee. The Residence Hall Association will meet tonight at 6:30 in the basement conference room of Seaton Hall. Agenda I Ombudsman, Alan Oitmer II Refrigerators III Approval of committee chairmen IV Complaints A. Hours at desk B. Cable TV C. SIRK V Housing hearing board ' VI Budget VII Announcements Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.-Bicycle Li censesMemorial Plaza. 8 ajn.-5 p.m.-Campus Se curityLaw Enforcement Agen ciesNebraska Union Main Lounge. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.-Thlrd Inter national Institute on Elliposme-try-Nebraska Center for Con tinuing Education (NCCE). 8:30 a.m.-Student Affairs Staff-Union 243. 8:30 a.m. Personnel Unem ployment Compensation Work shop Union Auditorium. 12:25-Department of Marketing-Luncheon-Union Pewter Room. 2:30p.m.-Universlty Health Center food handlers meeting Union Auditorium. 3:30 p.m. -ASUN Constitu tion Committee-Union 243. 3:30 p.m. Union Program Council Jazz and Java-Union South Crib. 5:30 p.m. Council on Stu dent Life Housing Policy Com mitteeUnion Pewter Room. 5:30 p.m.-Phl Mu Alpha Sinfonia-Union Harvest Room. 6 p.m.-Builder$ Exec. Union North Conference Room. 6:30 p.m. Builders Union North Conference Room. 7 pjn.-Assertivenesi Train-ing-NCCE. 7 p.m.-Council on Student Life-Union Pewter Room. 7 p.m.-Unlv. Health Center food handlers-Union Auditorium. 7 p.m. B aha I Association Union 216. 7 p.m.-Minority tutoring Union 225. Affairs. 7:30 p.m.-Delta Sigma Pi Union 242. 7:30 p.m.-Students Inter national Meditation Society-Union-South Conference Room. 7:30 p.m.-Math Counselors-Union 225. doily new Editor-in-chief: Rebecca Brlte, Naws Editors: Randy Gordon and Lori Demo, Managing Editor: Stan Linhorst, Associate News Editor: Gina Hills, Layout Editor: Michela Schmel, Night News Editor: John Kalkowskl, Arts and Entertainment Editor: Robert Thurber, Sports Editor: Larry Stunkel, Third Dimension Edit v: Vince Boucher. Photo Chief, Ted Kirk, Business Manager: Jerri Haussler, Advertising Manager: Mary Ann Myers, Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Second Class Postage paid at Lincoln, Nb 68588. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone: (402) 472-2588. Copyright 1975, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission If attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright. I V" """""""""fl I I f I 111 If P-T I I I II 5:30 pan.-Councll of Amer- J I J I I ''' '"" I j 232 ,ndi,Mi: $tUdent,U"i0n rv) ) k)Q) IPAll STr :!A lf Msstf ' - ! i fcritiew mr u- ..oil , sijraaM'' n9fsnH ; - ,v -;" ' Ofhi Olhlfll!((Wi(ril llinni ie'vi mi m mi ' ' fJ jf Ov V " I i -25 m mint' J 1 : A- RAYS JIC TilS . .. ' ' LJ L.J . .. .;i.,,, "L.- , ; . SILL m EEC00. ' ) ' . - ;.- . . I. . . SME EDS SITOH. i '-V : 9mm, . ,.wwwwit3 t ' '" . ' .! If ' ' : . l&h'y'X 1 I - " ! .. ftii "v- iv.n-J r II :;; Open 8-5, Monday -Saturday - . . i ! 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