thursday, September 25, 1975 daily nebraskan page 1 1 Pit Stop Doit-yourself tune-uoscan help car's gas mileage By Jim Williams , With all the weird complaints in this paper's letters to the editor section, it's nice to read an intelligent one by someone who knows shat he's talking about-even if I'm the target. William E. SpeeceY tetter Wednesday must be the penalty for writing a column at 3 a.m. I didn't write the headline for last week's piece, and didn't mean to imply that wicked politicians wers tampering with the county's bridges-only that some hadn't yet been inspected because the money wasn't available. I warned others not to use the bridge in the contest notice, because I realize that what's safe for me to do once in a one-ton sport scar isn't safe for someone in a ten-ton truck to do every day. ; " The bridge analogy was a bad one. The point of the column was that not all safety decisions- are made by experts such as Associate Professor Speece. Some, like the air bag rule, are wholly political-and my thoughts on that remain unchanged. Suggestion to the Roads Dept.-why not block off those weak bridges so nuts hke me can't use them at all? Some people don't read signs. Laurel leaves Three more Czechburg-finders reported in too late for last week's column. So congratulations to Kent Pearson, Jayne Polacek and Lynn Crandall. Lynn Crandall's note had a comment: "You guys aren't helping the fuel crisis -especially mine-very much." True, motor sports use more gas than sitting home watching Kojak-but you .enthusiastic readers can do something about it. The hot tip for good mileage is a tune-up. A tune-up covers minor adjustments that keep an engine at top efficiencyr You can pay a garage to do it every six months, but on older cars it's easy enough to try yourself. 75 and 76 models are more difficult because of their smog controls. But wait, you cry, I can hardly find the engine. That's where a good book comes in. Hip car tips Coma, by David Rosenblum (Harper & Row, $455) is such a book. Rosenblum first taught auto repair in a meadow in Woodstock, N.Y., so you can imagine his writing is hip and flip as hip and flip as one can be about breaker points, anyhow. To really learn from this book, you should actually do everything it says right down to groping in your toilet tank to learn about carburetors. If you follow through, youll learn to do a good tune up and fix some common troubles. Local bookstores- usually haye Carma and another good one, Most Miles per Gallon bv Dick OTCane. Read and learn. , ' Mileage and myth Once you can tune your car, you can defend yourself against those who say "motor sports waste gas." The enthusiast's car is likely to be more efficient and better tuned than the average car. In fact, motor sports . consume less fuel than sporting activities such as i cations, football and baseball. Of big-league sports, only golf uses less. But I'm not advocating carelessness. Jf I couldn't get another, I wouldn't trade my ten-speed bike for a Ferrari. Stranger than truth Finally, I have an event to announce, but it's weird. The "Trans-Nebraska Open" is a sort of statewide 980-mile scavenger hunt and endurance test, planned for Thanksgiving break (Nov. 2o-Dec,l) Its organizers insist on anonymity-I had to interview cne in a shower but you can write TNO, 1217 Love Hall, 540 No. 16th St., for information. ., "Our entrants don't feel the Trans Nebraska is illegal-merely that it's impossible," said one organizer. You can't say you weren't warned. sports "SilflS Two UNL women's Softball players have been awarded scholarships for 1975-76, announced softball coach Myreen Loveless. Julie Marie Geis, a senior from Beaver Crossing, Neb., and Paula Pritchard, dsophj bmore from Falls City, Neb., were awardea tuition and fees scholarships. Geis and Pritchard are the only women to r receive softball scholarships, this year Loveless said. IN ORDER TO INCREASE OUR STOCK PRIOR TO uuh umaiyu urtmrou, wt will hay you: $1.00 each-- For your high quality used record albums (no scratches) $1.25 each For your used 8-track tapes and . cassettes CASH For your old comics and comic related material UNTIL SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27 TRADE-A TAPE & RECORDS 1127 P Street Lincoln, Ne. OPEN 11-6 Every Day . MILK ISN'T THE ONLY THING FROM CAGTUS 9 t 9 Pipe Smokers- I 'rw 1 , fa 17 a 1 LA I I I Enter District J 1 Ul ffc n0XM$tt Pioe Smoking Contest I fil p-" Sun. Oct. 12 2 p.m. Il l 3 1 ...a5! 1204 'O' St. II I II I I 9kshR tKj "jIliIOIj S NEW LOOK...Our Downtown shop is larger (we keep growing to meet your increased interest In skiing). We've added downhill equipment to the clothing and Cross Country gear carried at our Rathbone Village "Ski Stop". And both shops have a brand new look we think you'll like. NEW LINES... Some of the best names in ski equip ment and clothing are exclusively ours, and the look is dynamite! NEW RENTALS... 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