The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1975, Page page 2, Image 2

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    daily nebraskan
short sfcul
Jhere is one ASUN senate position open for a
representative from the College of Home Economics.
. There are also openings on:
Housing Policy Committee : Grading
Intercollegiate Athletics Human Rights
Parking Appeals Committee on Equality
ROTC Advisory Board Libraries (grad.)
Campus Security Advisory Board
Student Suspension & Dismissal
Teaching Council (grad.)
Career Action Commission
UNL Police Committee
Commencement Committee
If interested come to or call the ASUN office,
334 Neb. Union;
1 Audio Sys
September 22 October 4.
. Now you will have the opportunity to evaluate the per
formance of your turntable and cartridge. Audio Systems
and Design will have in our store, testing equipment
that provides objective assessment of your record playing
system's actual performance ability. You may watch
each measurement made on your unit and will receive a
written copy of the results - a complete evaluation of
your record playing system.
fi p fie will include: evaluation of stylus;
Hcis?Parat1dh, balance and output voltage; weighted
- and unweighted rumble; wow and flutter; and tonearm
, resonance. All measurements will be made with your
cartridge in the tonearm of your turntable. It's important
to remember that they act as a unit when you are playing
a record, and must be tested as "such to have the results
be meaningful. 1
We beiieve this ciinic is an excellent opportunity to gain
appreciable insight into your turntable, tonearm and
cartridge ... how they operate as an integrated whole and
how they affect the sound you hear.
.W5 s.k.onIy two things: Please make an appointment.
The individual nature of each testing session makes it '
mandatory. Call or stop in for your appointment. Secondly,
bring in both turntable and cartridge.
National Direct Sudent
Loan checks may be picked
up at Nebraska Union 221.
Student ID is required to
receive your check. For
further information,
contact the UNL Financial
Aids Office.
Students interested in
government and student
issues are invited to attend
a meeting of the Govern
ment Liaison Committee
Tuesday, 7 pjn. at the
Nebraska Union.
Members are needed to
help the ASUN Constitution
Committee review constitu
tions of student organiza
tions. A meeting is schedul
ed for Sept. 23, 3:30 pjn.,
in the Nebraska Union.
Interviews for people
applying for ASUN Elector
al Commission are planned
for Tuesday, 6:30 pjn.,
in Nebraska Union 334.
An ASUN Standing
Committee Chairperson
meeting is scheduled for
Sept. 24 at 8 pjn. in
Nebraska Union 334.
Interviews for those
people who applied for
ASUN committee appoint
ments and Home Economics
senator are scheduled for
6:30 p.m., Thursday Sept.
25 in Nebraska Union 334.
An organizational meet
ing for all special education
majors is scheduled for
today at 4:30 pjn. in
Henzlik Hall 35
ASUN needs two
appointments to the UNL
Police Committee which
ensures compliance with the
codes of ethics in enforce
ment and advises Campus
Police Chief Gail Gade. For
further information, contact
the ASUN office.
Editor-in-chief: Rebecw
Brit.. News Editon: Randy
Gordon and Lori Demo, Manag.
ing Editor: Stan Linhorit
Associate News Editor: Gins'
Hills, layout Editor: Michel,
Schmal,. Night News Editor
John Kalkowskl, Arts and
Entertainment Editor: Robert
Thurber, Sports Editor: Larry
Stunkef, Third Dimension Edi
tor: Vine Boucher. Photo Chief
Ted Kirk, Business Manager
Jerri Haussler. Advertising
Manager: Mary Ann Myers, Pro
duction Manager: Kitty Policky.
Second Class Postage paid at
Lincoln, Neb., 68588.
Address: The Daily Nebras
kan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th
and R streets, Lincoln, Neb
68588. Telephone: (402) 472
2588. ,
Copyright 1975. the Daily
Nebreskan. Material may be re
printed without permission if at
tributed to the Daily Nebraskan,
except material covered by
another copyright.
wilts a litmmi ( mum m
1 '
I 1
MY PAY $150 - $200 OR MORE
Save on Quality Contact Lenses. at .
Capitol Optical., priced so you can afford them
' ----- mmi-i
I 1 mi ii iiiipiiiim
1 11 H aiH ntv
iy ml
1 Tomo
- mm p.i
Second pair purchased at the same time,
for another person, ONLY S40
1101 "0" STREET
TELEPHONE 432-4824
To learn more about your equipment and how it
performs,, we invite you to take advantage of our free
turntablecartridge clinic.
,fn? t
Lincoln 5421 South 84th Street 489-9888
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mi ii n t i miia m J
Classical Indian
Master Sardonlst
mm i
ppov, Sopt. 2
. nobrasba Onion'
WrtChcarS UnJon Soulh Dc
!ldjyjlymPs3ui" on th Wisdom Of The East U J3S